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I still remember the first time I met him. It was in an early summer on my third semester. He was a transferred student from another city. He was a kind and cheerful boy, Park Hyunsoo. He was taller than Korean boys’ average. We called him giant, the giant baby. Why? Well, he was handsome, smart, kind, cheerful, and love sports but he hated horror stuffs. He could scream like a girl once he saw a horror crappy creepy stuff. What a crybaby boy. That was why I often , a lot. Well, since he hated horror stuffs, he also hated darkness. Not because he had a phobia.

“I just can’t sleep in the darkness. It makes me nervous and scary, especially after Yiyun showed me that damn creepy thing! I want to come home soon and cuddle with my love of my life!”

That was his reason. He and his childish-weird side. He called his guitar with ‘love-of-my-life’. I didn’t know why he called it with that but for me it sounded funny.

Oh, he could play guitar too. Should I mention it here? Okay. He loved his guitar more than anything, after money and food, of course. He never allowed everyone to touch his so-called beloved guitar. What the heck? Touching it couldn’t break it, right? He could be such a drama king if it related to his guitar or horror stuffs.

His favorite color was green. He loved sweets like ice cream, chocolate, cake, and other various desserts. He also loved junk foods too. His favorite fruit was orange. Oh, there was a new café near campus and he was so in love with its pancake cookies.

Maybe you ask why I knew a lot about him? Isn’t obvious? Yes, I loved him. I need a week to realize it. I loved him more than a friend, more than a brother. I loved him as a man. The sad fact was he didn’t love me in the way I loved him. How tragic.

It was a day before my birthday when he called me in the morning and asked me to meet him on his favorite café after our last class was dismissed. Since my last class was dismissed one hour after his, he said that he would wait. Well, I wondered why he asked me to meet him there. Why he didn’t ask me to meet him around campus? It would be easy, right? He wouldn’t wait too long for me.

I walked into café and spotted him in the middle, enjoying his favorite pancake cookies. I rolled my eyes and walked lazily to the counter.

“May I have warm chocolate milk, please?” I ordered to the waiter.

“Sure. Anything else?” asked him.

“No, only that”, I smiled while opened my wallet.

“Here your milk…”, said him while giving my drink.

“Thanks.” I smiled while pay the drink.

I grabbed it and walked to Hyunsoo’s table. I coughed lightly while threw my backpack on empty seat. He stopped eating and looked at me.

“Hi…”, I greeted him simply.

“Oh, finally you come…”

I cut his words with my unpleasant tone. “I hate this table’s position.” I sipped my warm milk and tapped the chair, signaling him that I didn’t want to sit there.

He blinked once. “Then, where do you want to sit?” asked him nicely.

I lazily rolled my eyes to empty table near window and pointed it with my eyes.

“Okay, let’s move there.” He smiled while grabbed his backpack and his meals, leading me walked into that table, my favorite spot in every place.

I grabbed my backpack, kept sipping my milk while walked behind him. I put my backpack lightly on empty seat and sat on there.

“So?” I asked while watching him put his stuffs on table and took a sit. “What is it, Hyunsoo? Spill it up!”

“I need you help”, said him with sparkling eyes.

I smiled while put my cup on table. I rested my chin on my palm. “And what is it?” I said in excited tone.

“I like Soojung.” He smiled brightly to me as I widened my eyes and smile vanished from my face. “Will you help me, Yi?”

I blinked once. “What?” I asked and he repeated it once again. I still disbelieved it. “You? Like Soojung?”

“Yah! Don’t be so shock like that, seriously!” He chuckled lightly while eating his pancake.


Oh, boy, it was hurt. It felt like he stabbed my hear

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Oh man, this is so good. you brought me on their love story not so called 'happy'. ah, why i found this well written fic when its done ㅠㅠ
babyone #2
Chapter 18: oh is already finish end OMG can U make sequel for this? make Hyunsoo suffer this time :D
baekyeonkeyberlove #3
Chapter 17: Aah... This is like a missing scene from Hyunsoo's side? Interesting ><
update soon.. :D
Chapter 17: Yaayyyyyyy Hyunsoo's point of view in the story!! Now i understand him a little more! Thankyouuuu♪♫
babyone #5
Chapter 17: OMG thanks for bonus chap I'll wait for next update :)
Chapter 17: okay. so i decided to explain everything into two bonus chapters, especially from hyunsoo's side stories. maybe i'll take a long time to update the second one. btw, thanks for reading and loving this story *bows*
baekyeonkeyberlove #7
Chapter 16: And they lived happily ever after.xD
Glad to knw Amber didnt make another lie, hehe
congrats u both!! :D
and good job author nim, u wrote a beautiful story here. I love it, so much. Mind to make another anyBer ff? I'll wait ...xD
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 16: gosh this is beautiful!!! you did a very good job!
but seriously, i want, I NEED an explantion from Hyungsoo for all his action in the past. he did kiss Amber even before his dating with Krystal right? and come on, Krystal isnt that bad to use him for months just to make Jong In jealous,right? and after that incident before Amber going to UK, he must have known or supected about her feeling for him!!!
so please, make a sequel or a bonus chap, please!! <3
Ambertastic_baby #9
HAHA read this all in one sitting. Omfg I love it so much, you don't even know. I honestly thought Hyunsoo was just leading Amber on because for heaven's sake, he kept kissing her when he was in a "relationship" with Krystal. Also loved the foreshadowing where Krystal was with someone else when Hyunsoo met will, and then it tied up in the end. Ahhh they finally admitted to each other that they love each other. About time too. They're so dense /shot. But yeah, I loved this so much!
baekyeonkeyberlove #10
Chapter 15: OhOh am, please dont make another lie. .T_T
hes not married yet, he's looking for u for 2years!! Thats mean he's really serious to u..