Cabin Mayhem

Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Captain Shiwon Kim warmly welcomes everyone aboard Korean Air Flight KE121 to Sydney. Our flight today to Sydney will be 10 hours 40 minutes. Weather on the way is expected to be awesome. However, please fasten your seat belts when seated, for your own safety…” The pilot’s voice was muffled by a loud snoring behind.

Myungsoo turned around and sure enough, the group's heavy sleeper was fast asleep. He made a face. They barely boarded the plane for ten minutes.

Sungyeol looked up from his iPad. “He was still practicing his solo item this afternoon. They added one more dance item for him.” He explained.

Myungsoo nodded and gave a sympathetic look at the hyung. “Rest well.” He said.

“See you in Sydney.” The lanky boy said without looking up. Myungsoo managed a soft chuckle as he faced front.

The cabin crew was now conducting the safety procedures and informing passengers to switch off all electronic devices.

Sungjong stirred in his sleep. His head bobbed up and down, knocking against the window. Myungsoo put back the in-flight magazine into the seat pocket and slowly tipped the maknae’s head gently to his shoulder. Sungjong rested his head comfortably.  

Myungsoo looked around. The other Infinite members and Manager Jungryoul were seated across him, while their other manager, Youngjun was assigned a few rows in front with their stylists. Woohyun was discussing something with Hoya. Sunggyu was playing with his phone until the pretty flight attendant came and asked him to switch off the device politely. As he did so, Sunggyu glanced accusingly at the manager.

“I told you to put it away earlier.” Jungryoul said as a matter of fact. Sunggyu pouted as he kept his device away.

Myungsoo chuckled softly. Their leader hyung never fails to amuse others with his behaviour. Myungsoo watched the plane made its way to the runway and prepared for takeoff. After pulling to a halt, the plane suddenly picked up speed and lifted itself from the ground. The plane continued flying at an angle until it reaches the height. His eyes grew heavier and slowly he drifted to sleep.


Jiyeon shot up in her seat, startled. She dreamt of herself falling off again. She heard a stifled laugh beside. The lady was staring at her, slightly flustered.

“You are drooling.” She remarked.  

Her face reddened and faced the window. She wiped the saliva off with her hand sheepishly. “I need to use the toilet.” She said. The couple got up from their seats to let her pass.

Jiyeon almost collided with a teenager when she came out of the washroom. “Be careful!” she squealed. The girl grabbed her hands and shook urgently. Jiyeon blinked.

“Unni, do you have a phone now?” She cried desperately. “Yea… It’s in my pocket.” Jiyeon replied uncertainly.  

“Come with me please.” She begged. Though astounded, Jiyeon followed her to the galley. The girl edged closer and whispered. “L oppa is inside getting a drink. I’ll ask him, but can you help me take a photo for us?”

Jiyeon’s eyes widened. “Kenichi Matsuyama’s on this plane?” her heart skipped.

The smile vanished from her face. “What?”

“Who are you talking about?” Jiyeon frowned.  

“Infinite’s L, of course..!” She retorted. Jiyeon gave a bewildered look.

“Kim Myungsoo, you don’t know?” The girl shot her a wilful look as though she came from the outer world. “Never mind, unni. Just wait for my cue.” She added impatiently. Jiyeon nodded at the unruly kid. She could hear a male voice behind the red curtain.

“Thank you for the cocoa.” Myungsoo said, pulling the curtain away. He was unaware that two girls were watching him behind.

“You’re welcome.” The cabin attendant smiled back and left to check on another passenger. He was heading to his seat when the girl suddenly jumped in front of him.


Startled, Myungsoo retreated a few steps and almost spilled his cocoa. “What the-” He nearly collided with the young girl. Oblivious, she stared pleadingly at Myungsoo.

“Oppa oppa, can I take a photo with you?” She asked sweetly, intertwining both her hands. “Please…” She whined.  

“Hmm, sure…” he said finally.

“Unni..!” The girl looked back at Jiyeon and gestured her to come forward. Jiyeon walked to them hesitantly. “Where is your phone?” she asked.

“Oh.” Jiyeon took out her phone while the girl hooked her arms around Myungsoo’s. “Get ready… One, two, three~” She took a photo of them against the red curtain.

“Can you take one more please?” Jiyeon nodded. The girl quickly changed position with Myungsoo. She posed a victorious sign, while the idol held his cup and smiled thoughtfully at the camera. Jiyeon gave a thumb up as she saved the photo.

“Thank you, oppa.” She bowed at Myungsoo. “You’re welcome.” He replied. The girl skipped happily to Jiyeon. “How is it?” she asked eagerly. Jiyeon showed the pictures to her.

“What about you?” Jiyeon realized he was speaking to her. “It’s okay, I don’t need the photo.” She replied.

“Go unni, I’ll take for you!” The girl took the phone away and shoved Jiyeon lightly. She walked hesitantly to his side. He looks really handsome up close and tall, just like the actor who played L. Jiyeon thought.

“I say one, two, three and smile.” The girl instructed. Her heart fluttered when Myungsoo placed his arm casually around her shoulder. “Ready? One, two-” Jiyeon smiled awkwardly at the camera. “Three.” She heard a clicking sound.

“Thanks…” The plane jerked so suddenly that Jiyeon lost balance and knocked the cup out of Myungsoo’s hand by accident. “L oppa!” The young girl exclaimed. Jiyeon turned around with wide. “I’m sorry!” Startled, she dashed to the toilet to get paper towels.

Myungsoo looked in dismay as a big brown blotch formed on his favourite t-shirt. “It’s okay…” A cabin attendant walked past and saw what happened. She grabbed some wet tissue from the galley and passed them. The girl snatched from her and began dabbing his top. Several passengers from the economy class watched curiously at them as the young girl fussed over Myungsoo.

“Isn’t that L?” Someone gasped, pointing. Few people started to take photos of them.

Myungsoo was getting irritated. The blotch was not going to come off with wet tissue yet the girl continued to hold dearly on to him. “It’s okay… You don’t have to do this…” The girl ignored his pleas as usual. He was seconds close to blowing up.

Hoya overheard the commotion and came over. “What happened, Myungsoo?” He asked.

“He spilled the drink.” The girl answered without looking up.

Myungsoo shrugged helplessly at the hyung.

Hoya stiffened. It was not the first time they encountered an obsessed fan. He tapped the girl’s shoulder. “Hi, girl, why don’t you let L oppa change to a new top?” He said gently.

 “Hoya oppa?” she blinked in surprise. Slowly, she released her hands on Myungsoo. He could finally breathe.

“That’s me. What’s your name?” Hoya replied, smiling. The girl glanced up at him, mesmerized. “Heejung’s my name. Oppa, can I get your signature? But you have to wait for me to take my notebook and camera.” She said meekly.  

“Sure… I’ll wait.” Hoya said and Heejung scurried to her seat. He cast a fretful look at Myungsoo. “Go change, I’m sure noona has some spare clothes. I’ll handle the girl.”

“Thanks hyung.” Myungsoo replied and glanced at Jiyeon, who came back with wet paper towels from the toilet. She was interjected before she could apologize for the spill. “I’m-”

“Please control your sister next time.” Myungsoo said coldly and brushed past her shoulders. Jiyeon gawked after him.

So what if he is an idol? His attitude is horrible.


Author's Note:

Second update in a day! Hope you like how the story is heading! 

Watching the number of subscribers increase for this story, just make me hyped. ^^

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !