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“Cause we need to talk!” shouted him while pushed the door hard till I lost my balance and felt on floor.

“Ouch!” I cried while tried to stand up.

He entered my room and quickly closed the door.

“Omo! I’m sorry. Are you okay?” asked him while offered his hand.

I slapped his hand and stood up without his help.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you?” yelled him.

“Nothing is wrong with me.” I stared at him. “Just get out from my room. NOW!” I pointed the door.

“I won’t leave till we talk!”

“We already did that. Now, leave!”

“Just give me five more minutes, Josephine. I…”

“I don’t want to hear anything for you. Just leave me alone. I’m freaking tired. Dang it! I need to sleep, Park Hyunsoo!” I shouted angrily and almost cried. I could feel my eyes getting hotter and my head getting dizzy. I gripped my dress tightly, like trying to gain back my strength. I didn’t want to collapse, not now, not here, not in front of him.

 “I… I promise I’ll make it quick. I…” He stepped closer and I stepped back.

“Don’t promise me anything. Don’t come near me.” I shook my head lightly.

“Josephine, please. Let me talk…”

“NO!” I covered my ears. “Just go!” He extended his arm again. “Don’t touch me!” I glared at him.

Everything was getting blurry in my eyes. My head was getting heavy. This dizziness made me insane. I saw him opened his mouth again but I couldn’t hear his voice. I tried to keep open my eyes but I felt like it was too much for me. I couldn’t take it anymore. In the next second, everything became black.

I felt something humid and comfortable on my forehead. I stirred and tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy. I wanted to get up but my brain wanted to sleep for a bit longer. I gave up. Maybe slept for few minutes wouldn’t a bad idea.

I felt it was like few minutes but I believed I already slept for hours. I slowly opened my eyes. The room was really bright. It was morning already. I blinked and stared blankly at ceiling. I was still in my hotel room. That was good. I slowly sat up and suddenly a little white damp towel felt on my lap. I stared at it and then touched my forehead.

What’s happened last night?

I looked around but I couldn’t find him. Where was him? The another bed beside mine was still tidy like none slept on it last night, but I saw a black backpack on floor, near that bed. It wasn’t mine. I guessed it was his.

So he was here but where’s he now?

I gripped that towel and kicked out the blanket. I was still in dress. It was really surprised me. I touched my neck but I could find my necklace. I looked around and found it laid on table near bed, along with earrings and ring.

I slowly stood up. My head was still a bit dizzy but it was better than last night. My stomach was growling. Then I realized that I ate nothing last night. My throat and lips dried. I needed water as soon as possible. I rubbed my head lightly while walked slowly to bathroom. I was about to reach the knob when the door opened from inside. I startled, so did him.

“Oh! You wake up already”, said Hyunsoo while tried to break the awkwardness.

I wanted to shout at him but I was too weak. I didn’t want to have a debate session with him in front of bathroom in this morning. I pushed him away and entered bathroom without any word.

“Do you want something to eat for breakfast? How about porridge?” asked him.

I replied with slammed bathroom door in front of his face and locked it.

“Okay. I’ll buy it for you. Just take your time!” shouted him from outside.

“Tsk. Whatever!” I whispered while scratched my head.

I looked at my reflection on mirror. I was really in mess. Messy hair, messy make-up, and messy dress. I sighed and splashed water on my face. It was indeed so cold.

I walked out from bathroom. This room was empty. He didn’t come back yet. I quickly grab

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Oh man, this is so good. you brought me on their love story not so called 'happy'. ah, why i found this well written fic when its done ㅠㅠ
babyone #2
Chapter 18: oh is already finish end OMG can U make sequel for this? make Hyunsoo suffer this time :D
baekyeonkeyberlove #3
Chapter 17: Aah... This is like a missing scene from Hyunsoo's side? Interesting ><
update soon.. :D
Chapter 17: Yaayyyyyyy Hyunsoo's point of view in the story!! Now i understand him a little more! Thankyouuuu♪♫
babyone #5
Chapter 17: OMG thanks for bonus chap I'll wait for next update :)
Chapter 17: okay. so i decided to explain everything into two bonus chapters, especially from hyunsoo's side stories. maybe i'll take a long time to update the second one. btw, thanks for reading and loving this story *bows*
baekyeonkeyberlove #7
Chapter 16: And they lived happily ever after.xD
Glad to knw Amber didnt make another lie, hehe
congrats u both!! :D
and good job author nim, u wrote a beautiful story here. I love it, so much. Mind to make another anyBer ff? I'll wait ...xD
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 16: gosh this is beautiful!!! you did a very good job!
but seriously, i want, I NEED an explantion from Hyungsoo for all his action in the past. he did kiss Amber even before his dating with Krystal right? and come on, Krystal isnt that bad to use him for months just to make Jong In jealous,right? and after that incident before Amber going to UK, he must have known or supected about her feeling for him!!!
so please, make a sequel or a bonus chap, please!! <3
Ambertastic_baby #9
HAHA read this all in one sitting. Omfg I love it so much, you don't even know. I honestly thought Hyunsoo was just leading Amber on because for heaven's sake, he kept kissing her when he was in a "relationship" with Krystal. Also loved the foreshadowing where Krystal was with someone else when Hyunsoo met will, and then it tied up in the end. Ahhh they finally admitted to each other that they love each other. About time too. They're so dense /shot. But yeah, I loved this so much!
baekyeonkeyberlove #10
Chapter 15: OhOh am, please dont make another lie. .T_T
hes not married yet, he's looking for u for 2years!! Thats mean he's really serious to u..