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Few minutes later, it was blackout.


Hyunsoo screamed right on my ear and then suddenly hugged me. I shocked and blinked in confuse.

“Yah! Are you okay?”

I heard nothing. He tightened his hug. I rolled my eyes and tried to find my phone. I its flash and put it under my chin.

“YAH!” I pushed him off from me.

He looked at me and screamed again. I laughed hard and put down my phone.

“Yah! It’s me!” I kept laughing and he was getting upset.

“Yah! It’s not funny, Yi!” yelled him while punched my arm lightly.

I tried my best to not laughing. “Okay. Sorry.” I covered my mouth.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I blinked in confuse.

“What’s wrong, Hyun? Scared?” I .

“Ummm…” He cleared his throat. “Not really, as long as you don’t make me scared with your scary habit.” I chuckles lightly. “Yah! It’s not funny! Are you trying to kill me with those stuffs?”

“Kill you? Why should I? I don’t hate nor dislike you.”

“But you can make me get a heart attack, you know!”

I laughed. “Your heart needs some sport.” I nodded.

“It’s still not funny.” I replied shortly.

Then the awkward silent appeared between us. It was almost one hour but the rain didn’t stop yet and the electricity was still dead.

He sighed. “Ah, I wonder when it’s ended.”

“Dunno.” I glanced at my phone. “My battery is almost dying now. Do you have candles here?” I asked.

He nodded. “Four or five, I guess. But they’re in my room.”

“Let’s get them here!” I stood up but he gripped my hand tightly, signaling that he didn’t want to move a bit. “Yah! Come on! My battery is dying now. The flashlight can turn off anytime. Do you want to sit in the darkness till the lamp turns on?”

“But it’s dark there…” He muttered.

  I rolled my eyes. “And it’ll be dark here too in few minutes if you…”

“Okay…” He hissed.

I smirked. “Show me the way.”

“Walk slowly, okay? Don’t leave me alone!” He shook my arm lightly.

“I promise I won’t.”

We slowly stood up and walked to his room. He gripped me tightly once I opened his room. It was pitch black there. The light from my phone only could illuminate a little. We barely saw anything there.

“Where’s the candle?” I asked him.

“In drawer beside my bed.” He muttered.

I moved my phone around, scanned the dark room with its light. Then I spotted the bed. It was messy. I moved my phone again and I found it. The drawer. I walked slowly to there. He kept holding my hand like a child that afraid he would be lost.

“Here’s the drawer?” I asked him, just to make sure.

“Yes.” He reached the second drawer and opened it.

I moved my phone into it so its light would help him to find the candles faster. He took 5 candles and a lighter from it.

“Done?” I asked him.

“Yes.” He answered with trembling voice.

We walked back to middle room. We sat on floor and set up the candles on table. The candles made the room became dim, not pitch black like before. I turned off the flashlight in my phone. I turned to him. He sat there beside me while hugging his knees. I chuckled a bit, took a slice of pizza and gave it to him. He shook his head.

“I lost my appetite”, answered him.

“Because it’s dark?” I asked him. He nodded slowly. I laughed hard. “Oh, gosh! It’s funny!”

“Yah! It’s not! What if the electricity isn’t on till morning?” shouted him.

“Then we have no choice except waiting till it turns on.” I shrugged and started ate that pizza. “Waiting with empty stomach is not really fun, I tell you!” I chewed the pizza happily. “Ah! It’s yummy!”

“How can you still enjoying your meal in a situation like this?” He asked.

I swallowed my pizza and then answered him. “Cause I’m hungry. It just so simply like that.”

“You, food brain!” He hit my head lightly with his fist. I chuckled.

“So? You still want your pizza or not? I can eat this all alone, you know.”

He chuckled a bit. “Okay. Hand me one.”

I gave him one new slice and he ate it slowly. Then the awkward silent appeared again. We finished the pizza and the rain didn’t stop yet. The candle already burned half. I sighed.

“It’s so depressed.” I murmured.

He looked at me. “Why?”

“The rain isn’t stopped yet. The electricity is still off. I can’t back home. My phone battery is dying.”

“Nah, you can sleepover here”, said him bluntly.

“It’s not the important thing now, Hyun.” I looked at him.

“Then what’s the important thing now?” asked him while looking at me.

Our faces were so close, only few centimeters. I could feel the heat on my skin face. I was lucky that time. Candlelight covered my slightly blushing face. I stared him for a while before blinked my eyes.

“I must call my home.” I put my poker face and tried to hide my excitement.

“Ah!” He nodded and chuckled. “Then why you just mentioned it now?” asked him while gave his phone to me.

I took his phone and started dial my home. “Cause I thought the black out is only an hour.”

“Your prediction is wrong, Josephine.” He teased me.

I was about to yell at him but someone picked up the phone. It was my mom. I said to her that I would sleepover on a friend’s place since it was blackout and raining hard outside. I promised her to back home tomorrow and she said it was okay and be careful to me. I smiled and hanged up.

“Thanks.” I said while turned back his phone to him.

“You’re welcome”, replied him shortly.

I took off my glasses and put it in the middle of table. I wrapped my arms around my knees, rested my forehead on it. It was so cold. Even the warm from candlelight wasn’t enough for me. I rubbed my legs, hoping that it would make me warmer. Suddenly a soft voice whispered right on my ear.

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Oh man, this is so good. you brought me on their love story not so called 'happy'. ah, why i found this well written fic when its done ㅠㅠ
babyone #2
Chapter 18: oh is already finish end OMG can U make sequel for this? make Hyunsoo suffer this time :D
baekyeonkeyberlove #3
Chapter 17: Aah... This is like a missing scene from Hyunsoo's side? Interesting ><
update soon.. :D
Chapter 17: Yaayyyyyyy Hyunsoo's point of view in the story!! Now i understand him a little more! Thankyouuuu♪♫
babyone #5
Chapter 17: OMG thanks for bonus chap I'll wait for next update :)
Chapter 17: okay. so i decided to explain everything into two bonus chapters, especially from hyunsoo's side stories. maybe i'll take a long time to update the second one. btw, thanks for reading and loving this story *bows*
baekyeonkeyberlove #7
Chapter 16: And they lived happily ever after.xD
Glad to knw Amber didnt make another lie, hehe
congrats u both!! :D
and good job author nim, u wrote a beautiful story here. I love it, so much. Mind to make another anyBer ff? I'll wait ...xD
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 16: gosh this is beautiful!!! you did a very good job!
but seriously, i want, I NEED an explantion from Hyungsoo for all his action in the past. he did kiss Amber even before his dating with Krystal right? and come on, Krystal isnt that bad to use him for months just to make Jong In jealous,right? and after that incident before Amber going to UK, he must have known or supected about her feeling for him!!!
so please, make a sequel or a bonus chap, please!! <3
Ambertastic_baby #9
HAHA read this all in one sitting. Omfg I love it so much, you don't even know. I honestly thought Hyunsoo was just leading Amber on because for heaven's sake, he kept kissing her when he was in a "relationship" with Krystal. Also loved the foreshadowing where Krystal was with someone else when Hyunsoo met will, and then it tied up in the end. Ahhh they finally admitted to each other that they love each other. About time too. They're so dense /shot. But yeah, I loved this so much!
baekyeonkeyberlove #10
Chapter 15: OhOh am, please dont make another lie. .T_T
hes not married yet, he's looking for u for 2years!! Thats mean he's really serious to u..