


Finally got to update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait, i was sort of stuck on which way i wanted this story to go since their were a lot of options. 



Now What To Do?


“You don't seem to like me more than a friend. If you did I think I would have noticed at least slightly. Since when do you care who I like ?” I replied in anger and instead of waiting for an answer I turned around and left. I went inside and I felt a strong urge to just drink, which was not a good thing. I decided one shot of anything would do me good, so I returned to the group to find everyone was still talking. I ordered a drink from the bar and drank it in one gulp. “Are you okay?” I heard Minwoo ask behind me. I looked at the girls who also seemed to look at me with the same question in their eyes. “I will be fine don't worry.” I answered more towards the girls, I glanced at them hoping they would realize the message in my eyes, 'we will talk later for now have fun.' They seemed to have understood and began dispersing again except they left with their ideal men. Afterward everyone seemed to have left, leaving me and Minwoo alone, again. “Are you sure?” He asked me, I looked at him in the eyes and nodded my head giving a slight smile. “Did I anger your boyfriend?” he asked looking guilty, I slightly chuckled at that. “No he is not my boyfriend I will admit I have a crush on that man but from where I see it I'm single and able to talk to anyone I please.” Minwoo nodded his head in understanding. “Want to talk about what happened? I understand you have your group to go to, but I think you might need to let go of it sooner before you do something,” he said looking at me. “I will be fine don't worry,” I answered. “You came here and just gulped down that shot of alcohol like nothing, no I don't believe you are going to be fine if your earlier action was anything to go by.” he said, I looked at him and he looked honestly worried. “I'm sorry that was a whim, but yeah I guess I can talk about what just happen.” I said as I wondered what was going through his mind, all the playful flirting was gone and he seemed honestly and sincerely worried for me.

“I am all ears just tell me and I will listen.” he said and I realized he would be someone I would like to keep close. He was a very honest man, and could be very playful. I began to explain what just happened between me and Seungho. “Wow seems like someone got jealous.” Minwoo said after I finished my quick story. “Yea I guess but it really doesn't make sense he always seemed to be just a friend with him. He has always been like very playful and friendly. I see more romantic feelings between the rest of the guys and our group than I see between me and him.” I answered as I looked around watching the girls and the guys mingling. Mir, Heera, Thunder, and Cas were dancing with each other. Minhee and G.O were chatting at the opposite side of the bar from myself and Minwoo, and lastly Joon and Rin were chatting at a table. I really hoped that someone would hook up tonight, but I also highly doubted that. I began to notice people were starting to leave, people were saying their good byes to one another. They would come up and say bye to me as well. I ended up exchanging a couple of phone numbers with more artists due to this party. I had tried my best to greet everyone and chat with them. I was all over the place at the beginning of the party and now I was tired. I looked at the clock and noticed it was pretty late, or really early for some, depending on ones schedule. I noticed how the club began to empty and I slightly saddened at the idea. It was all ending, now we would all return to the busy life of schedule after schedule, minus our group since we were given a small break. Soon after a while almost everyone had left, only a few groups remained.

There was F(x), 2PM, Big Bang, 2NE1, SNSD and Super Junior, as well as a couple of other people that remained to mingle. They remained but I noticed the fatigue on some of their faces. Minwoo still remained talking to me, we soon exchanged numbers since he decided it was time for him to take his leave. I thanked him for the night, amazingly he had been an amazing companion, and he helped me a lot. After our serious talk, he quickly lightened the mood by joking around. He was a good man and I felt he was going to be a big part of my life. He reminded me of my brother in a way, and maybe that's why I had felt comfortable talking to him about what was wrong. I decided to quickly call my brother, it would be easier for him to pick up due to the fact that it was probably day time in LA now. I quickly dialed the number and waited for the familiar ring tone. He picked after the 4th ring and I quickly answered, “I need to talk to you oppa.” I heard a sigh from his end of the line, this was going to take a while.




The party started off great, I enjoyed the little game of showing our groups skills by dancing to our songs. I don't even remember how it began but it happened and I'm pretty sure it was fun for everyone. We continued the night just dancing and chatting with everyone around. I didn't realize it but after a while Joon and myself ended up talking to BEAST, our “rivals” according to the entertainment industry. Like we always say on interviews and shows, we don't consider each other rivals. We are all actually good friends, pretty close because of the fact that we debuted around the same time. I got along very well with them, just like the rest of the group. “So Junhyung is dating Hara, and the rest of us are single. What about you guys any girls in your life?” Doojoon asked us both. I then noticed Junhyung and Hara were in their own world. “No, not like that.” I answered but then looked at Joon. I knew he had a thing for Rin, just like the rest of the guys had a thing for the girls. I knew of G.O liking Minhee first, then I discovered that Mir liked Heera, and lastly I figured that Thunder had a thing for my little dongseang, Cassandra-Lin. At first I was slightly angered and worried but then I realized it was Thunder and that I could trust him. I'm not trying to push any of them together but I do hope they get together. I try not involve myself in their business unless I absolutely have to, especially their romantic life. Sadly I know my more mischievous side would end up doing something I just need people to help me as well.

“Oh c'mon you guys have an amazing girl group working in your company, and they are all very beautiful women with respect I say this.” Kikwang said, noticing the flicker of anger cross my face, probably over protectiveness for my dongseang which is completely understandable, was probably his reasoning. “Yea they are amazing.” Joon answered looking may I say a little dreamy. I began to laugh at that, he was falling hard for Rin. “Yeah their leader, Eunmi seems like a really nice girl. Sad she has eyes only for you as your little dongseang put it more or less lightly during their first interview.” Hyunseung said. No one had really brought up that topic around me, I certainly saw the interview but I guess the group decided not to ask me about that since I didn't know her at the time. I still don't quite know what to think about that “little” confession. She didn't deny it, she definitely had the chance to do it during their interview, so maybe she really did. “It seems like your not the only man that thinks Eunmi is a nice girl.” Yoseob sad pointing towards a couple walking to the bar. I looked in their direction to notice it was Eunmi and No Minwoo. What was she doing with that guy, I had notice her leave to dance with him during her little chat with the girls, but I thought she had found a new partner to talk to by now, it seemed she was getting along very well with everyone else. Why was she still with this guy?

I couldn't help but notice how they kept talking and her giggling, was she purposely flirting with him. I can understand why a guy would be interested in her, wait did that thought just cross my mind. What is going on with me. I for the most part tuned out the guys conversation, I would only answer when I felt necessary to. I kept my eyes on the pair, why would No Minwoo be interested so much in her. I had crossed the guy every now and then, he seemed like a good man, but I couldn't quite shake off this feeling of worry I began to have. I then noticed the girls approaching them, I convinced the guys to go with me. Once I was within arms reach I grabbed Eunmi and dragged her outside. Once outside I didn't think what I was saying and just let the words flow out of my mouth. After a bit of thrown words from both of us, she left. Her last words hit me like a ton of bricks, why did I care who she liked? Why was I acting this way towards her? I couldn't even reply to those words at that moment. I began to think a lot and after a while realization hit me. I like her, I have a romantic attachment to her. I socked the wall out of anger, why didn't I realize this sooner? Why couldn't I have realized this before when she was still in front of me. I socked the wall out of frustration, I have messed up and I have no clue what to do now. What do I do now that I messed up and shes probably angry at me?

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!