Epilogue: The Ruin Surprise

Hello, Mr. Annoying
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A dark chocolate-haired girl sat on the bathroom floor with her wide eyes focused on an object in her hands. What was she supposed to do now? And what about her husband? What would he say? The same questions continued to repeat themselves in her head. Her head had been a complete blank. She hadn't expected the result to be this. When she had decided to take the test it was just to see if her period was late again. Her period was always late, but this time it had been longer than usual. Still, she hadn't expected the result to be positive.


Slowly she stood up from the floor to look at herself in the mirror. To her surprise she saw herself showing a thin smile. She hadn't thought about it before, but she was strangely happy. A small human being was now growing inside of her. At that thought her hands seemed to place themselves on her stomach automatically, the test still in her hands. Her smile grew even wider and to be honest, she felt like the happiest person alive at that moment.


Now she just had to tell her husband about the news. Jongin was nervous. Jongin would very soon come home from work and then she would have to tell him. It wasn't really the fact that she had to tell him that freaked her out. It was more how he would react that made her this nervous.


They had never talked about getting kids before, so her news would probably come as a shock, and to ease his reaction a bit she had made his favourite dish for dinner. She didn't know what else to do. Her head snapped towards the front door when she heard the handle being pressed down, meaning he was now home. She was standing in the kitchen at the counter cutting some fresh strawberries for her husband. Even though they were having mushroom soup for dinner, he always loved it when she prepared some extra fresh strawberries to go to the dish.


She felt two strong arms wrap around her waist. "Mushroom soup? You can just tell me if you want something." He said teasingly followed by a kiss on her cheek.


She put down the knife in her hands and turned around in his arms. "I don't want anything, Jongin. There’s just something I need to tell you, that's all." She told him with a faint smile.


"Did something bad happen?"


"Depends on how you look at it, I suppose." She shrugged. The nervousness had almost left her body. Now that he stood in front of her it didn't seem so frightening to have to tell him the news. She was sure he would be just as happy as she was. "Now sit down so we can eat and I'll tell you the good news."


He gave her a quick kiss before letting go of her to sit down at the table. Soojung found a small plate for the mushroom soup and then sat down at the table herself.


"So what is it? What happened?" He asked as he took his spoon and began eating.


"I—I’m p--pregnant."


His eyes widened. Had he heard correctly? How could this happen? Well, he knew how it happened, but still how could it happen? In pure shock he dropped the spoon that was halfway to his mouth. It hit the floor with a seemingly loud thud.


"You call that good news?" He asked. Seriously, what was good about having a small human running around and messing everything up?


"Y-you're not happy?" Soojung asked bewildered.


"Of course not. Isn't everything perfect as it is? Why ruin everything by having kids?" He was clearly not aware of what his words did to his wife.


She quickly rose from her chair and stared at him, hurt evident in her eyes. "How can a little baby ruin anything?" Her voice got louder as she continued to speak. "How can you even say that?"


Oblivious to her pain he rose as well. "I can say it because it's true. We don't need a baby in this marriage. Everything is perfectly fine as it is. Now, I'll go call the hospital to get an appointment, so we can get this problem fixed." He exited the kitchen to find the phone.


This time hi

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This fanfic gonna end soon. Wow, I feel like just yesterday I wrote it.


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yehet_hunhun94 #1
very cute !!
kyungyeon #2
Chapter 19: One thing to say,
Luhanexodeer #3
Author nim what song tittle of the trailer ?
SweetWater #4
Chapter 19: I've just found your story and read them all in one go. Nice one!! :)
aisyaharcher #5
Chapter 19: OMG. KAISTAL IS NOW A BIG HAPPY FAMILY! Thanks for making my day author nim!! <3
Hfirah #6
Chapter 19: Rereading this back feels so gooooodddddd ;)))) AND JONGIN OMFGGGG THAT WAS CUTEEE
niss125 #7
Chapter 18: thanks for the updates , sorrry i was very busy lately
Chapter 18: and why taemin must paired with naeun??? :')