

 Chapter 9 – Showtime


We went on stage and did what we had to do. As soon as we were done with our performance we heard clapping and cheering. I was so shocked by the reaction of the audience, from the fans. I knew we did great, we each did the best we could do. As soon as we got off the stage the five of us burst into giggles. We did it our first stage, and we think we did pretty good. We saw Changsun-oppa clapping as he walked toward us, Jihoon-shi behind him smiling at us. “So how was the performance?” I quickly asked, I wanted to confirm our feelings were real, and we weren't just fooling ourselves. The two men looked at each other then Jihoon-shi spoke, “Well...” “But?” I quickly cut off, starting to remember the performance, trying to find any flaw in it. “You girls did better than expected.” Jihoon-shi finished, as soon as he saw all of our relieved faces, both men burst into laughter. “OPPAS!” we all screamed at the men for the worry they had made us go through. Normally we spoke with Jihoon-shi in a very formal tone, but every now and then we would call him oppa, he didn't mind. We then turned to each other and high fived one another. We were officially a group, and GLAM had to reach the top. Changsun-oppa then took the opportunity to tell us of our schedules. We would be coming out in a variety show to promote ourselves. They wanted to promote GLAM as much as possible. The first variety show would be all of us as a group. Depending on how we did, we either would remain together for other shows or would be separated. As soon as I heard that I clung to the nearest girl near me, who was Cas, she just lightly smacked my arm and laughed. Changsun-oppa knew I wasn't really afraid of being separated, I just liked to joke a lot. I then went into a long dramatic act of how they could not separate us, and what not. It served it's purpose and made all of us laugh. After we knew what our schedule would be like, we proceeded to leave the place. They told us we were to return to practice, and afterwards we would go home to sleep. Tomorrow we would be staring in our first variety program. We needed to make sure we would perform to our best ability. As we all left we could not help but feel dazed at everything.

We finally debuted as a group, and I was shocked to see how well we were being received. I guess they were planning on promoting us more through variety programs. We all started talking about our debut stage and how we did. We chatted about anything we could think of. Once in the car our manager handed us our scripts, it wasn't much we really needed to remember, which is why he told us now, instead of before out debut. They just wanted us to act natural, the only things that were scripted were just the introductions, and endings. Everything else would be our selves, we had to show our true natures. That was going to be able to obtain the hearts of fans, was to show our true selves. The minute we entered the practice room we placed the scripts down on the bench. We immediately started practice. The feel was so much more different now, when we practiced. I know I noticed it, I looked at the girls wondering if they felt it too, but I was sure they probably did. Practice went a lot more smoother than it ever had and as soon as we were done we sat down in our little circle. I ended up resting my head on Minhee's lap while Rin and Heera leaned on each other. We weren't really tired we just decided we needed to speak for a bit. We had this weird communication between us, that when we sat down in a circle, we instinctively knew we were going to speak, and we could easily speak our mind. No one really judged anyone, and we were all for the most part very open people, very liberal in a way. “So you girl's felt it too right? The practice?” I quickly started our discussion once we were all comfortable. “Yeah, it felt different, not in a bad way though. It was like it was easier.” Cas spoke as she shifted from sitting down to laying on the floor.

I quickly rose my head from Minhee's lap once I felt her shuffle a bit, I was aware she probably wanted to lay down too. And just as I thought it she did, looking at the ceiling. “Is this what all groups feel like when they debut?” Heera asked looking at us. “No were just special” I said winking at the girls, they quickly realized my little joke and began to laugh. “Well who knows? I'm pretty sure they all go through something similar though.” Minhee spoke as she shifted to her stomach, I just stretched out my legs in front of me, leaning on my fore arms to be able to see the girls. “I think it went well, and we have to make sure we keep improving from now on.” Rin spoke, I smiled at that. She was really mature for her age, even though we would all see her younger side as well. We quickly went into light chatter of anything that had happened recently. I listened to them mainly, since the free time we would get I would spend it either resting, or practicing. “I wonder what the guys thought about our performance” I heard Heera exclaim as she jumped up from her seat and began to walk towards the bench to grab our scripts. That caught my attention, I was wondering the same thing too, I decided to remain quiet and just listen to their ideas. As soon as she came back with the scripts, and handed them to us, we quickly submerged ourselves into the scripts. We wanted to do the best we could, so we made sure we knew ahead of what we were getting ourselves into. Once we thought we had practiced enough, and had a general idea of what we were going to do we all left to our dorm. We all took turns showering, since we had sweated a lot because of the stage. After wards we ate, brushed our teeth and went to sleep.

The next morning I heard my alarm go off I just ignored it and turned over in my bed. I then heard a lot of mumbling and giggles. “It's too early to wake up yet.” I complained once I realized it was the girls. They all burst into laughter and then I felt a pillow hit me. I figured Minhee threw it at me, since she was probably in her bed. I turned in the bed and got up. I lightly glared at the girls before I got out of bed. They all stuck their tongues out at me and left the room. I could hear them in the kitchen talking about today's recording. I walked into the kitchen, quickly realizing that someone was cooking. “FOOD!” I exclaimed as I fully woke up at the smell, and plopped myself in a chair. “We should take food into the room to wake you up, it seems like you can sleep through your alarm.” Heera said as she bit into her toast. I quickly grabbed a slice and did the same, nodding at her statement. After breakfast we all got ready and left to the studio. Once we entered we introduced ourselves to the staff, and made sure we knew who everyone was, so that we may be able to work better around them. We quickly got into the dressing room to change and have our make up done. Once that was finished, the director took us to the side and explained what today's recording would be about. Since we had gone over the script so much, we already knew. After the briefing, we quickly got into position, to begin the recording. It was like an interview for us, and we would be also showing our talents and skills through various games. Depending on how we did during the games, we would either get a question, or we would get to pass the question to another member.

Once recording started we quickly went into group mode, we tried our best during the games, and the interview. We played all these various games, for a good part of the recording, then afterwards we got together for our group interview. “Hana, deul, set, annyounghaseyo, GLAM imnida” I started, having the girls join in for our group introduction. We quickly introduced ourselves one by one. Once we were done with intros, the M.C quickly jumped into questions. “I heard that GLAM is an acronym, can you tell us what it stands for?” “It stands for Girls Living Art and Music, representing that we are all an embodiment of that.” Cas answered. “You girls just had your debut yesterday, how are you all feeling?” the M.C asked. “We are feeling great, it is an amazing honor to do this, and being part of this show. We hope we can show fans what we are truly about.” I answered. “Did you girls have difficulty getting along, since I know that Eunmi was the last member to join the group?” the M.C asked. “Luckily we really did not, four of us had about a year together, and we got to know each other really well, when Eunmi joined our group we quickly got to know each other. We made sure that she didn't feel any different from us, just because she joined later.” Minhee answered. “I see, well watching you girls yesterday it is hard to tell that she just recently joined the group. It seemed like she was part of the group from the beginning.” the M.C stated. “Thank you, we really do try our best to be on equal grounds, we are one now.” Heera said. I smiled at their answers, it would be the same answers I would have given as well. After a couple of questions about our debut and us as a group the M.C decided it was time to go into the “juicy” stuff. The minute she had said that I had already figured it would be more about our private lives. I began to wonder if these girls would be alright, I had a few things I would find awkward speaking about. I was hoping it all went well and I didn't have to answer anything too crazy.

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!