By Hook or By Crook

Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

To Myungsoo’s dismay, Jiyeon burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?” He asked, frowning.

“What you just said. No one will believe that I’m your girlfriend.” Jiyeon chortled.

Myungsoo raised his eyebrow. “Why not? You don’t have a boyfriend, right?”

Jiyeon scowled. “I’m being serious, oppa.”

“Me too.” Myungsoo said. 

“I don’t like you.” Jiyeon said seriously.

“Really?” Myungsoo fixed his gaze at her. “But I’m in love with you, Jiyeon.”

Jiyeon’s jaws dropped at his straightforward confession. For a moment, she just stared at him, speechless. Slowly she tilted her head to the left. “Don’t you feel hot?” She asked, reaching to adjust the air conditioner.

Myungsoo peered up as he heard loud honks. “Watch out!” He screamed, pointing at the approaching vehicle. “Watch out!”

“Huh?” Jiyeon sputtered. She had been so focused listening to him that she did not realize that she had driven off course, crossing into the opposite lane. “Oh my god!” She shrieked. Her mind went a total blank as she watched the delivery van head towards them.

Open-mouthed, Myungsoo intuitively grabbed the wheel and steered the car to the other side. They returned to the original lane in time. As the van passed them, he could see from his window that the driver was swearing and pointing at them.

Jiyeon saw and glared at the driver, feeling offended. “What’s with his attitude?” She muttered under her breath.

Myungsoo gaped at her. “We nearly have a car accident. What were you thinking?” He raised his voice.

Jiyeon was shaken by his outburst. “I know… I’m sorry.” 

“Stop at the side.” Myungsoo ordered. Jiyeon slowly directed the car to the other side of the road as told. Her face was beet red. Though she did not want to admit it, he could tell that she was traumatized.

Myungsoo gave her a stoic look. “Can you still drive? If not, I can call my manager to fetch us.”

“I’m alright, I can drive.” Jiyeon replied.

Myungsoo raised a doubtful look. “Sure?”

“Yes I’m fine. Just, don’t talk to me.” Jiyeon insisted, pulling up the gear and started the car.

“Fine.” Myungsoo answered.

The journey back to the company was a quiet one; neither of them spoke. Soon Myungsoo was playing with his handphone while Jiyeon focused on her driving.

“Is this the place?” Jiyeon announced finally. Myungsoo looked up from his phone and found himself back in the familiar neighbourhood. “This is an entertainment agency?” She asked, marvelled by how the residential building serves as an office to the idols.

“Yup. Thanks for the ride.” Myungsoo said.

“Why aren’t you getting out?” Jiyeon asked after a belated moment.

“The buckle’s spoilt.” Myungsoo complained. He had pressed the button several times but the buckle failed to release.

“Again? Let me help.” Jiyeon unclipped her seatbelt and climbed over him. Their skin rubbed against each other and his heartbeat quickened. Her long hair swayed before Myungsoo’s face; he could smell her sweet-scented shampoo.

Stay calm! Myungsoo scolded himself mentally. Jiyeon gave the buckle another tug and she stumbled and fell onto his lap.

“Uh…” Myungsoo said awkwardly, peering down.

Jiyeon blinked up and realized her hand was on top of his crotch. “Oh my!” She shrieked as she fumbled to get herself up. She returned to her seat immediately. “I’m sorry!” She said. Her face was burning as she stared down at her hands. 

Myungsoo found her reaction amusing. “What were you thinking of?” He said.  

“What?” Jiyeon sputtered, blushing.

“After what you did, don’t evade your responsibility…” Myungsoo sniffed. Jiyeon gawked at him as if he lost his mind. Their eyes met for a long time before Myungsoo looked away, collapsing into fits of giggles.

“Okay, this is too funny.” He chuckled. 

Jiyeon rolled her eyes, hitting his arms. “Get out, oppa.” She commanded.

“Ow! Ow!” Myungsoo retorted, covering his arms protectively. “I’ll go, but let me ask something first.” Jiyeon stopped hitting him and gave him a passive look.

“Are you free next Tuesday?”

“What?” Jiyeon asked.

Myungsoo put on his solemnest expression. “I want to date you.”

Jiyeon stared stoically at him for a few seconds. “Get out… before I beat the crap out of you.” She said threateningly, shoving him towards to the door and he got out of the car grouchily.

“Geez. Drive-”

The door was shut from inside. Within seconds, he could hear the engines blaring and the driver drove the car away. “Yah Park Jiyeon!” He shouted but the girl just callously took off without turning back.


Myungsoo turned back, his anger quickly dissipated as he saw Sungjong and Sungyeol.

“Where did you go? Jungryoul hyung had been looking for you the whole afternoon.” He said as they entered the building together. 

“Because of the articles?” Myungsoo asked. He was not surprised that the members had already heard about the article. “I thought those articles were being taken down? Hyoan hyung told me so.” He frowned.

“Yea.” Sungjong affirmed.

“Friend, between us. Who’s the girl in the photo?” Sungyeol inquired.

“Crazy girl.” Myungsoo replied absentmindedly.

“Huh?” Sungyeol gawked.


The elevator doors opened and Myungsoo entered with Sungjong.

“Hey choding.” Myungsoo called out but he appeared to be in a daze. He jabbed the close button.

“Aren’t we waiting for hyung?” Sungjong asked.

“Well, he isn’t moving…” Myungsoo said. Sungjong shook his head at the hyung’s childish prank.

Sungyeol snapped out of his thoughts immediately. He extended his hands to intercept the closing doors. “Oei!”

Myungsoo belatedly pressed the open button. “Oops.” He smirked.

“Jerks.” Sungyeol leered as he stepped inside the lift.

“We did call you.” Myungsoo said defensively.

“Yeah...” Sungjong said lazily from the back of the elevator.


The next Tuesday afternoon, Myungsoo went to the shopping mall with Sunggyu and Dongwoo after a studio recording. The electronic store on the fifth floor was buzzing with customers.

“I’ll like to get this camera.” He told the bespectacled middle-aged salesman, pointing at the particular model on display.

The staff said. “Is there anything else?”

Myungsoo shook his head and the staff went to the storeroom with his order. He was playing with the display cameras, taking random pictures and checking their quality when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and snapped a photo.

“Ah, oppa.” Someone gasped as the flashlight blinded her and her companion temporarily.

“Oh dear.” Myungsoo took down the camera immediately. “Areum?” He was even more shocked to see the person standing beside. “Jiyeon, are you okay?”

“Hi...” Jiyeon said stiffly. She was in a daze. “We’re fine.”

“Yea...” Areum replied.   

Myungsoo placed back the camera and faced them. “Fancy meeting you here.” Myungsoo said with a hint of mockery.

Jiyeon scowled, ignoring his taunt. “Yea, we finished school early and came here. Surprise.” She muttered.

Myungsoo snorted.

“Sir, how would you like to pay?” The staff came back with his new camera.

“By card please.” Myungsoo answered.

“Let’s go, Areum.” Jiyeon hissed as soon as Myungsoo turned his back to the cashier.

“Myungsoo oppa told us to wait for him.” Areum replied.

Jiyeon did a face palm and dragged her away. “Just go.”   

“Wait!” Myungsoo came back from the cashier and was dismayed to find them leaving. He darted to them with his shopping bag. “Didn’t I tell you to wait?” He glowered at Jiyeon, who sighed at the missed opportunity to sneak off.

“Where are you all heading?” Myungsoo asked as they took the escalator down.



Jiyeon looked at her friend and groaned for their lack of rapport. Areum peered strangely at her.

“So where are you going?” Myungsoo asked again, looking slightly amused.

“What did you buy?” Jiyeon changed topic.

“Digital camera.” Myungsoo answered.

“Are you here by yourself?” Areum asked.

“Nope, the boys are downstairs.” Myungsoo replied.

“The boys?” Jiyeon raised her voice slightly. “Infinite?”

“Yep.” Myungsoo nodded. Someone wearing leopard prints parka approached them and he waved back. “Hyung, have you gotten the cake?”  The young man lifted the box that he was carrying, smiling.

“Sunggyu oppa?” Areum said excitedly as the man’s parka revealed part of his face.

“Sheesh!” Sunggyu turned his head around anxiously. Thankfully there were not many people around. “Who are they? Fangirls?” He nudged Myungsoo.

Myungsoo shook his head. “No. They’re my friends, this is Jiyeon and she’s Areum.”

“Hello.” Sunggyu greeted the girls and turned back to Myungsoo. “Have you gotten the present? Dongwoo’s waiting in the car.”

“What present?” Areum asked curiously.

“Eh Areum…” Jiyeon said warningly.

“Oh yea. That’s what I want to ask. We’re going to celebrate Sungyeol’s birthday with his fans. Since you are here, would you two like to come?” Myungsoo asked.

“Sure!” Areum agreed spontaneously.

“Thank you for your invite, but we’re going for a movie.” Jiyeon declined politely.

“Yea...” Myungsoo said dryly. Areum pouted.

Myungsoo eyed his elder member suggestively. Hyung, help me.

Sunggyu caught his obvious hint. But why did Myungsoo want the girl to come? He kept looking at Jiyeon and found that he had seen her somewhere before. “Are you Hyomin’s cousin?” He asked.

“Uh huh.”

Ah, that explains... A sly grin slowly appeared on Sunggyu’s face. “Come to the party.” Jiyeon looked at him strangely. “Your cousin’s coming.”


This time, Myungsoo looked genuinely surprised. “Really, Hyomin noona is coming?” he asked.

“Yep, someone invited her...” Sunggyu said resignedly.

“Oh.” Myungsoo remembered the night before Woohyun was asking Sunggyu if he could invite a friend to the party. Woohyun, that player...” He said under his breath.

“Hey where are you going?” Sunggyu asked as they parted ways on the first floor.  

“I didn’t say that we’re joining you all.” Jiyeon answered.  

“Why?” Myungsoo blurted. “Shouldn’t you worry what will happen to Hyomin noona and Woohyun?” Sunggyu gawked at his younger friend. 

“Why should I? What will happen?” Jiyeon asked.

Myungsoo lowered his head and whispered into her ears. She bit her lip as she listened intently. Her eyes grew wide. “Serious? Nah, that won’t happen!”

“Up to you to decide.” Myungsoo shrugged. Jiyeon cast him a fretful look.

“What, unni?” Areum glanced at them curiously.

“Areum, we’ll catch the movie another day.” Jiyeon said dejectedly. Myungsoo smiled coyly delighted that his plan is working. 

“Didn’t you want to watch Son Hyunjoo badly?” Areum asked.

Sunggyu looked over his shoulder. “Are you coming, Myungsoo?”

“Yes hyung, they are coming.” Myungsoo grinned as he jogged up to his side. The ladies followed behind, chattering in soft voices. 

“What did you say to her?” Sunggyu asked.

“I say, Woohyun’s really smitten with Hyomin noona. Who knows if he might do something crazy during the party today, like striptease or wedding proposal?” Myungsoo said quietly.

Sunggyu stared at him grimly. “That sounds more like you, crazy bastard.”

“It’s true. I saw him rehearsing last night.” Myungsoo retorted. They reached the white car, where Dongwoo was waiting inside. He stopped swaying his body to the music and looked at Sunggyu as he opened the door. “You got everything?” he asked breezily.

“Yea and we brought ladies.” Sunggyu stated jokingly as he got in the back of the vehicle with the gift and cake.

“Huh, what ladies?” Dongwoo remarked. Sunggyu pointed out of the window. Myungsoo was giving driving directions to Jiyeon and Areum. “Our Myungsoo could be a conman anytime he decides to leave Infinite.” He remarked.

Dongwoo looked baffled. “Who are they?”

“Hyung, Jiyeon will be following your car.” Myungsoo said as he climbed into the passenger seat.

“Who is Jiyeon?” Dongwoo asked.

“An unfortunate girl, who got cheated by the lovefool.” Sunggyu remarked.

Dongwoo guffawed.

“At least I got what I want.” Myungsoo replied brazenly.  

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !