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He was a basketball captain on my high school. He was handsome, smart, very kind, polite, and of course, rich. The prince of the school on my batch. William Jackson-Moon. Who didn’t know him? His killer smile was enough to melt all girls’ hearts here, well, include a bookworm-non-girly girl like me. I had a crush on him since the first time he smiled at me. It was two years ago. We were the freshmen that time and fate put us in the same class for an entry year. How lucky I was cause he sat next beside me. Yeah, I could tell that all girls were extremely jealous at me that time. Well, let hater gonna hate and just sit and stare. After that we only attend few same classes and he kept his habit to sit next to me. He even still remembered my name. I was simply happy but not all girls around me.

Well, since I was not a barbie girl and not the princess of the school, they didn’t hate me that much. I saved from their bullying seasons. But for some unlucky girls, they made it as hell on the earth. Yes, they, the cheerleaders, nothing else. It already a public secret that the Miss Popular and the cheer captain, Ashley Dawson, was head to toe over him, but it seem that he didn’t love her. What a waste.

I was sat on my favorite space at library, a seat near window, busy did my algebra homework. Seriously, it killed my brain. Why the heck it always asking for x and y all times? I scratched my head and left the question that I already stuck on it for few minutes. I started to do the next number when he came and sat across me.

“Hi…”, greeted him with a smile that could enough to make my heart jumped.

I composed myself, fixed my glasses, and looked at him with a little smile craved on my face. “Hi, Moony…”

He took a glace to my books. “Algebra?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah”, answered me while looked back to my book, tried to start doing it but I couldn’t. His presence made every single cell on my brain suddenly couldn’t think properly.

“Hey, stop calling me with that… I… oh, crap!” He suddenly took off my glasses, wore it, fixed his hair into the old fashioned hair style and put on his hoodie. “You didn’t know me, kay?” whispered him while looking down, opened his thick book and pretend to look busy.

I blinked and frowned for a bit. I barely scanned around room and I found the problem. The princess was just entering the library. I sighed and tried to do my homework, thinking hard about what step I should do next to find the x. When I scratched that wrong step with my pencil, someone tapped my shoulder. I stopped writing and turned around. Ashley stood there with unpleasant lazy expression to me.

“Where is he?” asked her.

“He?” I blinked. “Who?” I played dumb.

“My boyfriend! Where is he, nerd!?” said her, almost yelled on me.

“Huh? Boyfriend?” I confused a bit.

She rolled her eyes. “William is my boyfriend.”

“Oh, him. I didn’t see him today.”

She bent closer to me. “Where your glasses?”

“It’s broken.”

She looked to him that sat across me. “Who is him?” asked her to me in a whisper.

“I don’t know. He already sat there when I came here.” I whispered back.

Ashley looked carefully at him. He just pretended to read the book, naturally flipped the next page and read the new opened one. She sighed and left. I shook my head lightly and faced back my book.

“She still here?” whispered William while flip the next page.

“Not anymore.”

He sighed in relieve and gave back my glasses. Then he looked at my face. “You look pretty without the glasses”, said him bluntly.

I took it from his hand and wore it back. “But with this glass, I look prettier, Moony.” I smiled a bit.

“Hey, don’t call me that. I’m not a werewolf.”

I chuckled a bit. “You’ll always be my Moony till you change your last name. It’s strange, you know.”

“Don’t blame me. It’s my mom’s family name, by the way”, said him while put down his hoodie and fixed his hair with his hands.

“But I never heard a Korean family named Moon.” I frowned.

“Well, one is sitting in front of you now, Miss Liu.” He grinned.

“So? What’s your plan for next year? Already apply to some universities?” I wrote a line of numbers.

“I’ll study to Seoul….”

I stopped writing and looked at him. “Soul?” I tilted my head.

He chuckled faintly. “It’s Seoul not soul, Miss Liu. I think you should check up your ears. I knew a good doctor. My grandma…”

“Just shut up, Mr. Moony.” I looked down and buried my face behind my long dark hair.

“Okay, okay!”

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Oh man, this is so good. you brought me on their love story not so called 'happy'. ah, why i found this well written fic when its done ㅠㅠ
babyone #2
Chapter 18: oh is already finish end OMG can U make sequel for this? make Hyunsoo suffer this time :D
baekyeonkeyberlove #3
Chapter 17: Aah... This is like a missing scene from Hyunsoo's side? Interesting ><
update soon.. :D
Chapter 17: Yaayyyyyyy Hyunsoo's point of view in the story!! Now i understand him a little more! Thankyouuuu♪♫
babyone #5
Chapter 17: OMG thanks for bonus chap I'll wait for next update :)
Chapter 17: okay. so i decided to explain everything into two bonus chapters, especially from hyunsoo's side stories. maybe i'll take a long time to update the second one. btw, thanks for reading and loving this story *bows*
baekyeonkeyberlove #7
Chapter 16: And they lived happily ever after.xD
Glad to knw Amber didnt make another lie, hehe
congrats u both!! :D
and good job author nim, u wrote a beautiful story here. I love it, so much. Mind to make another anyBer ff? I'll wait ...xD
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 16: gosh this is beautiful!!! you did a very good job!
but seriously, i want, I NEED an explantion from Hyungsoo for all his action in the past. he did kiss Amber even before his dating with Krystal right? and come on, Krystal isnt that bad to use him for months just to make Jong In jealous,right? and after that incident before Amber going to UK, he must have known or supected about her feeling for him!!!
so please, make a sequel or a bonus chap, please!! <3
Ambertastic_baby #9
HAHA read this all in one sitting. Omfg I love it so much, you don't even know. I honestly thought Hyunsoo was just leading Amber on because for heaven's sake, he kept kissing her when he was in a "relationship" with Krystal. Also loved the foreshadowing where Krystal was with someone else when Hyunsoo met will, and then it tied up in the end. Ahhh they finally admitted to each other that they love each other. About time too. They're so dense /shot. But yeah, I loved this so much!
baekyeonkeyberlove #10
Chapter 15: OhOh am, please dont make another lie. .T_T
hes not married yet, he's looking for u for 2years!! Thats mean he's really serious to u..