
Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

It was nearly three in the morning when Jiyeon came out of the showers. She felt even more awake after the drinks. She hung her wet towel over the chair and picked up the hair dryer and started blowing her wet hair. Her phone vibrated on the table. She stopped using the dryer and reached for her phone.

‘Hello. Have you reached home?’

Jiyeon read the message twice and frowned at the foreign number. ‘Who are you?’ She typed and sent back her reply. Within minutes, her phone started ringing.

“Hello..?” Jiyeon answered in a hesitant tone. 

“It’s me.” A deep masculine voice spoke. 

“Who is ‘me’?” Jiyeon asked.

“I’m Kim Myungsoo. You forgot about me again?” He pouted.

Jiyeon pulled the phone away from her ear and checked her phone screen. “How would I know that you saved your name as Luffy in my contact?” She laughed.

“I’ve to use a pseudo name.” Myungsoo reasoned.

“Mr. Luffy…” Jiyeon chuckled, sitting down on her chair. She heard him chortle softly in the background. “You can change the name if you don’t like this.”  He said. 

“No… This name works fine. I know Luffy.” Jiyeon giggled.

“You do?” Myungsoo raised his voice in surprise.

“Yep… One Piece.” Jiyeon answered and Myungsoo concurred. 

“Wow, not many girls know that.” Myungsoo said in awe.

“I am not one of the many girls then.” Jiyeon retorted. 

Myungsoo laughed at her reply. “So, are you home now?”

“Yes, I’m home.” Jiyeon said, brushing her hair. “What is it?”

“Earlier I want to ask you out.” Myungsoo stated.

“Ask me out?” Jiyeon repeated back his words. “Why?”

Myungsoo pondered for a moment. “Hmm… To.... get back my handkerchief...”

“You called me at three a.m. just for this?” Jiyeon said in disbelief.

“Yea, you haven’t replied me…” Myungsoo said sheepishly. “Are you free this Tuesday evening?”

Jiyeon pulled out her drawer and stared down at the black handkerchief neatly folded inside. “If I say no, will you end this call?” she asked.

“Well, no. I’ll just arrange another day when you are free.” Myungsoo said assertively.

Jiyeon raised her eyebrow. Is the handkerchief so important? “I’m free on Tuesday.” She said finally.

“Great, I’ll let you know the meeting place and time later.” Myungsoo said cheerily.

“Okay.” Jiyeon answered, yawning unexpectedly. “Aren’t you tired?” 

Myungsoo smirked. He was so used to sleeping at erratic hours that he had no problem staying awake at this hour. “It’s getting late. You should sleep now. Goodnight.” He said.

“Goodnight.” Jiyeon murmured and hung up the call. She went to switch off the lights and crawled into her bed. It felt so warm and snug. She pulled the blanket over her and within minutes she drifted off to dreamland. 


The following Tuesday afternoon, Jiyeon arrived at the P.S. café on time. She entered the place and spotted Myungsoo easily. He was hidden among the group of teenagers.

“Thank you, oppa.” The fan said gleefully when she received his autograph. Myungsoo shrugged and returned a wink. The young girls hyperventilated on the spot.

“L oppa is so handsome. We’re so lucky to meet him here.” Jiyeon heard one of them remark when they skipped past her and exited.  Clutching the handkerchief, she strolled towards his table.

Myungsoo could sense someone approaching and he picked up the marker again. “What’s your name?” he asked solemnly.

Jiyeon slid the black handkerchief across and pointed at it. “Park Jiyeon…”

Myungsoo glanced up at once and his lips curled upwards. “You are here.” He said, smiling warmly at the girl. Jiyeon grinned and took the seat opposite him. Myungsoo put away his marker. “Some patrons recognized me and wanted an autograph.” He explained.

Jiyeon nodded. Even though the idol had disguised with a cap and shades, his handsome features were recognizable. “No wonder you are the visual.” She randomly remarked.

Myungsoo stared at her, amused. “You searched up on me?”

Jiyeon’s face reddened and pursed her lips together. She really did a look up on him the night before and realized that he is even famous in Seoul. There were at least tens or thousands of searches of him in the Internet. “Hmm…”

“Well?” Myungsoo stared at her expectedly.

Jiyeon avoided his gaze. She was never going to admit that she watched their live performances too. “No, I did not.” She replied sheepishly.

“Then you have to find out about us.” Myungsoo made a disgruntled noise and flipped through the pages of the menu. “The cafe is famous for Shepard pies and pasta. What would you like?”

