



I have not forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am terribly sorry my computer broke down for a while, and then i had been really busy with 2 jobs and school. Luckily i finally have the time now so i will hopefully be able to update sooner now. YAY now i hope you enjoy this chapter. 


Chapter 13 – Scandal


We all walked into the restaurant, and sat down. We ended up in a big table, girls facing the guys. It looked like a speed date or something, and everyone happened to be sitting directly in front of their crushes. Once I realized the position we were in I turned to Minhee who was on my left and smiled. Cas was on my right, Rin was to Minhee's left and Heera was to Cas's right. I have no clue how we ended up here in this order since we for some weird reason end up in order from age. The waiter came to our table and quickly turned to me. “EUNMI! Your Back!” he exclaimed probably startling everyone. I just smiled and lightly waved, everyone just looked at me. He then took our orders and left. “Ex co-worker?” Minhee asked turning to me. I just nodded my head, and looked at my plate, I wouldn't really dare look up because I would end up staring at Seungho. The same waiter came back and brought us our drinks. “So Eunmi how have you been? We all are proud of you.” he said trying to make a light conversation. “Thank you Kyujong, I have been well as you can probably tell.” I answered. “Hey I told the folks that you are here, they will probably pass by to say hi.” he said, I quickly turned to him. “Please tell me your lying.” I said as I looked a bit shocked. “Oh the whole staff is coming to say hi, you can't just come and not expect us to turn our head as if you were a stranger.” he said as he began to leave to take and order from another table. I face palmed myself and sunk in my seat more. “Are you going to be okay?” Cas asked as she turned to me. I nodded my head. “Hey look on the up side, he was cute.” Heera said, I quickly turned to the girl. “Sweetie I thought you only had eyes for one person.” I said to tease. “Of course I do, I just stated an opinion, I have no intention of forgetting about that person.” she defended herself. All of the girls began to laugh, the boys still were processing everything.

“I will admit he is cute though” I said as I winked at her, the rest of the girls just rolled their eyes and laughed. I then noticed Rin and Joon seemed to be having a small conversation, I nudged Minhee and motioned to them. “May we intrude in your discussion?” Minhee said as she brought everyone's attention to those two. Rin just shrugged and Joon began to tell us about the food here and what not. Not that interesting of a discussion to intrude into but hey at least I know they get along well. We all began ironically to discuss our favorite types of food and what not. Everyone was talking about who probably eats the most in the group, for the males it was of course Seungho, now what the girls said next shocked me. They thought I ate the most out of all of us. Well I know I kind of did, but still I don't think I was that bad. They seemed to start exaggerating stories to make it seem worse than it actually was. We all laughed at the exaggerations because they were so obvious. Once the food came we all began to eat, having small talk here and there. “So what would you think is your favorite food, since you don't seem to have a specific one.” Seungho asked me in the middle of one of our light chats. “I really don't know, I love anything with chicken in it though. So maybe chicken? I'm not sure.” I answered as I began to notice him eating, using both of his hands. “Interesting way to eat” I said as I motioned to the two pairs of chopsticks in his hands. I already knew about him being ambidextrous, I was too but I rarely showed it. He just smiled and nodded his head, “it's the best way to eat in my opinion. It isn't that hard of you were wondering.” “I know” I said as I switched the chopsticks to my other hand and began to eat. He seemed to go into shock for a quick minute, before he recovered. I laughed at his facial expression, it was priceless even if it was for a quick second.

The rest of the group looked at me like I was crazy because of my sudden laughter. I just turned to my food and continued eating like nothing was happening. “Hey weren't you eating with your right hand earlier?” Thunder asked me. “No what are you talking about, I've been eating with my left hand the whole time.” I answered, sending the girls into fits of giggles. “Oh I must have been seeing things then.” he said and went back to eating. I turned to Seungho and he just laughed and shook his head at me, then started eating. I lightly giggled, and went back to eating. Once we were done eating, we started a debate over dessert. Some wanted one thing, others another thing, I was just pacifist about the whole ordeal. I looked at the girls then at the guys, and I quickly knew what would work for everyone. I called the waiter, Kyujong, and whispered in his ear what to get all of us. “Ok your dessert will come in a minute.” I said once Kyujong left. Everyone looked at me in shock, then began to talk about how they won't like what I ordered. I just laughed and looked at everyone, I knew they would like it, so I just remained quiet. Once the dessert came, everyone's face lit up. It was funny how quickly they stopped talking and began to eat it. “I thought you wouldn't like it?” I said to grab everyone's attention. A chorus of “Kamsamnida” was all I heard and then the clink of silverware on the plates. I quietly ate my dessert plate and silently congratulated myself. Knowing the menu of the restaurant is a huge help. “You have really good sense of taste.” I heard someone say, I looked up to see Seungho staring and smiling at me. “Umm thanks I guess. It's not hard to get something everyone would like once you know the menu.” I answered as I took a bite of my dessert. “I don't only mean that.” he said and slightly chuckled. I felt my face turn beet red, was he serious? “Unni are you okay?” I heard Cas say, I just nodded my head and took another bite. My blush left me soon after, and I was able to finish my dessert. Once we were done the guys decided to split the bill, and would not let any of the girls help pay. I was slightly annoyed a bit because of that, but hey at least they were gentlemen.

As we began to stand up, I turned to wave bye to Kyujong, but instead I saw the whole staff their to say bye. The owners of the place, came ad hugged me, congratulating me on making my dream come true. I also got hugs from others in the staff. I wanted to cry after a while, they were great people and I owed them a lot. They all said a fighting for myself, and both of the groups. Then I waved a quick goodbye and left the restaurant with the rest. Once outside I felt happier, I knew they were very supportive people and I cared for them a lot. We all went back to J. Tune to practice, since the boys needed to. We stayed with them for a while just chatting in the back while they practiced their routines. After a while it began to get really late, and both groups had schedules tomorrow. We all went to our dorms and parted ways. Once inside our dorm the girls began to squeal and laugh. I found it funny after a while. “So did you girls enjoy the day?” I asked mocking them. Minhee decided to throw the pillow on the couch at me and I dodged it. “I will take that as a yes” I said and picked up the pillow and threw it back at her. Sadly it didn't hit her, but hit Rin. “Sorry Rin, that wasn't meant for you, it was for Minhee-unni.” I said apologizing to her. “Uhuh” was all she said before she threw the pillow at me. “Hey that is unfair and uncalled for. It will be two against one here.” I said as I began to run into the kitchen where Cas and Heera had gone to. “You girls have to help me, I'm under attack.” I exclaimed exaggerating my actions to make them laugh.

Rin and Minhee walked into the kitchen behind me, and I quickly ran behind Cas who was closest to me. Rin and Minhee showed me their arms to show they weren't going to hit me with any pillow. I then let go of Cas and walked to sit down. We all sat down at our kitchen table and began to talk. “Soooooo” I started not sure what I wanted to ask first. “You were getting close to Seungho-oppa” Heera said as she smiled at me. “Why am I always the first one to be pointed out here.” I said trying to change the topic away from that. “Rin and Joon seemed pretty close in my opinion.” “Yeah they did, but we all are kind of used to their interactions, now you and Seungho are like fresh meat to us.” Minhee said. I began to laugh at her simile, I found it kind of weird too though. “By the way did you really start eating with your left hand or did you trick Thunder?” Cas asked. “Aww how cute, she noticed her boyfriend's little comment.” “He is not my boyfriend thank you very much, but I do think I need a pillow now.” she responded lightly threatening me. “Fine I got Heera, right?” I said hoping for the last one to not turn on me. “No thanks this is a lost cause.” she answered and smiled at me. I began to laugh, “Anyways yeah I tricked him, but I totally loved the look on your brother's face it was priceless.” I answered, I didn't want to have nightmares with pillows now. “So how do you like Seungho-oppa now that you have actually met him?” Heera asked me. “Not sure... but still about the same.” I answered pausing in between, the girls began to laugh, they probably thought I had changed my mind about him or something. We continued chatting for a bit about our day and decided to go to sleep. Tomorrow was a busy day jam packed with schedules at radio shows and at music programs. At least we had one day to ourselves, to enjoy.  

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!