My Lovely Student.

"Congratulations Miss ______  on Completing Your course..." principal said while giving me the diploma.

YEA! I  am DONE with this crappy things around me. I can have fun without worries, assignments, projects, quizzes, long exams and other things that a student hates so much.

"Hey Honey" Omma said.

"Omma!!" I shouted like a kid.

"Congratulations! you made it, I know you won't fail me."

yea yea, Omma expected alot from me since she is a single mom, her hopes are high when it comes to me. I am the summa laude of this school year, I graduated at a young age because Mom enrolled me to school when I was 3 and got accelerated to grade 2 immediately.

"Miss ______" My History professor went towards us.

"yes sir?"

"I'll take a leave for 2 months, would you mind substituting me on my class?"


"Yes sir, ofcourse she can." Omma intrude.

I love Omma, but most of the time she's giving me a BIG TIME CHAOS!

"oh~ that's good, You will teach the senior year, I guess you are older than them by 1 year."

Nice guess tsss.


Mom Opened the car she went straight to the driver's seat and I went to the passenger's seat, Big sigh everytime, That teaching thingy keeps on running in my head, can't they stop for awhile?! I am supposed to be having fun! YEA HAVING FUN.

"Are you okay honey?"

NO I AM NOT! "yes Omma. I am OK, really OK!"

I am pretty good in lying. and pretty good in acting too.

My phone vibrates, I brought it out, My History prof. just  send me a message. how did he know my number?!

"Is that your professor? I gave him your number."

I guess Omma is also pretty good in reading minds, can she read my mind right now? I WANT TO HAVE FUN I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK AND TEACH TO THAT FREAKIN' SCHOOL. can she read it? tsss.

I opened the message and it says:

Hi Good day Miss _______
I just want to give you my sincerest thanks for accepting my offer on substituting me on my class, by the way. My leave will start tomorrow, hope to see you there.

TOMORRRRRRROW?! can I die now?

"Professor will leave tomorrow. I want to have fu..."

"That's great! it means you are going to start teaching by tomorrow."

what's so great? it is not great. "Great? y-yea, it's great" Faking my smile.


"Goodmorning! Honey! all set for your first day as a teacher?"

what's so good in the morning? "yea..."

"what are you wearing?! a jeans and a simple tshirt? it's not the right outfit, I'll let you borrow my skirt and my blazer."

SAID WHAT? "a slocks is fine, I don't like skirts omma, you know that."

"ok, ok"


=FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL=  (as a teacher)

I went to the office to meet up with my great history professor, He explained everything to me. I will handle 1 section but will have an everyday meeting. Good thing it's only 1 section I don't need to memorize so many namessssssss of my students. We went to the classroom of the said section.

"Okay class! She is Miss _____, she will be your teacher for 2 months."

*witwew* a student whistled. "YAH who's that?!" the professor asked. But no one answered, hmmm a verydisciplined GOOD students will be with me everyday. IS THIS LIFE?

"I'll leave now Miss _____. oh by the way don't let them know that you just graduated yesterday, ok? Goodluck."

badluck is on the way, watch out!

Professor's last words makes me cry, seriously? these people?! NO WAY!.

Professor left and I am surrounded by different people.

a boy with a guitar on his side, a boy with an electrified hair, a boy with a rainbow colored hair, a girl with a foundation powder on her hand and with lipstick too, a shy girl, a nerdy nerd type,  sleeping beauties, AISH! KILL ME NOW!

Someone suddenly entered in class.

"Hi Goodmorning, you're too early for tomorrow." I said to the late student.

everyone laughed to what I've said. hmm what's so funny?

The late boy just stared at me from head to toe. In fairness this guy is so handsome, his polo shirt suits him... the biceps and everything is something you can't resist... OMYGOD what am I even saying? he's my student! I am the teacher. but I am Just a GIRL. okay.

"what's your name?"

"His name is LEE DONGHAE." one student shouted

okay~ nice name and nice face. SAY WHAT? o.O

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Chapter 17: I love this! Sequel juseyo!
1004ica #2
Chapter 17: Thank you for your awesome stories, authornim! :)
Sequel for this story please? /sobs
Chapter 17: sweet as candy^;^ Thank you for a sweet dream! Keep writing!
your stories will only get better!
donghaexreader #4
i love it! :)))))))))
Yes, you need to write a sequel! This was fantastic :D
Leigh-Ann #6
:"> it's a great story! :D<br />
sequel please~ HAHAHA
nabi_devi #7
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woah.. L0ve the st0ry.. ^^,
I LOVE IT!!:D♥♥♥
soohaeismine #10
Haeley seriously you make me love donghae more and more and more and more because of your fics soo nice. soo good everything soo perfect. dfjgsj ;~~~; SEQUEL ?