
Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

*Note: Myungsoo and Jiyeon converse with one another in Korean, but they speak in English with foreigners.*

The bus stopped by the petrol station near the expressway for a short break. Steve was talking to his colleague over the change of events while Myungsoo sat at his seat, thinking about his ridiculous plight. Steve stated clearly that he would not drive him back to the city intentionally. He neither has his phone with him nor remembers anyone’s contact number. Given the current situation, he had to go along with the arrangement and returns with the bus in the evening. That also means he will be missing the 3pm flight. 

“Jungryoul hyung’s probably hitting the roof…” He shuddered at the image.

“Yes, I’ll get him to pay the full amount. Okay, see you in office.” Steve told his colleague over the phone. “Son, the price for blue mountains tour is $169, are you agreeable?” He glanced at the boy.

“Do you accept credit card?” Myungsoo said.

“Of course, I do.” Steve said heartily. He took out a portable credit card terminal and swiped his card. “Here you go.” He returned the receipt and card. 

Myungsoo then alighted from the bus and headed to the kiosk. He grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the shelf and went to pay at the cashier. He came out and saw Jiyeon eating yoghurt by herself next to the entrance. He walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

Jiyeon gave him a puzzled look. “Yes, L-sshi?”

Myungsoo looked warily at her. “Could you please don’t call my stage name?” he hissed. The last thing he wants people to start recognizing him.

Jiyeon made a face and nodded. “No one else understands what we are saying.” She said reassuringly. Myungsoo glanced around the petrol station and realized that they were the only Koreans. “Other than me, no one knows who you are. That group of four is a family from New Zealand, the young newlyweds over there are from India.” She pointed at the elderly couple boarding their bus. “Germany. The rest are backpackers from Brooklyn.”

Apparently she has no idea of his popularity overseas. “Anyway... call me Myungsoo will do.” He said firmly.

Jiyeon shrugged. “What can I do for you, Myungsoo-sshi?” She said coolly.

Myungsoo smacked his lips, thinking. He merely wants to speak to someone comfortably in his language and she is the only one around.

“Why are you here by yourself? Where are the rest of your members?” Jiyeon asked out of curiosity.

Myungsoo eyed her sceptically, wondering about her identity. For all he knows, she may be a netizen or fangirl waiting her chance to fish information out of him. “You are not going to spread any malicious rumours on the SNS, are you?”

Jiyeon huffed. “Why would I do that?”

Myungsoo unscrewed his cap and drank from the bottle. “You could ask your little sister. She’s definitely a fangirl.” He said surly.

Jiyeon looked slightly offended. “First, that girl is not my sister. I don’t know her. Second, I don’t even know who Infinite is until yesterday.”  

Myungsoo scorned. “You two came looking for me together. She even helped to take your photo.”

“I didn’t want to-” Jiyeon faltered. “Hold on, weren’t you the one who invited me to take the photo with you?” She made a face.

Myungsoo closed his mouth wistfully. Jiyeon looked at him and wondered if he was admitting his mistake. “Uh, never mind that…” He changed his tone abruptly. “But how could you not know about Infinite? We’ve been promoting the past three years.”

Jiyeon held the plastic spoon in and looked thoughtfully at him. “I really know nothing about you.” She said, savouring the last bit of the yoghurt. “Perhaps your company’s marketing strategy failed?”

Myungsoo laughed at her ridiculous reply.

There were excited squeals and hoots when Steve led the group through the gates of the wildlife park. Inside, the animals were free to roam about without minimal supervision from the wildlife keepers.

Steve cajoled a wallaby over easily and the animal affectionately. He was giving them a brief introduction of the place. “Feel free to walk around the park and interact with the animals.”

“Look, Mummy there is a koala on the tree.” The said excitedly, tugging his mother’s coat. “Did you see it?”

Myungsoo looked up at the eucalyptus tree that the boy was pointing. It took him some time to spot the sleeping koala.

The wildlife keeper brought the koala from the enclosure. “Who would like to have a close encounter with Koala Mike?” she asked.  

The kids ran to the keeper and the koala with immerse affection. The lady even allowed them to carry the koala. Myungsoo stood at the back and watched them with his arms crossed. Suddenly he felt a nudge behind.

“There is an angry emu heading towards you, son.” Myungsoo retreated a few steps and blinked. He then realized that Steve played a prank on him. In his arms was a koala, Steve looked expectedly at him. “This is Tammy. Say hi.”

Myungsoo stared blankly at the man.

“Why aren’t you touching it?” Jiyeon remarked. Their eyes met as she walked past. She was holding a cone filled with animal feed. “I can feed them right, Steve?” she asked.

The guide nodded. “Sure, go ahead.”

“Oh, you are so adorable.” Jiyeon crooned as she watched the wallaby feed on her cone hungrily. She took out her camera and began snapping photos of the animal. She then took a photo of herself couching next to the wallaby and patting its fur lovingly.

Steve looked at Myungsoo. “Go on, touch her.” Steve said encouragingly. Myungsoo swallowed. He is never fond of furry animals. “Tammy doesn’t bite, don’t be afraid.”

Myungsoo squeezed his eyes shut as he slowly laid his hand on the back of the koala. “Isn’t it soft?” Steve winked. The boy nodded tersely. The fur was surprisingly soft. A boyish smile spread his face as he the koala tenderly. At first, he was squirming when Steve suddenly placed Tammy over his shoulder. Myungsoo had no choice but to carry the koala in his arms. His face softened a little as he cuddled the koala. It was his first encounter so close with an animal.  

Few metres away, Jiyeon was captivated by the moment. Myungsoo looked like a small kid the way he fondled the koala. His eyes shone in excitement and he had a big grin on his face.  Tammy was chewing eucalyptus leaves from a twig that Steve was holding. Jiyeon took a photo of him on the spur of the moment. She was actually surprised to find the boy’s gentle side.

A crowd started to form around Myungsoo as time passed. “Young man, can we take a photo with you?” The German lady asked Myungsoo, beckoning her husband.

Myungsoo hesitated. “Uh-”

“Sure Madam!” Jiyeon said earnestly. “Where is your camera?” Myungsoo darted a look at her.

“I don’t have one.” He replied wryly.

“Oh.” Jiyeon then took the camera from the couple and told them to take their positions. Jiyeon held up the camera and adjusted the lens. Myungsoo stood between the elderly couple. “Ah… Look at me, everyone.” She instructed. He straightened his back and lifted the koala. Tammy was sleeping on his shoulder.

“Hold on, I’ll take one more shot with my camera.” Jiyeon said. Myungsoo and the couple watched her fumble with the camera switch.  

“Okay.” Jiyeon said finally, smiling at them.

“Oh no! Tammy pooped.” The lady suddenly cried, amused. Everyone including Jiyeon turned their heads. She stared at the excrement that fell on Myungsoo’s arm. After a beat, she burst out laughing. His face paled and scrunched in revulsion. Steve hurried to get Tammy back and Myungsoo shook his arm violently to rid the lump of poop.

“I’m sorry that this happened.” Steve said sympathetically. Myungsoo could tell that the man was trying his best not to laugh.   

“Don’t laugh. It’s your fault.” Myungsoo said frostily to Jiyeon. She struggled to keep a poker face.

“How is Tammy pooping on you my fault?” She said, sticking her tongue at him.  


Meanwhile, the boys were sitting around sheepishly Sunggyu’s room doing their own things. Inside, all of them are probably sharing the same anxiety that a member went missing. For the past two hours, they had been seeing random faces come in and out of the room and hearing their managers shout at people but no one returned with any news.

“Yes sir, we’ll make sure they are safe and sound.” Manager Youngjun said. Judging from his looks, Sungyeol reckoned the hyung must have had a dressing down by Woollim’s CEO.

“Shall we contact the police?” Sungyeol asked timidly.

“Not yet.” The manager sighed, shaking his head. “It’s not time.”  

At first, Sungyeol was annoyed of getting found by the staff, ending their short-lived freedom. He was going to deal with the person for causing the plan to flop until Sunggyu told them that Myungsoo had gone missing. He then realized that severity of the matter and started to worry about his friend.

Where could he have gone? Sungyeol thought, holding on to Myungsoo’s phone distractedly. “That guy… I told him to subscribe for overseas roaming.”  

Soon it was almost noon, time for them to leave for the airport. The boys shifted uneasily when the managers walked to them. “Boys, time for you to go.” He said wearily. “The vehicle is here.”  

“You’ve found hyung?” Sungjong suddenly sat up on the couch.

The man shook his head. “We’re still looking for him.”

“Then, why are you telling us to go?” Woohyun said questioningly.

“You guys have a schedule tomorrow morning; you have to be back by then.” Manager Youngjun said surly.

“I’m not leaving without Myungsoo.” Sungyeol said.

“We can change to a later flight.” Hoya proposed.

“Yea right, do you know how much your tickets cost?” He said with a sarcastic smile. The members shuffled their feet guiltily.

“Hyung, we’ll go.” Sunggyu spoke up, placing his hand over the boy’s back.

“I’m not going.” Sungyeol said stubbornly.

 “You don’t have a choice.” Jungryoul snapped.

The tension in the room rose as Jungryoul and Sungyeol glared angrily at one another. Neither party refused to back down.  

“Hyung… We’ll find Myungsoo.” Youngjun pressed his hand on Jungryoul. He slammed his fist on the table.

“Sungyeol…” Hoya squeezed his arm. Sungyeol tilted his head and shook his hand away.  

 “Jungryoul oppa..!” Someone cried. Everyone turned their heads and their stylist dashing through the doors, panting heavily. She almost collided with Manager Youngjun, who was on the phone. “We found him, oppa!” she squealed.    

“Mirae, where is he?” Jungryoul said sharply, and quickly ran towards the mid twenties girl. The other members followed suit.

Jungryoul snatched her phone and frowned. He was staring at the stylist’s FB account. “What is this?”

“Look at the photo.” Mirae urged.

The manager read the caption, “Idol L spotted in Sydney!” above the photo of two females standing in front of a brick house and Myungsoo happened to walk by. He was looking carefree.

“How did you get this?” He asked the stylist.  

Sungyeol caught a glimpse of the picture and let out a sigh of relief. The guy is definitely Myungsoo.

“My friend in Korea sent me the link.” Mirae explained. “Anyway someone recognized him and posted the photo to FB.” The manager studied the photo in the detail. The building had given him a big clue regarding his whereabouts.

“Did they say where hyung is?” Sungjong asked.

“I don’t know…” Mirae replied.

A beat later, the manager handed the phone back to the stylist. His mind finally cooled. At least he had some ideas where to find the boy now.

“Youngjun ah, check with the reception where this Leura Post Office is.” The younger manager obliged, going out of the room. “And prepare a vehicle.” Jungryoul called after him.

“Yes hyung…” he shouted back.  

Jungryoul then turned to the boys and in a firm voice. “The rest of you, go to the airport with Mirae now.”

“What about Myungsoo?” Dongwoo scratched his head.

“That’s right.” Woohyun added.

The manager gave a stony expression. “He’s not going to make it for the flight so you guys have to leave for Korea first. I’ll go and fetch him, wherever he is.”


Author's Note:

Writing... This unni has been writing nonstop since yesterday... because I just couldn't get my mind off Myungyeon. Everyone give me power please! :]


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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !