
Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

Myungsoo blinked twice to make sure his eyes were not playing trick. The manager gave him a nasty glare and he shuddered. Without warning, Myungsoo his heels and darted in the other direction. Jungryoul turned livid.

“You!” He roared. “Stop right there!”

Myungsoo looked back as he ran. The hyung stood stunned for a minute. When he gave chase, the boy was already a few metres ahead.

“Then don’t run after me, hyung!” He shouted, heading towards the souvenir store. At that moment, a group of ten to twelve Asian tourists chattered as they walked out of the souvenir store. Myungsoo wiggled his way through the crowd and disappeared into the store.

Jungryoul stomped his feet and ruffled his hair angrily. The horde of tourists just made him lose the boy. The group’s youngest manager Hyoan jogged towards him.

“I could hear your voice from the other side. Did you find Myungsoo?” he asked.

“What do you think? That bastard… ran away!” The man snapped.

“I didn’t see him.” Hyoan remarked, frowning. He looked around and his gaze fell upon the souvenir store beside. He eagerly nudged Jungryoul. “Hyung… Do you trust my instincts?”

Inside the store, Myungsoo peeked to his left and right to make sure that Jungryoul did not follow. He couched and hid behind a shelf of soft toys and key chains, breathing heavily. He was thankful that the manager had come all the way for him, but he didn’t want to leave yet. At least not now… he stared down at the cup that he was holding. The ice cubes had started to melt.

“Myungsoo, what are you doing down there?” A feminine voice drawled.

Myungsoo raised his head and saw the Indian lady from his tour looking in his direction. He waved awkwardly at her from his spot. “Hi, Daya...”

Suddenly behind them, a young Chinese fan gasped and nudged her friend excitedly. “Did you hear her call him Myungsoo?” She said to her in mandarin. The girls eyed him suspiciously.

“Are you L?”

 “Sorry…” he started to play dumb.

“What’s happening?” Daya said, bewildered. “Do you need help?”‘

“Get Steve please.” He whispered urgently back. The woman nodded and went out of the store.   

“Yah, Kim Myungsoo! I know you’re here. Show yourself.” Jungryoul’s voice boomed in the store. Several people looked at him in dislike; he was walking idly around the store and randomly called his name.

Myungsoo gulped as he stared back at the girls. Within seconds, both of them were on fire and their eyes looked like they were going to pop out. It’s as if they understood Korean language perfectly.

“You really are L!” The chubby girl cried.

“I’m not L.” He shook his head hurriedly.

“It’s really him! Oh my god!” The friend shrieked.

“Yes, yes! I can see the resemblance now! L!” She shouted, moving towards him. Myungsoo recoiled in horror.

Jungryoul happened to turn his head and noticed his movement. “Yah! Myungsoo!” 

Oh dear! Myungsoo pushed his way roughly past them, and had them almost knocking into the shelves. “I’m sorry!” He said in a panic, darting for the male bathroom. He had seen one earlier. However, he did not expect Hyoan to calculate the number of moves he will take beforehand and stood behind the door while Jungryoul combed the store. Myungsoo gleefully opened the door and...


He went straight into Hyoan’s arms.

“Gotcha!” The manager cried in delight. The impact had left Myungsoo in a temporary daze.

“Let me go!” The boy yelled suddenly, struggling to break free of his arms.

“Okay, okay.” Hyoan said, releasing his clutch on him. Seeing the chance, Myungsoo ran out of the bathroom but a pair of strong hands caught the back of his collar from the opposite direction. The poor boy was lifted off the ground.

“Ack!” He struggled helplessly against his assailant.

“If you dare run away again, I swear I’m going to break your legs.” A threatening voice whispered in his ear. Myungsoo froze that instant.

Jungryoul hyung... “Okay, okay! I won’t escape. Just let me go!” He said hastily.

Hyoan said to the hyung. The manager released him reluctantly.”Did you know how much trouble you’ve caused?” He said grudgingly.

Myungsoo glanced at Hyoan, who concurred. “We didn’t Everyone was worried about you. “

“How did you two know I would be here?” The idol ruffled his fingers through his hair.

“Save your breath, we’ve a flight to catch.” Jungryoul said hurriedly.

“Oh that’s right.” Hyoan said sheepishly.

“I thought we missed the 3pm flight?” Myungsoo stated.

“Youngjun booked us for the next flight at 9pm.” The oldest manager answered. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Hyung, wait! I’ve to at least inform the guide. I paid for the tour.” Myungsoo raised his voice.

Jungryoul frowned. “Fine, five minutes.” He said curtly.

Myungsoo followed them out of the bathroom and was stopped immediately.

“Uh hyung, we’ve a problem…” Hyoan said, pointing at a couple of Asian girls gathering outside the main entrance. Myungsoo stole a look behind the wall. He recognized the two fangirls from the souvenir shop. They were talking animatedly with their friends, probably recounting their encounter with him earlier. One of them looked in his direction and Myungsoo quickly hid away from view.

“Change of plans.” Jungryoul said. “The car’s waiting at the back right?” Hyoan nodded.

“No hyung, you promised!” Myungsoo said with his eyes wide.

“We’ve to leave before those girls tell everyone that you are here.” Hyoan agreed.

Myungsoo opened and closed his mouth resignedly. He knew he is in no position to argue back. He was thinking if there is any way he could pass the stuff to Jiyeon. He had told Daya to look for Steve but the guide has not appeared.

“I know of another exit at the back.” Hyoan said helpfully.

“What are you waiting?” Jungryoul said. “Lead the way.”

“Yes hyung!”

They bumped into Steve at the corridor. “What’s going on, Myungsoo? Daya said you were looking for me. Who are you?” He waved at Jungryoul and Hyoan.

“His managers.” Both men answered at the same time.

Steve gave a quizzical look.

“They are my older brothers, Jungryoul, Hyoan.” Myungsoo introduced. “This is Steve, the tour guide.”

“Oh hello!” Steve said, flashing a wide grin.

Hyoan beamed and waved back at the old man while Jungryoul cleared his throat impatiently.

“Steve, I won’t be taking the bus back. They are here to pick me.” Myungsoo said, pointing the two managers. “I need your help...”


“Yes, yes… Meet you at the Central Station. I don’t know what time we’ll reach the city, 6.30pm maybe?” Jiyeon shrugged. “Okay, I will let you know when we’re at the freeway. Okay, bye.”

Jiyeon glanced at the bruise on her feet for a moment. She heard footsteps and lifted her head. “What took you- Steve?” She sounded surprised. The man stared grimly back.

“Where is Myungsoo?” Jiyeon asked.

“He had to leave first.” Steve answered.

Jiyeon was startled to hear that Myungsoo had left her without a word. “He isn’t going back with us?”

Steve shook his head. “Two men came to pick him. He said they are his brothers. They looked really anxious and were eager to bring Myungsoo back.”

Could they be his managers? Jiyeon wondered aloud.

“Anyway he told me to get these.” Steve offered her the cola, his left hand holding a cup of freshly filled ice. He then wrapped some ice cubes into a black handkerchief. “How is your foot?” Steve made a disgruntled cry when he saw the nasty swell. Jiyeon was lost in her thoughts. She grimaced as she felt a piercing pain on her foot.

“Does it hurt?” Steve asked in dismay.

Jiyeon shook her head. The pain went away quickly and was replaced with numbness as he pressed the icepack to her ankle gently. “Apply it gently on your leg.”

“Thanks Steve.” Jiyeon replied, taking the icepack from him.

“Let’s go back.” Steve said, helping Jiyeon to her feet.

Two hours later, Steve drove the bus into the city and followed a familiar route to drop off the visitors at their individual hotel. “We’re at Central Station.” Jiyeon was the last passenger on the bus.

Jiyeon got up carefully, exerting less pressure on her injured foot. “Thanks, Steve.”

“Shall I bring you to the hospital?” The man said.

“No worries, I’m fine.” Jiyeon replied. “Oh I almost forgot.” She stopped and handed him the black handkerchief. “Here is your handkerchief.”

“That’s not mine, honey.” He smiled. “It’s Myungsoo’s.”

Jiyeon looked closer at the handkerchief. There was a small initial M embroidered on the bottom. She did not see it earlier. “Oh...”

“Guess you can’t return the owner now.” Steve said.

Jiyeon nodded weakly. “Thanks for everything, Steve. I enjoyed the tour today.”

“You’re welcome. Sorry that you got hurt. Take good care of yourself.” He said pleasantly. “Have fun in Sydney.”

Jiyeon said goodbye and alighted from the bus one step at a time. The moment she came down, a masculine voice greeted her.

“Woah, what happened?” Byunghun strode anxiously towards her with a worried look.

Jiyeon beamed sheepishly at her best friend and waved.

“This is a reminder for all passengers boarding Korea Air 102 to Seoul, the gate will close in 10 minutes. Kindly make your way to Gate A10.” Clutching his passport and boarding pass, Myungsoo hastened his pace and followed the managers to the departure gate. The waiting area was empty; they were the last passengers to board the plane.

“Seat 10A is on your left.” The cabin attendant said at the entrance. Hyoan smiled appreciatively back at her. Myungsoo was ahead of him and had made his way to his assigned seat. He plopped into the seat next to the window.

“Lucky you, hyung didn’t sit with us.” Hyoan remarked, glancing at Jungryoul behind. His expression was dark and sombre. “Myungsoo?”

The boy was thinking about Jiyeon, his heart was filled with utmost regret. As he reminisced about the time they spent in the day, he lamented how the managers had showed up at the Blue Mountains so suddenly. He could not make the ice pack for Jiyeon, take a picture together or exchange their contact details. Jiyeon was special. It was the first time he met someone who does not care about his idol status and treated him like any ordinary man.

Myungsoo smiled to himself as he remembered hearing silly laugh and seeing her large twinkling eyes when the kangaroo pooped on him. The image of Jiyeon crooning, cuddling and playing with the animals etched his mind and captivated his heart. The moments when they were at the Blue Mountains lingered in his mind; him taking photos of her against the beautiful scenery, him touching her chest by mistake, and him offering her solace when he realize she is scared of the dark. Myungsoo has never thought that he may be attracted to Jiyeon until the moment he saw her hurt his ankle. He grew worried and frustrated. At that instant, he even had an irrational thought of getting back at the Caucasian’s boyfriend.  

“Stop thinking… you two aren’t going to meet again.” Myungsoo mumbled.

The boy felt a prod on his shoulder and he tore his gaze away from the window. “Yea?” he said.

Hyoan frowned. “What were you thinking of?”

“Nothing, hyung.” Myungsoo lied.

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !