Feel Good

Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

As the exam dates drew nearer, Byunghun began to spend his afternoons in the school library to do his revision. Many students, like him dropped by the place after classes and studied till late night.

This evening Byunghun was at his usual seat facing the window, poring over his book on business law. His lecture notes stacked high on the table. He had been enjoying the serenity until the chattering Chunji arrived and started bragging about his recent rendezvous at a club.

“And we exchange numbers… You should’ve seen her. Oh, I think we took a photo together. Isn’t she hot?” Chunji whispered, waving his phone.

Byunghun lowered his book and stole a glance.   

“Her s are big huh.” Chunji smirked.   

Byunghun rolled his eyes. The girl across their table overheard his comment and stared at them in distaste.

“Disgusting fellow, if you aren’t here to study, leave.” Byunghun muttered. Chunji continued to blabber.  

“Yah, Lee Chanhee!”

 The blonde head cringed. “Don’t call me by that name.” he hissed.

“Then shut up, you’re disturbing everyone else.” Byunghun retorted.

“My date cancelled dinner on me and I’ve nowhere to go.” Chunji pulled a forlorn face.

“Go home.” Byunghun ordered.

Chunji pouted. “I don’t want to be alone at home.”

“I wonder why you need to study… You’re already the top student.” He nagged. Byunghun gave him an infuriated glare.

“Fine… I shan’t disturb you.” Chunji pulled his iPad out of his bag sheepishly and listened to the music. Scowling, Byunghun continued reading his notes.

However, the peace lasted only less than ten minutes.

Chunji came over and nudged him suddenly. “Hey L.Joe...”

“What?” Byunghun said irritably.

“Look what I found.” Chunji muttered, passing him the iPad. “Isn’t this your friend? She went to an idol’s birthday party last week.” 

Byunghun narrowed his eyes as he read the web article titled ‘Lucky fans celebrated for Infinite’s Sungyeol 22nd birthday’. What was Jiyeon doing there? She doesn’t even know a thing about KPOP. He studied the photo and saw Areum among the people. “Her friend must have asked her along.” Byunghun replied, touching the spot where Jiyeon was. Beside her was the boy, visual of the group. An uneasy feeling overcame him as he stared at their picture.

“Earth to L.Joe…” Chunji whispered.

The last time when he spoke briefly with Jiyeon on Infinite, the girl had retaliated. He had the impression that she disliked the boy group and loathed that guy in particular. But in the photo, the two of them looked friendly with one another, to the extent of being intimate. Byunghun swallowed a lump.

“So, Jiyeon likes pretty boys after all.” Chunji scorned. “No wonder she isn’t interested in you.”

“Jiyeon isn’t that kind of girl.” Byunghun retorted, clenching his fist. He wanted to punch Chunji for his snide remarks.

“Are you still in contact with one another?” Chunji asked, looking concerned.

“We don’t usually keep in contact.” Byunghun answered truthfully. “I was busy with deadlines and her school semester just started.”

“Did something happen to the two of you at the farm?” Chunji inquired.

“No…” Byunghun’s voice quivered as he recalled the morning they left the farmhouse for the city. They had departed late because he was suffering a hangover and could not wake up. On the way back, Jiyeon was particularly quiet.


“Hey Dino, why are you so grumpy?” Byunghun asked. He glanced at his rear-view mirror for the following vehicles.

Jiyeon tilted her head back and looked at him with a stoical expression. “Whose fault is it?” She muttered crossly.

“Me.” Byunghun sounded genuinely apologetic. “We’ll make it to the airport in time.” He said reassuringly.

 Jiyeon snorted. “You don’t drink again when I’m around.” She retorted.


Jiyeon stared at him for a moment before answering. “Because I’ve to stay up all night just to clean your vomits and take care of you...” She grumbled.

For a moment, he was stunned by the reply.

“Okay, I promise not to drink when you are around.” Byunghun chuckled.

“Dummy…” Jiyeon retorted.


“You bedded her, didn’t you?” Chunji said quietly.

“WHAT?” Byunghun exploded, jolting backward in his chair.  

Chunji glanced around the library and caught several people looking in their direction. He hushed his friend quickly.  

“What the hell are you talking?” Byunghun whispered angrily.

“It’s just a question. Do you have to get so worked up?” Chunji retorted.

The Caucasian male across them slammed his book shut and stared angrily at them. “Hey Koreans, get out and talk. Stop making a din here.” He said unpleasantly.

“You’ve a problem?” Byunghun snarled.

“That’s right. What do you say, stupid Asians.” The young man spat. Byunghun felt taunted and stood up at once.

The Caucasian flexed his arm muscles menacingly.

“Chill buddy…” Chunji hissed, pulling him down. “Sorry everyone, we’ll stay quiet.” He apologized to the other library users surly.

“Let go of me.” Byunghun said and brushed his friend’s hand off. Chunji stared fretfully, as if afraid that he may fight. Instead, the boy sat down and grabbed his book to read.

“Do you want to give her a call?” Chunji muttered.

“Shut up.” Byunghun snapped.

“Fine…” Chunji zipped his mouth symbolically and took back his iPad grudgingly. He glanced at his watch, why can’t the time pass more quickly? Resignedly, he read the online journals that were assigned by his professor. He had barely finished the second paragraph of the journal when Byunghun suddenly stood up, looking pissed. Chunji sat up immediately.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Dinner…” Byunghun said brusquely, grabbing his wallet and mobile phone.

Chunji watched his friend go outside with a wry expression. Through the polished glass, he could see him fervently pressing the keys on his phone. Why is he always acting like a lovelorn whenever it concerns Jiyeon? He sighed.


Jiyeon was at home working on her school assignments when her mobile phone rang. She chomped down her muesli bar and peered at the screen.  

“Ho… isn’t it Granny Lee? What’s the occasion?” She smirked.

“I just want to check on you. We haven’t spoken since you went back.” Byunghun said. “What are you doing now?”  

“Preparing designs for an upcoming school event. What about you? Why is it so noisy?” Jiyeon complained.

Byunghun looked around. His voice was being swallowed by a group of chattering students. They had just come out of the library and were discussing where to have their dinner. He turned and walked towards the cafeteria.

“Is it better now?” Byunghun asked.

“Yes better, where are you?”

“I’m in school. My exams are starting in two weeks.” Byunghun replied.

“Ugh.” Jiyeon scrunched her nose at the mention of exams.

“Afterwards, I’ve a week break. I may be coming back.” Byunghun said.   

“Really?” Jiyeon said, sitting up excitedly. “That’s great. You haven’t come back for a long time. Ahjumma misses you.”

A nostalgic feeling started to fill his heart as he thought back on the times they shared together. I miss you more, Jiyeon. He wished to tell her that over the line but was afraid that she might misunderstand.

“But I haven’t planned a date yet.” Byunghun said frankly. The decision to return Korea during the school break was impromptu.   

“Let me know, I’ll go and fetch you.” Jiyeon said cheerily.

“Really, you?” Byunghun sneered.

“What?” Jiyeon retorted, snubbed by his sarcasm. “Hey, I’m serious. You fetched me when I went Sydney. It’s polite that I do the same in return.” She sulked.

“Alright…” Byunghun cleared his throat abruptly. “Are you busy these days? I saw you went to Sungyeol’s birthday party.”

Jiyeon sputtered. “How did you know about the birthday party?”

“There was a photo uploaded online.” Byunghun stated.

Jiyeon exclaimed. “Is there? I went the party with Areum… Oh, Hyomin unni was there too. She knew the boys from work.” She explained.

“I think I saw her in the picture.” Byunghun muttered. “So how was the party? You looked like you enjoyed yourself.”

“The party was great. Sungyeol oppa turned out to be quite a friendly and nice chap. In fact they were quite modest...” Jiyeon said.  

“Heh… Oppa?” Byunghun groaned. “Have you become a fan of Infinite? Cause I vaguely remember someone was complaining about them when they were at the airport.” He teased.

“Did I?” Jiyeon said absentmindedly, flipping the pages of her sketchbook and froze. She was holding onto a sketch of Myungsoo portrait, which she drew after returning from the party that night. She squeezed her eyes and lowered her head. Thank god Byunghun isn’t here, or she would die of embarrassment. She closed her sketchbook and tossed it aside.

“Hello… Are you still there?” Byunghun asked.

“Yes, I’m here.” Jiyeon said hurriedly.

“I haven’t seen you for a few weeks and you are already into KPOP.” He mocked.

Jiyeon scowled. “Correction, I’m not into KPOP.”

“Say what you want.” Byunghun jeered. “When I come back, I bet you could recite the names of other boy groups like Super Junior and EXO.”

“Who are they?” Jiyeon asked.

“Find out yourself.” Byunghun said.

Jiyeon scoffed. “Well then, I shan’t share my secrets with you.”

“What secrets?” Byunghun’s head shot up at once. “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to hang up.”

“Yea right, you and your empty threats…” Jiyeon snickered.

Byunghun stared down at his shoes and broke into a soft chuckle.


Myungsoo had been in his room since he returned from his afternoon schedule.   

“What are you busy with?” Sungyeol asked. He walked to his desk and peered into his computer screen. Myungsoo was sorting the photographs taken at the party and making them into a video montage.  

“Oh, you’re home.” Myungsoo replied, sounding surprised. “I’m arranging the photos from the party. You need anything?” he asked.

“No.” Sungyeol looked around Myungsoo’s room and was amazed at how he could still keep his room neat and tidy despite their hectic schedule. “I just realized we haven’t chatted for some time.”

“You were busy with your new drama.” Myungsoo said.

Sungyeol stopped and pointed at the picture. “This girl… Didn’t she come to my party that day?” he asked.

“That’s Jiyeon.” Myungsoo answered.

“Is she one of the invited fans?” Sungyeol asked.  

Myungsoo shook his head. “I invited her and her friend.” He said.   

Sungyeol’s eyes widened with interest. “Really, you did?” He sat down on the edge of the bed and faced Myungsoo. “Tell me, what’s the inside story?”

The video montage was finally ready for rendering. Myungsoo hit the enter key and wheeled his chair around. “What inside story?” he asked, bemused.  

Sungyeol had his hands intertwined behind his head. “Like… Are you two dating?”

“Not yet.” Myungsoo replied.  

“Means what?” Sungyeol ogled.

“Means I’m still wooing her…” Myungsoo said irritably.

Sungyeol chortled. “How did you two meet?”

Myungsoo pursed his lips. “Still remember last time, I told you about Sydney and the scandal few weeks ago?”

Sungyeol nodded. He was aware that Myungsoo met a Korean girl, who was oblivious to his celebrity status when they were in Sydney. The previous scandal also seemed to involve the same person.

“What about her?”

“Jiyeon was that girl.” Myungsoo revealed.  

“Oh.” There was an awkward pause.

“What is that oh for?” Myungsoo snapped. Sungyeol stood up and patted his back understandingly. “It’s not easy to date a non-celebrity.”

Myungsoo stared strangely at him. “What are you talking about?”

Sungyeol smirked. “You want some dating tips? I may not be as experienced as Woohyun hyung, but unlike him, I’ve a girlfriend.”

Myungsoo had a double take. “Wait, you’ve a girlfriend?”  

“Yup, I’m no longer single.” Sungyeol confirmed. “I asked Jihyun to be my girlfriend and she agreed.”

Myungsoo gave him an astonished look. “Since when did you and Jihyun-sshi start dating?” he gasped.

“The night when you guys threw me the surprise party.” Sungyeol grinned.

Myungsoo shot up from his seat. “You got to be kidding me.” He cried. “Is it legal to date someone from the fan club, furthermore the president?”  

Sungyeol shrugged. “No idea. Keep this a secret from the boys for now. I don’t want the managers to know later.” He hissed.

“Of course…” Myungsoo replied. “Have I ever told your secret to others?”

“True. Ah I feel so good after confiding in somebody.” Sungyeol remarked and walked away.  

Myungsoo swung his arm around his friend’s neck and pulled him back, much to Sungyeol’s surprise. “Oei!” he yelped, eyeing him to let go of his hands.

“Teach me. How did you make her say yes?” Myungsoo demanded.  

“You really want to learn?” Sungyeol double verified.

Myungsoo nodded eagerly.

Author's Note:

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !