Meet Again!

Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

By her third glass of wine, Jiyeon was starting to feel drowsy. She burped unexpectedly and murmured an apology to the man beside. “Sorry!” She added with a soft giggle.

You’re cute. Sungjoon mused, amused by her adorable response. “No worries.” He twirled his glass of whiskey and drank up.

Jiyeon stared forward, her fingers tips touching the stem of the wine glass playfully. After some time, she placed down her drink and got off the high chair. “Thanks for the drinks...” She grinned at the bartender widely.

Sungjoon glanced at her half empty glass. “Leaving so soon? The party hasn’t ended.”

“Yup…” Jiyeon replied and bowed at him politely. “Goodbye.” She waved and left. Sungjoon grabbed her wrist suddenly. Jiyeon wobbled as the man spun her around.

“What are you doing?” Jiyeon gasped and withdrew her hand from his quickly. She shot him an irritated look.

The man gave her a rueful look. “Where are you going?”

Jiyeon blinked. “Home…” She mumbled and walked off again.

Sungjoon chased Jiyeon and clutched her wrist once more. “Let me send you back then.” He held her hand strongly and pulled her closer to his body.

“No…” Jiyeon fluttered her eyes. She struggled to break free of his grasp. She could smell his cologne and scrunched her nose. “Are you mad?” she hissed. Sungjoon refused to let go and clenched her wrist tighter.

“The night’s still young, girl. Why did you want to go home so early?” Sungjoon murmured in her ears. 

“Ah!” Jiyeon shrieked as she felt his fingers trailing the nape of her neck. Feeling violated and desperate, she gave him a hard shove and slapped him across his face. At that instant, the friendly mood between them evaporated.

Sungjoon touched his sore cheek and glared at her. “Are you overreacting a little?” He snarled.

Jiyeon wavered and stared back with a poker expression. “Am I..?”

Sungjoon glared at her, his eyes burning with hostility each second and he grabbed her hands again.

“What you doing!” Jiyeon screamed.

“Is everything all right, Sungjoon hyung?” A masculine voice asked.

Jiyeon stumbled and collided into someone. The person happened to catch hold of her in time. She tilted her head back and for a moment, her heart stopped beating.

“Are you okay?” Myungsoo asked, prodding her face gently.

Jiyeon blinked. Why does this guy look so familiar? Like the ostentatious idol? Slowly a smile etched on her face.

“Hey… Jiyeon…” Myungsoo whispered. She gave an acknowledging look before passing out in his arms. He stared at her in dismay.

Sungjoon stood behind and watched Myungsoo support the unconscious Jiyeon to the high chair, where she rested her head on top of the bar counter.

“Myungsoo, you know her?” Sungjoon asked. Myungsoo stared grimly at the actor and nodded. “She’s my friend.”

“Oh…” Sungjoon replied.

“What did you do to her?” Myungsoo asked. 

“Dude, she only had two glasses of wine.” Sungjoon suddenly grew defensive and elaborated further.

“Only two glasses?” Myungsoo exclaimed.

“Yeah… white wine... “ Sungjoon said icily.

Lousy drinker... Myungsoo made a mental note as he glanced back at the unconscious girl.  


Jiyeon opened her eyes and was surprised to find herself was sitting on a bench. She surveyed her surroundings and realized she was by herself in a deserted park. How did I end up here? She tried to remember but her head was throbbing painfully and felt perched and dry. She swallowed her saliva and her dry lips. 

“Who’s there?” Jiyeon jumped at the slightest sound. She peered as a figure shifted out of the shadows to the lamppost.

“I thought you will never wake up.” Someone commented sardonically.

Jiyeon’s eyes flickered in recognition as the light from the lamppost shone on the stranger, revealing his tall frame and handsome feature. “Tammy poop..?” She exclaimed.

Myungsoo scowled. The mention of Tammy evoked unpleasant memories of the animal defecating on his hand. “Never mention that in front of anyone. I’ve a name.” He hissed.