Lunch? “But I’m going off soon.” Jiyeon replied.

So soon? Myungsoo did a double take. “We are supposed to lunch.”

“I need to get some fabric for my school project.” Jiyeon explained.

“I see, we can go there after lunch.” Myungsoo stated.

Jiyeon gawked. “I’m not hungry…”

“But I’m starving… And I hate to eat by myself.” Myungsoo pouted, revealing a pitiful look.

Jiyeon softened. “Alright…”

Myungsoo’s face lit up at once. “In return, I’ll accompany you to the shop.” He said brightly.

“You sure you want to come? Aren’t you busy?” Jiyeon raised her voice in surprise.

“I’ve nothing on this afternoon.” Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders and clasped his hands together. “So what do you want?”

“Okay...” Jiyeon agreed. “Shepard pie.”

Myungsoo grinned, raising his hand to call for the waiter. “Yes, what can I order for you?” Jiyeon watched her ogle him infatuatedly as she took their order but Myungsoo was oblivious. He either does not care or he is used to the stares.

After the satisfying lunch, they made their way to the fabric shop in Jiyeon’s car. During the journey, Myungsoo learned quite a bit about the girl.

Myungsoo widened his eyes in horror. “Yikes, you only know Sechskies?” He complained.

“Don’t bother to quiz me on the members’ names. I can’t remember.” Jiyeon said forebodingly. Myungsoo closed his mouth and thought of other question.

“Who else do you know? Are you familiar with actors? Yoo Seungho? So Jisub? Song Hyegyo?” Myungsoo asked. 

“Cha Seungwon.” Myungsoo gawked and Jiyeon felt stressed. “Why are you asking these questions anyway? I can’t focus.” She said grudgingly.

“But you’re driving very well.” Myungsoo commented.    

“Don’t you have a license?” Jiyeon asked.

“If only I’ve the time to learn.” Myungsoo retorted. Jiyeon grew silent as she did not know what else to say. Jiyeon pulled the car to a stop. They had reached the fabric shop.

“You’ve to call me oppa.” Myungsoo insisted after he got out of the vehicle.

Jiyeon tilted her head and ogled at him. “Why?” She questioned as she clicked her car remote to lock the doors.

“I’m one year older than you.” Myungsoo replied. “Call me oppa.”

Jiyeon stared at him for few moments. “Oppa…” She said reluctantly.

A wide smile spread on his lips. “That’s like it.” Myungsoo retorted.

Jiyeon shook her head at his childish behaviour and opened the door to the textile shop. Myungsoo saw what she is doing and wanted to stop her. “Didn’t they put a closed sign?” She looked back and gave him a smug smile.

“I know the boss.” Jiyeon replied and entered the shop. The doorbell rang but what welcomed them was a woman’s shrill voice.

“Hyukjin, open your mouth…” A young woman was coaxing the baby toddler in his high chair. Just when she thought she had succeeded in getting him to eat, the toddler spat out the milk. She recoiled in disgust at her dirty top. Frustrated, she tossed the milk bottle to the table and pulled off the bib off the baby. “Fine, don’t eat! I washed my hands off you!”

Hyukjin cried louder as the girl stormed away angrily. Jiyeon watched in dismay. She put down her handbag on the counter and walked over to the wailing baby. She picked him up effortlessly.

“Oh… Don’t cry… Noona’s here.” Jiyeon rocked Hyukjin in her arms. “Hush… What happened?” She glanced anxiously at the young girl.

“Unni… Hyukjin, he is not eating... I don’t know what to do with him anymore…” Areum quivered.  

Myungsoo took out his handkerchief and offered to the distraught girl. She took his handkerchief and wiped her tears off. “Thank you…” She hiccupped.

Hyukjin was easier to placate compared to the adult. Soon, the baby stopped sobbing and Jiyeon put him back to his chair.

“Only you could handle him.” Areum said, as she wiped the tears off her face.

“Go wash up.” Jiyeon said and she obediently left the room. “Naughty boy, why do you always make her cry? You know how hard your umma-” Jiyeon poked the child’s cheek playfully.

Myungsoo sputtered. “What? She’s his mother?”

Jiyeon stared ridiculously at him while Hyukjin winked brazenly at the older boy. Jiyeon let the boy hold on to his milk bottle.

“Anything wrong with being a teenage mom?” Jiyeon snapped.

“Nothing!” Myungsoo blushed. “I’m just surprised.” He added in an apologetic tone. “Where is Hyukjin's appa?”

“At this time? Working…” Jiyeon uttered. Hyukjin was drinking deliciously. “Help yourself with drinks. There should be a flask hiding behind the counter.” She pointed him the direction.

Myungsoo only found buckwheat tea and he poured a glass for himself. “Are you sure you’re doing the right way?” He questioned. The way she was holding and feeding the toddler seemed clumsy. “What if the mother comes after you later?”

Jiyeon made a face at Myungsoo and turned her attention to Hyukjin. “Good boy, you’ve to finish everything so you can grow stronger and bigger.” She played with his tiny fists and Hyukjin giggled.

Myungsoo sat on the stool and gathered his thoughts. The young woman stepped into the room. She had changed into a new top and tied her hair into a ponytail. She looked more composed and cheerful than before. He could not help but compare her looks to Hyukjin. Now there is a slight resemblance between the two. Areum stared back peculiarly at Myungsoo as she walked past him to pour a drink for herself.

Jiyeon sensed an awkwardness coming from the two. “This is Myungsoo. Oppa...” She added consciously after receiving Myungsoo’s menacing glare. “She is Areum, my high school junior.”

“Hello.” Areum greeted, holding her mug. Her eyes flickered in recognition. “Omo, aren’t you L?” She gawked.

“Mm.” Myungsoo replied.

Areum clapped in disbelief. “Wow.”

“You know who he is?” Jiyeon inquired.

“Who doesn’t?” Areum marveled.

“She.” Myungsoo replied dryly, pointing at Jiyeon.

“What?” Jiyeon said defensively after placing the empty milk bottle on the counter. The baby boy seemed satisfied with his meal.

“Unni? Nah, she’s clueless about most singers and actors.” Areum stated.  

Jiyeon cleared loudly and scowled at Areum. “Have you gotten all the fabric?”  

“Yep, they are ready at the shelf.” Areum replied, casting a concerned look at Hyukjin. He was suddenly burping nonstop. “Is he okay?”

Jiyeon sat Hyukjin in her lap and patted his back lightly. The boy squirmed in her arms and started crying again. “Why are you crying?” She asked.

Myungsoo wrinkled his nose at the smell. “What’s that smell?” He stated.

Jiyeon sniffed the air as realization settled. “Hyukjin ah, did you just poop?”

“It must be.” Areum said, hovering behind the cashier while Jiyeon checked his diapers. She confirmed with a firm nod. The young woman searched under the counter and handed Jiyeon the baby diaper. “Do you need my help?” Jiyeon asked.

“I can manage, you take a rest.” Jiyeon said kindly. “Come on, Hyukjin. Let’s change you out of your dirty wear.” She cooed, carrying the baby and went to the washroom.

“Make yourself welcome. Hardly anyone comes in at this hour, so don’t worry.” Areum said, rearranging the fabric on the white counter.

Myungsoo looked up from his phone. Jungryoul hyung had just messaged him demanding to know his whereabouts. Myungsoo replied the message and put his phone away. “How old is Hyukjin?” He asked casually.

“He’s turning one this coming December.” Areum replied.

“Isn’t it difficult to work while bringing up a child?” Myungsoo remarked.

“Excuse me?” Areum stopped her arrangement and stared at the idol. “I’m still a student.”

“Isn’t Hyukjin your son?” Myungsoo blurted. “Jiyeon told me about teenage mom and Hyukjin’s father is working.”

“No, Hyukjin’s my stepbrother.” Areum clarified. “My stepmom’s out meeting some new distributor so I’m here tending the shop.”

Myungsoo blanched. He slowly digested the facts.

Areum cackled. “Oh Jiyeon unni, she always plays the same trick. You aren’t the first one who falls for it.” Myungsoo reddened.

“Areum, where is the baby powder?” Jiyeon called out.

“Baby powder? Didn’t you see it at the shelf?” Areum retorted. “Oh! I found it.”

Jiyeon came out to take the baby powder and felt a penetrating glare on her. Myungsoo was eyeing her every move.

“Why are you staring at me?” Jiyeon asked warily. She tilted her head at Areum.

“Why don’t I go change my baby brother’s diapers?” Areum hinted and took off.

Ah, he found out already. “Oh… Hyukjin is Areum’s little brother.” Jiyeon explained. She wanted to leave discreetly but Myungsoo caught her wrist. 

Jiyeon was startled by his gesture. She glanced at the hand he was holding. “You and I, we’ve something to discuss.” He said. 

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !