One Great Step

Unexpected You! [Hiatus]

“Infinite, are you ready?” someone came knocking their door. The members came out of the waiting room and followed the staff to the conference room outside. “Wait here.” The female staff said as she opened the door slightly. Sunggyu peeked through the gap and saw at least twenty foreign reporters seated and camera crew standing behind with their equipment in the room. He turned back, his lips nervously.

“Are you feeling nervous?” Dongwoo asked, frowning.

“No, I’m not.” The leader laughed tersely, rubbing his neck. Dongwoo snorted, shaking his head at the eldest hyung’s ego.

“Don’t worry hyung. Your English is better than mine!” Woohyun called from the back of the line.

Sunggyu glanced back at the boy. “Then why are you so confident?” he whispered. 

“Well, I’m going to answer everything in Korean later.” Woohyun answered coolly.

“Me too…” Sungyeol quipped.   

Sunggyu scowled. “Don’t you two dare mess up the conference later.” he said menacingly.  

“We won’t. Trust me.” Woohyun replied, winking at his best friend.

The male host and translator received the staff’s notification and nodded at the reporters. “Good afternoon everyone, the press conference for Infinite 1st World Tour 'One Great Step' at Sydney will commence now.” He announced. “Let’s welcome the group.”

“Hyung, stay focused.” Dongwoo hissed, tapping his shoulders. Sunggyu reddened as he missed the host’s first cue.

“Let’s go.” Sunggyu said, beckoning the members to follow him.

The people inside the room rose and applauded as the seven handsome boys entered the room one by one.

“Hello, we are Infinite.” The boys greeted and bowed to the audience together. The applause grew louder and the camera lights flashed continuously.  

The conference started as the members sat down and formally introduced themselves. The reporters had come prepared with questions to ask the group. As time passed, everyone had answered at least one question from the reporters except Myungsoo; he is always the quiet and distant member during public events.

“It’s your first time in Sydney. How do you find the city?” a female reporter asked. As usual, Sunggyu took the microphone first and spoke about the beautiful scenery and weather of Sydney.

A reporter raised his hand and asked. “This is your last concert of the first world tour. If all of you are given a day off in Sydney,”

Myungsoo raised his head slightly with a sardonic look. The following afternoon after the concert, they are scheduled to fly back to Korea for a recording.

The reporter continued. “How will you spend it? Can I have L to answer this question?”

Myungsoo picked up the microphone. “I guess I will spend the day walking around the city and taking photographs.” He answered.

“Where is the place you will want to visit?” The reporter commented.

“I don't really know, maybe the Opera House?” Myungsoo shrugged. There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes.


“It’s Sydney Opera House!” Jiyeon squealed, sprinting to the side of the harbour. The well-known performing arts centre was right ahead. Byunghun watched her jump up and down like a child, and laughed.

“Hurry up!” She called.

Shaking his head, Byunghun walked slightly towards the girl. “I thought you didn’t want me to come along?” He said mockingly.

A light breeze blew against Jiyeon’s face and she felt totally relaxed.

“Do I have a choice?” Jiyeon said sourly to her friend. “I rather have you with me than your roommate.”

Byunghun laughed, shaking his head. After breakfast, Jiyeon had told him forthrightly that she is not comfortable with Chunji. If the boy is to bring her around Sydney the next days, Byunghun has to come along. Jiyeon was surprised when the boy agreed to the proposal so easily.

“Come on!” Jiyeon squinted as the afternoon sun hit her face.

“Use this.” Byunghun said, passing his sunglasses to her.

Jiyeon put on the shades and admired the architecture for a minute. “It’s beautiful…” She remarked. “What is that bridge called?”

Byunghun turned to the direction she was pointing. “That’s Sydney Harbour Bridge.”

“Magnificent. Can we climb it?” Jiyeon replied in awe, clicking her camera continuously.

“We can, but I doubt you have the stamina…” he snickered.

Jiyeon scoffed.

“Come on, let’s take a photo together.” She grabbed Byunghun by his arm and pulled him thoughtlessly to her side.

“Ah…” Byunghun complained as Jiyeon took the picture.

Seconds later, Jiyeon burst out laughing as she jabbed the picture at him. “You look hilarious!” The camera captured Byunghun squeezing his eyes tightly. His face was so contorted that she could never tell they were the same person.  

“Erase it.” He said sternly, reaching for the camera.

Jiyeon kept the camera out of his reach and wagged her finger playfully. “No way! This camera is mine!” she said.

“I’ll get back at you.” Byunghun said threateningly.

Jiyeon waddled back. “I’m really not afraid of you… Lee Byunghun.” Without realizing, she crashed right into someone and lost balance. Byunghun lurched as he watched her fall down.

“Are you okay, Miss?” The stranger expressed with concern.

“I’m okay.” Jiyeon answered.

Byunghun darted to her side. “Are you okay?” he asked. Jiyeon sat on her knees, watching her friend fuss after her. “I’m fine…” she said belatedly.

“Be careful, will you?” he chided.

“I’m just too excited to see the Opera House right in front.” She stood up, while getting support from Byunghun.

“It’s only your first stop in Sydney. I cannot imagine what’s going to happen later.” Byunghun shook his head. The girl grinned unruly and walked away. “Want to go inside the opera house?” he called out.

Jiyeon stopped her tracks, turned back and nodded fervently.


As the time of the concert drew nearer, the tension at the backstage rose further. Everyone was doing last minute checks.

Myungsoo put on the headset given by the staff and checked again. “Testing, do you hear me?” he spoke through the microphone.

“I hear you loud and clear.” The stage manager’s voice replied back. He glanced at the members who were still in the dressing room.

“Why aren’t you wearing your shoes?” The coordinator asked, frowning.

Woohyun flustered. “Noona, someone took my shoes. These are not mine.” He retorted.

“Who took Woohyun’s shoes?” He shouted across the room. “Give his shoes now!” A junior staff shot back with the correct pair of shoes. “Here it is…” she panted.

“Thanks.” Woohyun replied, putting on the shoes.

Myungsoo was the last member to have his makeup done. “Stay still, Myungsoo-sshi.” The stylist said as she swept the brush across his face.

“Seven minutes to countdown!” The stage runner shouted.

“Okay, done.” The stylist said to Myungsoo. He came off the seat and climbed the stairs hurriedly.

The other members were waiting near the stage area upstairs. Sungjong and Dongwoo were laughing away as Hoya imitated the fan girl they met in the airplane.

“You all saw how she was like. ‘Oppa, oppa’, you have no idea…” he laughed, shaking his head.

“That was a good one, Hoya.” Dongwoo cackled, wiping the tears off his eyes.

The managers were pacing up and down, doing a final check on the members.  

“Yah, Jang Dongwoo! What are you doing? Your makeup will get ruined before the concert starts!” Jungryoul reprimanded, as he grabbed one of the stylists, who happened to pass by the area.

“Sorry! Hyung.” Dongwoo said sheepishly, as the stylist dabbed the cotton pad on his face.  

“It’s our last concert, Sungjong. How are you feeling?” Sungyeol asked, as he held an invisible microphone.

Sungjong joined in his nonsensical talk. “I’m very happy and excited!”

“How do you spell the word excited?” Sungyeol randomly quizzed the maknae.

Sungjong pondered deeply. “Hmm, e-x-c-i-t-e-d?”

“Bravo.” Sungyeol remarked. Sungjong pushed his hyung lightly, snickering.

Myungsoo joined the Sung brothers in the holding area. “What are you doing?” he eyed them suspiciously.

“You’re here? Wow, you look amazing.” Sungyeol commented.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes at his best friend. “How do you spell amazing?” He shot back, while adjusting his bracelet.

“A-M-A-Z-I-N-G...” Sungyeol replied confidently.

“You are truly amazing!” Myungsoo clapped his back soundly, emphasizing on the last adjective.

The stage runner came back with updates. “Three minutes to countdown! Infinite, please be on standby!”

The laughing ceased as all the members walked up to their respective positions on the stage. It was an oversized cage with shackles connecting to the metal bars. Myungsoo walked over to his position and wore his chains with mixed emotions. He never liked the concept of the members being jailed and chained up, but he did it anyway for work.

Thankfully, this will be the last time. Myungsoo thought comfortingly.

“Where is Sunggyu?” Jungryoul asked suddenly.

“Has anyone seen Sunggyu hyung?” Hoya called helpfully. Dongwoo shrugged his shoulders.

“I didn’t see hyung…” Woohyun replied.

“Nope…” Myungsoo and Sungyeol shook his head.

“Could he be in the toilet?” Sungjong said innocently.

Jungryoul’s jaw almost fell. “At this time? Where did the boy go?” He mumbled, taking out his phone.

“I’m here! Sorry, I went to the washroom...” The leader retorted as he dashed in with Youngjun following behind closely. Quickly he made his way to the platform.  

“Don’t you dare run off without informing again!” Jungryoul chided.

“Yes yes, hyung.” Sunggyu nodded repentantly, glancing at other members. “This is our last show, boys. Let’s rock tonight stage!” The other members quipped in agreement.

“Thirty more seconds.” The familiar voice spoke through the members’ headset. Sunggyu slipped his wrists into the chains and inhaled deeply.  

“Good luck boys~” The staff waved from the sides.

Myungsoo exchanged furtive glances with Sungyeol. The boy smirked back. Silently, he was counting down. Ten seconds more, their final world tour concert will begin. Soon after tonight, they will carry out the secret plan. No one, other than him and Sungyeol knew about the plan. He honestly cannot wait to see their reactions when they learn of it.

“Three, two, one… Raise the screen.” The manager cued the stage crew.

Cheers exploded from every corner of the auditorium as the screen slowly lifted, revealing the stage for the first time. The members put on their coolest and charismatic side for the thousand over fans gathered together that evening.



I actually wrote a note this morning but I forgot to save the message. Drats!

First, I wanna thank Ni_lee for making me another poster for this story when I didn't even request for it. It's gorgeous!!! I was truly surprised. 

Second, just to clarify... Jiyeon did not see Myungsoo at the hotel, something else happened... which I don't wish to reveal at this time. You all must be thinking I'm so mean. hahas. lol. Keep your guesses coming.   

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 22: update plss
Kenosevi #2
Update ;;(
Chapter 22: INFINITE in the dorm .. So cute ~
Woohyun, we all know you thought you'll see Hyomin at this fashion show :3
Myungsoo to model for a school project .. Cool !
Update soon, i'll be waiting ~ :3
Chapter 21: I want to know where Sungyeol went :3
Myungsoo is scared of horror movies ? Aha
L spotted .. I sense problems ..
Chapter 20: Crazy Prof. Lee :3 What's with these advices ? Funny ~
Sungyeol, you're so oblivious ..
They are now together ~ Myungyeon
But I still like L.Ji better ~
Chapter 19: L.Joe ! I missed you !
Jiyeonie, what secrets ?
Choding ! What's the meaning of this ?! Dating a fan ?! Why does it feel weird ?
Chapter 18: Happy birthday Lee Sung Yeol ~ :3
Poor chocolate cake .. Smeared everywhere !
Hyomin x SungKyu ? Oh i like this ~
Myungyeon ! Is Myungsoo really in love with Ji ?
Chapter 17: These two are unconscious ! One got distracted and the other distract her ..
But funny accident after ..!
Really, Myungsoo, you'll do everything to have Jiyeon by your side huh ..
Chapter 15: I waaaaaaant to see mooooooooooore Jiyeon x Hyukjin ~~~~
Jiyeon is a worrier. What happened ..?
Is that a way to ask a girl out, Mr. Idol L ? No ! I thinking it's not serious !
Chapter 14: Again with the handkerchief's excuse ..
Jiyeon sure is a prankster huh !