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It was my last night in Seoul. Hyunsoo called me around 9 PM. I lazily picked it up.

“Yoboseyo…” I said, almost whispered.

“Where are you now?” asked him, half shouted me.

“In my room. Why?” I laid on my bed and grabbed my pillow.

“Wait! Don’t sleep yet! I’ll be there!” He disconnected in a rush.

I blinked while stared at my phone. I frowned. “What’s wrong with him?”

Minutes later, my phone was ringing again. I rolled on my bed and grabbed it from table nearby. I took a glance on the screen. I sighed and answered it.

“What, Hyun?” I asked.

“Can you go down?” asked him.

I frowned. “Huh? What?” I sat up.

“I’m in front of your house now…”

My eyes widened. I jumped out from my bed and took a peek from window. I saw him standing down there. He leaned on his car and looked at me. He smiled and waved his hand to me.

“What are you doing there!?” I shouted.

“Just go down here and I’ll tell you.” He hanged up.

“YAH! Aish!” I yelled at my phone before threw it on my bed and rushing went down.

I opened the door and approached him. When I was about to nag at him, he quickly pulled me into a hug. I gasped a bit. I pushed him away but he hugged me again, even tighter. He rested his chin on my shoulder. I didn’t even understand why he did that to me but it was indeed hurt me inside. I sighed and dropped my arms on both sides of my body. I didn’t even hug him even though I really wanted it.

“Since you tell me to not come to airport…” , whispered him.

I was surprised with his words. He remembers it?

“I’m here to say goodbye to you…”

I closed my eyes and yelled on my mind. Don’t call me with that name. Please? I beg you, Park Hyunsoo.

“My Josephine…”


“I’ll miss you…”

Just go! Go away! Leave me alone! Hurry up! GO!

I took a deep sigh and pursed my lips when he released me. I felt like I wanted to cry. I grabbed the edge of my shirt and gripped it tightly.

“Can I ask you something?”

I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Sure. What’s that?”

He gripped my shoulders and looked straight to my eyes. “Tell me something, Josephine. Tell me a reason, just a single reason that can make you not go to U.K.”

I sighed. “Actually there are many reasons to make me not go, Hyun.” I bit my lower lip to hold my tears. “Well… like I get a car accident, the plane I’m in is crushing down, I’ve cancer or…” I said in almost crying voice.

“Shhh…” He hugged me again. “Don’t say like that. Everything will be okay.” He leaned his chin on my head. “You’ll have a safe flight and landing safely there.”

I smiled bitterly. “I know. Thanks.”

He kissed my head and then released me. “I love you…”

I startled for a second. It was like I got a hard slap on my face from cold wind. “I knew.” I smiled. “As a friend, right?”

He smiled. “Nope, as a best friend. You’re my best friend. Don’t forget that. I love you as a best friend.”

That time I wished you said no. I wished you said more than that. I wished I could say your name. I wished…

I chuckled and it sounded weird in my ears. “Thanks for loving me as a best friend. Goodbye, Hyunsoo.” I pushed him lightly. “Now go back home. It’s late already. I should sleep early.”

“Okay. Goodbye, my Josephine…”

I smiled. “Thanks for everything, Hyunsoo.”

He nodded as he closed his car. He opened the window and flashed his crooked smile that never fail to make me feel melting. “Good night and sleep well.”

I bended down and looked at him for the last time. “Goodbye…” I whispered as I kissed his left cheek.

I stepped back and waved at him. I could see the shock on his face. He gave me a confused smile before closed the window and drove his car. I still stood on there for a moment although I couldn’t see the silhouette of his car. My sight was getting blurry. I blinked. A tiny single drop of tear was out from my eye and rolling down on my cheek. I hugged myself and got inside home.

In the next morning, my family sent me to airport. My mom cried. Well, she was overacting like always. But no matter she did, she still my beloved mom, the best mom I ever had.

Cambridge University, here I came. Cambridge University was one of the oldest universities in the world. It was indeed pretty large. I was often getting lost even though I was already here for a month.

I made a lot of friends here.  My new classmates were very kind to me. My closest friends here were Henry Lau and Victoria Song because we lived in the same apartment. Victoria’s room was exactly beside my room and Henry’s room on the below floor I and Victoria’s floor. Both of them had Asian blood in their bodies. Henry was from

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Oh man, this is so good. you brought me on their love story not so called 'happy'. ah, why i found this well written fic when its done ㅠㅠ
babyone #2
Chapter 18: oh is already finish end OMG can U make sequel for this? make Hyunsoo suffer this time :D
baekyeonkeyberlove #3
Chapter 17: Aah... This is like a missing scene from Hyunsoo's side? Interesting ><
update soon.. :D
Chapter 17: Yaayyyyyyy Hyunsoo's point of view in the story!! Now i understand him a little more! Thankyouuuu♪♫
babyone #5
Chapter 17: OMG thanks for bonus chap I'll wait for next update :)
Chapter 17: okay. so i decided to explain everything into two bonus chapters, especially from hyunsoo's side stories. maybe i'll take a long time to update the second one. btw, thanks for reading and loving this story *bows*
baekyeonkeyberlove #7
Chapter 16: And they lived happily ever after.xD
Glad to knw Amber didnt make another lie, hehe
congrats u both!! :D
and good job author nim, u wrote a beautiful story here. I love it, so much. Mind to make another anyBer ff? I'll wait ...xD
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 16: gosh this is beautiful!!! you did a very good job!
but seriously, i want, I NEED an explantion from Hyungsoo for all his action in the past. he did kiss Amber even before his dating with Krystal right? and come on, Krystal isnt that bad to use him for months just to make Jong In jealous,right? and after that incident before Amber going to UK, he must have known or supected about her feeling for him!!!
so please, make a sequel or a bonus chap, please!! <3
Ambertastic_baby #9
HAHA read this all in one sitting. Omfg I love it so much, you don't even know. I honestly thought Hyunsoo was just leading Amber on because for heaven's sake, he kept kissing her when he was in a "relationship" with Krystal. Also loved the foreshadowing where Krystal was with someone else when Hyunsoo met will, and then it tied up in the end. Ahhh they finally admitted to each other that they love each other. About time too. They're so dense /shot. But yeah, I loved this so much!
baekyeonkeyberlove #10
Chapter 15: OhOh am, please dont make another lie. .T_T
hes not married yet, he's looking for u for 2years!! Thats mean he's really serious to u..