Meet Lee Byunghun

Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

Nearly seven hours later, Jiyeon arrived at Kingsford Smith Airport. She had never felt so glad before when the plane’s wheels touched the ground. However, her mood soon dampened when she saw a horde of young girls waiting outside the arrival hall. It was not even six in the morning and the airport was filled with media reporters and fans. A team of airport security was sent to maintain order.

“When are Infinite oppa coming out?” Jiyeon heard one of girls complain as she strode out of the gate. She stopped and glanced at them. That girl definitely looks older than all the Infinite members yet she is calling them oppa. Is she having some delusion? Jiyeon shook her head.

Someone brushed past her. She glanced back ruefully. 

“Unni, I’ve given you my email address. Don’t forget to send my picture to me later!” Heejung said gleefully as she came with her parents. Jiyeon rolled her eyes.

“I’m sorry for what happened.” Heejung’s father said wistfully.

“It’s okay.” Jiyeon replied, feeling sorry for the parent. Heejung caused such a big racket in the plane earlier that Infinite’s managers had to request the cabin crew to guard outside to prevent the girl from harassing the boys.

Byunghun glanced at his watch; he had waited for forty-five minutes. She should be out by now. He thought worriedly, as he slurped the banana milkshake. He recalled the night he received a surprise call from the CEO. He was in the school library studying then.

“Byunghun, can I please ask you to take care of my daughter while she is in Sydney?” Mr. Park voice was serious.

“Jiyeon is coming to Sydney?” he whispered. “When?”  

Just then a familiar figure came out of the arrival gate. It was the childhood friend he missed so much. He watched her for a while, in amusement. Jiyeon looked around distractedly, pulling the luggage everywhere with her. He was surprised that the girl has not spotted him when he was standing in such an obvious position.

She is still clueless as before. Shaking his head, Byunghun tossed the empty milkshake cup into the waste bin.

“Hey Park Jiyeon…!” He shouted across the airport.

Jiyeon spun around and their eyes met. Byunghun was standing next to the waste bin and waving sheepishly at her. He really came, that guy. She slowly broke into a smile. A boyish grin showed on his face as he watched her trudge excitedly towards him.

“Long time no see, Dinosaur.” Byunghun said.

Jiyeon scowled. “Yah Lee Byunghun!”

The boy was totally unprepared for the hug. “That… was rather unexpected.” Byunghun commented. Grudgingly, Jiyeon loosened her hold first.

“I didn’t expect to see you either.” Jiyeon said.

“I came because Mr. Park asked me to.” Byunghun said defensively. Jiyeon stepped back and stared at him. Did he do plastic surgery? She thought wildly.

Byunghun cleared his throat loudly. “Are you checking me out?” he kept a serious face.

Jiyeon flushed. “You look different. Who are you?” she mumbled.

“Lee Byunghun, your childhood friend.” Byunghun answered sheepishly. “It’s the braces. I only removed them earlier this month. Do I really look good?” He smirked as he adjusted his cap a little to the right. Jiyeon nodded shyly. Even with the thick framed glasses and cap, he still looks very handsome.  

“Do you regret the choice you made two years ago?” Byunghun teased. Jiyeon shot him a dark look and pinched his cheek suddenly. “Terrible guy...”

Byunghun squealed in pain. “Ow!” He said, rubbing his cheek sorely. “You are still as violent as before, Park Jiyeon.”

She returned a smug look.  

Behind them, the crowd suddenly broke into a thunderous cheer. The fans had spotted Woohyun and Sunggyu among other passengers, who were still waiting to collect their luggage. They gawked as they peeped through the glass, surprised by the turnout outside and went back to inform their managers.

Jiyeon looked back as the crowd began screaming. She saw four boys coming out one by one with the of the managers and airport staff. They squeezed their way through the mass of people. “Please let us pass.” Manager Jungryoul said as he took the lead.

“Hello... hello...” Hoya greeted and waved back at the crowd. Sungyeol was chirpy as he answered to his fans’ questions. “Please be careful.” He told one of the female fans when they leaned forward.

“Oppa! Please sign for me!” Sunggyu took her marker and signed quickly.

“Woohyun oppa, I love you! MARRY ME PLEASE!” Someone shrieked as the group’s frivolous boy came out. Woohyun winked back and blew a kiss directly at her. “I love you!” The girl almost hyperventilated at the spot.

Youngjun cued the second group of members to follow closely. As Dongwoo walked with the group stylists, he nodded at his fans. “Thank you for coming…” He smiled sincerely. Myungsoo turned around and realized Sungjong was missing from the group. He went back for him.

“Sungjong, please sign for me.” The fan begged, waving the pen and paper fan. Sungjong took the pen and signed on the paper fan. “Sorry… I really have to go.” He apologized to the other fans, who also want his signature.

The crowd went wild when Myungsoo placed his hands firmly on the maknae’s shoulders and whizzed him away from the fanatic girls. Sungjong shot him a thankful look. The fans clamoured as they squeezed with one another to have a better view of the idols.

“No pushing!” The plump security officer bellowed from the back but no one was paying attention to him. Everyone was busy snapping photos and demanding for signatures.

Jiyeon scowled when she saw Myungsoo accepting a present from a female fan. “I love you, L!” the girl screamed. Jiyeon covered her ears. Please don’t be misled by his good looks! She thought.

“Jiyeon ah, let’s get out of here.” Byunghun opened his mouth to speak but his voice was drowned by everyone’s screams and shouts. Feeling hopeless, he signalled Jiyeon.

“Oh okay.” She answered distractedly as she tore her gaze away from Myungsoo and his fans. Byunghun offered to take her luggage and led her to the other exit. 

“I didn’t expect the airport to be so crowded early morning.” Byunghun remarked as he got in the driver’s seat. Jiyeon had worn her seat belt and was waiting for him to start the car. “I wonder who they were waiting for.” He continued as he inserted the key into the ignition and twisted the key. The car started and he steered the vehicle out of the parking lot.

“That’s Infinite.” Jiyeon muttered.

Byunghun widened his eyes. “What? That was Infinite? I should have snapped a photo earlier…” he said regretfully. “Did you ask for their signatures or take any photo on the flight?”

The memories in the plane came flooding back. “No!” Jiyeon retorted. “I’m not a fangirl and I don't care who Infinite is.”

Byunghun flinched at her outburst. “I thought all girls like Infinite. There are seven members in the group isn’t it? There is the leader Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, the maknae and, who else? That alphabet guy…” His forehead wrinkled as he tried to recall the last member’s name. “Yes, L! That’s the one.”

Jiyeon was flabbergasted. He actually named all the members. “How do you know so much about Infinite?” She gasped.

“Oh my ex is a fan of theirs. She was always nagging me to be gentle and caring like the boys, especially L. He is her top bias.” Byunghun explained. There was more than a hint of bitterness in his voice.

Gentle and kind what, that prickly boy? Jiyeon scoffed.

Byunghun blanched. He shouldn't have told her about his ex-girlfriend. He tilted his head to the side, wanting to clarify with her. “Eh, Jiyeon ah… I only dated Minhee-”

“Good riddance!” Jiyeon tapped his shoulder urgently. Byunghun looked at her. “Lee Byunghun, let me tell you. You are the most gentle and caring person in this world. There is no one else better than you, not even the infinite boy, L! Ignore what your ex said.” She said in a huff.

Byunghun was stunned by her statement. Of course she doesn’t care who you dated with the last two years. “Hmm, yeah…” He said sheepishly, feeling the urge to change subject. “Where do you say you were staying?”

Jiyeon gave Byunghun the address, which he took a fleeting look. “Are you sure you gave the right address?” He asked.

“Yeah, it’s correct.” Jiyeon nodded assertively.

Hesitantly, Byunghun keyed the address into his GPS device.



A BIG BIG BIG THANKS to everyone who subscribed and commented "Please update!" Comments like these really cheered me on. Please continue to spread your love for Unexpected You! , you may also upvote this story if it's within you means. Mighty thanks! ^^

This chapter may sound little inconsistent or contain grammar errors, please bear with it. I might do some editing later.

Nights, peeps!

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !