


Hope you like this chapter, I got to update quicker today, but it just means I lack sleep now. But that is fine, I couldn't sleep anyway. I hope you enjoy and sorry for ending the chapter where I did. 

ENJOY!!!!  ;)


Chapter 11 – Finally


It had been about a week and a half since that dreadful interview now, and GLAM was very busy with promotions, photo shoots and other activities. When we weren't spreading the name of our group, we were practicing non stop at J. Tune. Today was another day, but our manager, Changsun-oppa decided we would end practice early so that we could get the rest of the day off. He was very pleased by how we were handling our interviews. Jihoon-shi was also a huge help, aiding us in correcting mistakes we might had made here and there. We were only human, and were entitled to make mistakes, we only wish to be perfect, but complete perfection is impossible. At least that was how I saw it the majority of the time, it wasn't about being perfect it was about doing your best and being your best. Once our practice was over, the girls and I decided to hang out in the practice room. We went into our all familiar circle of trust, as I had named it after it became a habit. Whenever we were done with practicing we would end up sitting in a circle to chat and rest. “Since we have the day off what should we do?” Cas asked as she looked at the time. It was still early in the day, and we generally didn't go to sleep until very late since we always made time for practice. “Let's go out and have fun!” Heera exclaimed with much excitement. “We can't go out like we used to anymore, were celebrities now and besides, it is too hot today to go out. I rather stay inside with an air conditioner, besides you guys know how Eunmi gets with the heat.” Minhee said looking at the girls. I slightly laughed at the words that came out of , I hated the heat with a passion. I was fine under the heat of the lights and cameras, but when it came to sunlight I escaped it as much as I could. The girls found it a bit weird that I would go out with sweaters sometimes when it was like 100 degrees out sides.

I looked at Rin to see if she had any suggestion on what we could do. I really didn't feel like running from fans. I really did appreciate the fans we had, since it wasn't a huge fan base, but sometimes it was difficult to go somewhere when a group would block your entrance or exit. I would have loved to stay and chat with them as well, but we also had tight schedules that we had to keep up with. I did feel bad about that, and I know the girls felt the same. Fans were a huge thing, if not the most important thing in showbiz. I was amazed about how our fan base was increasing too, it was a positive sign for us. Rin looked at me and just shrugged, “I'm sorry uni, I can't think of anything at the moment.” I smiled at her, she was always very polite, and quiet. She reminded me so much of my younger self in a way. “I know what we can do!” Cas exclaimed as she dialed a number on her phone, “Oppa!” I heard her exclaim into the phone before exiting the room, she didn't even give me time to ask her what. I looked at the rest of the girls and they just shrugged at me. After a couple of minutes she reentered the room and went back to her seat. “MBLAQ oppas are coming, and I made sure Seungho-oppa is coming to.” she exclaimed smiling brightly at all of us. All of the girls seemed to get excited about it, this was going to be the first get together after our debut. I was excited but then I quickly began to dread the meeting, what if he saw the interview, and I am pretty sure he did because of his dongseang. I then smacked my fore head, I was giving myself a head ache. The girls knew why I began to act so strangely and only laughed at me. “You cruel, cruel girls. I am in the middle of a dilemma here and all you do is laugh.” I said as I playfully glared at them. “It is going to be fine, don't worry about it.” Cas reassured me as she laid down on Heera's stomach. I then got up and began to play music, I needed to distract myself if only for a moment.

I began to dance, it was one of the few things I did to help me clear my mind, and after a couple of minutes the girls began to dance to. We ended up having like a mini dance battle in between us and we were just acting crazy in a way. After about 20 minutes, I told the girls I was going to get us some drinks, they only nodded their head. As I opened the door to our practice room, Mir was about to knock on the door. I opened the door wide so that they would enter the room, and I quickly walked out to get everyone drinks. As I walked out I noticed that Seungho wasn't with them, maybe I wouldn't meet him today either, I quickly shrugged it off. I entered the cafeteria of J. Tune and grabbed drinks. I grabbed a couple more drinks for the guys too. I ended up buying a couple of snacks as well so that we can munch on something. I am pretty sure that we were going to at least eat a small snack, since we had only eaten breakfast and were going to get hungry for lunch. As I grabbed everything I wondered what the girls were up to with the guys. I wasn't sure how long I was in line for to pay but it seemed for a good 10 minutes. I believed a lot could happen in only 5 minutes, now double that, I really hoped everything would be ok when I returned. After I realized that I was worrying, I quickly sighed, I truly had nothing to worry about, I think I was just nervous for what ever reason. I walked back to our practice room with bags in my hand. I was really grateful for the cafeteria they had built in J. Tune it was a huge help for us when we practiced. As I walked closer to our room, I could still hear the music and a lot of laughter now. Everything was going fine, I thought as I entered the room without any worry. “Here are snacks for all of us!” I exclaimed as I entered the room, not paying attention to anyone in the room and placing the bags on the closest bench to me.


No one's POV*


Once Eunmi opened the door, the girls saw the guys come in. The girls all thought they were going to take a bit longer, but when they looked at the time they noticed that it was the right time. The girls didn't feel the time go by since they were having fun. “Are we late for the party?” Thunder said as he entered the room and hugged each girl, the rest of the guys doing the same. “No, you came just in time” Minhee answered as she began to dance again. “So what are we celebrating today?” G.O asked as he took a seat on a bench, Joon sitting next to him, Thunder and Mir decided to start dancing. Cas stopped dancing and took a seat on the other side of G.O, “we are celebrating, nothing at the moment, but we may celebrate something later” Heera's answer came from the dance floor as she and Minhee started a mini routine in between them, Rin walked away and sat next to Joon. Rin began to laugh at the girls routine, which Mir and Thunder ended up joining in too. “Hey where's Seungho-oppa?” Cas asked as she realized her older brother wasn't present. “Oh he is parking the car, don't worry he will be here in a bit. He was driving us around our early schedule since our manager couldn't today.” G.O answered. “Where did your leader go anyways?” Mir asked as he stopped dancing, the rest of the group ceased dancing as well and took a seat. “Eunmi-uni went to go get drinks for us” Rin answered. After wards a knock came in the door. Cas stood up to answer the door, assuming it was Eunmi returning and couldn't open the door. When she opened the door Seungho stood in the doorway. “OPPA!” She exclaimed as she gave her older brother a hug and pulled him inside the room. “About time!” Minhee and Heera exclaimed as they saw him enter the room, well more like being dragged into the room, but who really cared. Rin and Cas hearing the girls statement, both began to laugh. They both understood the double meaning in their words.

“Hey I was parking the car! And I know I didn't take that long anyway.” Seungho defended himself as everyone burst into laughter, especially the girls. They were going to have fun today, they always had fun when everyone was together, now they were only missing one more important member and she would be returning shortly. This was going to be an unforgettable day for the girls, they couldn't wait to see what would occur later. The group began to talk amongst themselves. The guys congratulating the girls with their debut. The guys had been keeping up with majority of the girls activities, since they were from the same company. Seungho also kept up to make sure his dongseang was doing good. Which meant they would know about the interview they had not too long ago. The girls began to wonder how much longer Eunmi would take to return. To make time go a bit quicker the girls dragged the guys to dance, everyone was dancing except Seungho. He said he didn't feel like dancing at the moment and that he would dance later. Everyone just shrugged off his comment and began to dance, laughter could be heard from the group dancing as they began to joke around in the middle of the practice room. Seungho smiled at that, he knew his little sister was happy, and he only wanted the best for her. Soon the door opened and Eunmi entered with bags and exclaiming her return. The day had just begun for everyone in that room.

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!