“Yea, Myungsoo?” Jiyeon grinned. “Why are you holding my clutch?”

Myungsoo stared at her in disbelief. “Did you remember what happened?” He asked.

“I was at the party with Hyomin unni…” Jiyeon murmured. She could barely remember what happened earlier except she met an interesting man in the bar and they had a wonderful time chatting together. She shook her head slowly.

“You were drinking with Sungjoon hyung in the first place but you got drunk.”  Myungsoo said as a matter of fact.

Jiyeon glanced at him and laughed. “Impossible, I’m a good drinker…” she retorted. 

“No you are not.” Myungsoo argued, rolling his eyes. “You actually fell asleep in my arms but later, you woke up complaining that you felt warm and headed straight for the doors. I came out and found you here...” He hesitated a moment whether to tell Jiyeon that she tried to kiss him when they were in the club but decided against it. “Is this what you usually do when you are drunk? Sleep in the wild?” he said in a mocking tone.

Jiyeon gulped as she digested the details. “How long did I sleep?” She added with a nervous laugh.

“Half an hour..?” Myungsoo shrugged. He did not check what time he came out. Anyway, he already told the rest of members in their group chat that he is returning home first.

“Oh.” Jiyeon murmured. A cool breeze suddenly blew against her face and she sneezed. Instinctively, she pulled the jacket sleeve and rubbed it against her nose.

“That’s my coat you’re using as tissue.” Myungsoo said, sounding revolted.

“I’m sorry.” Jiyeon replied, unthinkingly taking off the coat and returning to him.

Myungsoo grimaced. “I was teasing. I didn’t know how long you’re going to be here so I just placed my jacket over you.”

“It’s okay. You’ll be cold.” Jiyeon said.

Myungsoo wore back his coat and shoved his hands into the pockets.

They sat awkwardly in silence for few minutes. Jiyeon felt much sober after the nap.  “I guess-” Myungsoo and her spoke at the same time. “About that day at the mountains... Sorry I left without saying goodbye.”

“Oh, Steve told me what happened.” Jiyeon said understandingly.

“Really?” Myungsoo smirked as he thought back on the day trip. “How was your foot? Did you get it treated?”

“I did. The doctor put me on a cast for days.” She said grumpily. “My holiday got ruined as a result.” 

“Gosh, you can’t go anywhere?” Myungsoo said sympathetically. “Someone brought you to a hospital?” He asked suddenly with immense concern. 

“Yea, my friends.” Jiyeon answered absentmindedly. An image of her friend appeared randomly in her mind.

“I miss Sydney, I miss Blue Mountains.” Myungsoo leaned back against the bench and sighed. Jiyeon glanced grimly at him with her arms folded.

“You don’t agree?” Myungsoo asked when he saw her disapproving look.

“Nah, nothing…” Jiyeon replied coolly.

“Give me your phone.” Myungsoo held out his palm and said.

“Why?” Jiyeon asked warily.

“Just give it to me.” Jiyeon took out her handphone from her clutch and handed him reluctantly. Myungsoo smirked as he received the handphone. He made Jiyeon enter her password to the phone. “My handkerchief’s with you isn’t it? I want it back.” He said plainly while saving his contact number in her phone.

“What handkerchief?” Jiyeon knitted her brows.

“Black colour embroidered with my initials M.S.?” Myungsoo prompted.

A belated realization formed on Jiyeon’s face.

Myungsoo cast her a suspicious look. “You didn’t sell it away did you?” he said.

“Of course not!” Jiyeon hissed, glaring at him. “I’m not interested in such things!”

Myungsoo gave a chuckle. “Alright, I believe you. So far I didn’t see any photo you took of me circulating online.”

Jiyeon’s cheeks grew crimson. “Hey!” She said hotly.

Myungsoo smirked at her outcry. “I’m just kidding. We’ll arrange a day-” His sentence got cut off by a feminine voice.


Jiyeon turned her head. “Unni?” Hyomin was holding the bouquet of flowers and her designer tote.  

Myungsoo perked his ears and looked up. “Hyomin noona?” Jiyeon looked unexpectedly at him. “You know Hyomin unni?”

“I modelled her collection last time.” Myungsoo replied. “How did you know her?”

“She’s my cousin.” Myungsoo sputtered at her reply.  

Someone else coughed suddenly behind him. Startled, Myungsoo stood up. “Hyung…?” He blinked at Sunggyu. Woohyun stopped talking as soon as he noticed Myungsoo.

Sunggyu stared pointedly at the boy. “Didn’t you say you’ll return to the dorm first? How come?” He furrowed his brows.

Woohyun laughed loudly. “Can’t you tell he’s chasing-”

“HYUNG...” Myungsoo exclaimed, throwing his arms around the older boy’s shoulders. “I will explain later...” He added sheepishly.

Woohyun looked back and his eyes shone when he saw Jiyeon speaking to Hyomin. “She’s cute. She resembles a little like Kim Taehee.” He remarked.

Myungsoo threw a look at Jiyeon. “Is she?” He looked closely and realized that her makeup and outfit tonight made her more stunning than the first time he met her.  

“Yea.” Sunggyu concurred.

“Hmm…” Myungsoo purposely blocked their views and looked pointedly at them. “Where are the rest?”

“Still inside…” Woohyun said sourly. “They’re having a blast, especially Hoya.”

“What are you doing outside?” Hyomin asked as Jiyeon helped her carry one of the bouquets. “Were you drunk?” She eyed her rosy cheeks.

“Nah!” Jiyeon retorted. “I’m wide awake.” She beamed.

Hyomin caught Myungsoo staring at Jiyeon. “You and Myungsoo knew each other?” She asked.

“Uh... sort of.” Jiyeon replied. “We met in Sydney.”

Hyomin seemed surprised that her cousin would actually know an idol. “Tell me later, I got to leave now. Do you want a ride home?” She asked. Jiyeon nodded.

“Guys...” Hyomin strutted to the group of boys. They were laughing and hitting one another lightly.

Woohyun directed his gaze to Hyomin as soon as he saw her approach them. “Yes, my lady?” He said helpfully.

“We’re leaving now. Thank you for coming to my party.” Hyomin said appreciatively.

“You’re welcome.” Woohyun grinned. “Can we exchange contact?”

“Sure.” Hyomin replied. Woohyun immediately whipped out his phone and asked the lady to input her number.

Behind, Sunggyu furrowed his brows at s’ zealous behaviours with his arms crossed. “Cab’s here.” He announced as a silver vehicle pulled up at the roadside.

Woohyun and Myungsoo walked the girls to the taxi while Sunggyu opened the door for them. “Bye noona.” Woohyun stood on the sidewalk and waved.

Hyomin stopped and whispered the guy. “We recently launched leopard prints designs for males. Shall I send you some?”   

Sunggyu’s bad mood dissipated almost immediately at the mention of his favourite designs. “As usual… you know me the best.” He smiled slyly at her. “Sweet dreams, girl.”

Hyomin gave an okay sign and waved back.

Jiyeon felt a tap on her shoulders and looked back. Myungsoo murmured something but she could barely hear him.

“What are you saying?” Jiyeon asked.

“Hello? Are you getting in or not?” The taxi driver asked impatiently. The wind was filling the vehicle. Myungsoo glanced at him and to Jiyeon.  

“Never mind, I’ll contact you.” Myungsoo replied and she nodded distractedly.

“Goodnight…” Myungsoo shut the door and the taxi drove away. “What?” He said sheepishly. The older members were gawking at him.

“Did I hear wrongly?” Sunggyu breathed out.

“No, he did mention something about a date.” Woohyun chipped in.

How on earth they heard what he said when the intended recipient did not even get his message at all. The older members began to taunt him with ridiculous remarks.   

“Oh shut up.” Myungsoo retorted, feeling embarrassed. 

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !