


Finally got to update yay!!! Hope you enjoy :)


Chapter 8 – Debut


>>Fast Forward Two Months>>


Two months have passed since that day I met MBLAQ, yet sadly I have yet to meet Seungho-shi. It is weird right? I've met the other members, spoken to them every now and then when I pass them, and to top it all off, I work with his younger sister and I have yet to meet the man. Maybe it isn't the right time yet, who knows, again I will just patiently wait until the day I meet him. I am positively sure I am going to meet him one day. Another reason might be because we have been busy with practice. Since Jihoon-shi decided we needed to start practicing for our debut, which was one of the reasons Changsun-oppa was helping him as well. After everything was confirmed, they brought in specialists to help us with choreography and vocals. It was day and night in the practice room, apparently we had a set schedule of just practice. At first it was difficult for me to adjust to more practice, but I quickly overcame it with the help of the girls. I also ended up staying a couple of nights even after everyone had left practicing. I was probably the worst with stamina endurance, so I tried my best to overcome that, and I thing I did well.

Our time was quickly approaching, we had two months to perfect our choreography as well as to record everything we needed. I didn't believe it was possible, but Changsun-oppa and Jihoon-shi managed to make it for us. I always believed we would spent about half a year with preparation, but the company wanted to debut us as soon as possible. They said they couldn't debut the girls sooner, because they wanted a 5th member, who ended up being me. They had us on strict diets as well, well not really too strict but enough to make sure we were kept in shape, not like any of us would lose our shape easily. Not after all the practices and exercise drills we had to do. Tomorrow would be our debut stage, we would debut under J. Tune Camp, just like MBLAQ, they wanted to present us as a female equivalent to them in a way. They had decided that our stage name would be GLAM, being an acronym as well as representing how glamorous we would be. GLAM stood for Girls Living Art and Music, representing that we were an embodiment of that. I to say the least was nervous, and I'm pretty sure all the girls felt it too. We had become considerably closer in the past two months, and I knew as much as I could know about them. We had become one team, and we were proud of our effort.

For the line up, Minhee, Cas and Rin were vocals while myself and Heera became rappers, even though we did sing in some of the songs as well. Everyone ended up appointing me leader of the group, and I have yet to understand why, but I accepted it nonetheless. When I became leader I also acknowledged that I would have to make sure everyone is fine, and I understood my duties well. I hoped to be the best leader I could be, as long as I had the support of our group. I had gotten into the habit of saying our group, since we were all part of it and I was no more important than the next member. We all balanced out the group, and without one of us we would not be complete. As the night drew in our nerves ended up kicking up a notch. After going over everything, from dressing and makeup to practice all of us were starting to feel it. As we ended our last practice with Jihoon-shi and Changsun-oppa as our audience. Once we were done, we sat in front of them to hear their advice. Jihoon-shi was like a father in a way to us, and I grew to listen to him a lot. He knew of our burdens, and everything, he helped us so much in these two months.

Changsun-oppa in my opinion was an amazing manager for us. Since he studied us and watched us so much, he could easily pick up on something in case one of us overlooked it. He knew exactly what to say to us and had become a huge support system for us. All those nights we nearly felt like just stopping, he encouraged us to continue going. We would never truly be able to thank these two men for what they have done for us. Tomorrow would be our debut, and we owe it to ourselves, as well as to them to make it the best debut we could possibly make. Once our mini advice meeting ended, they both left the room for us to spend time as a group together, since we had little time to really talk in between practices. We all sat in a circle, similar to when I first walked in that day to meet them. We sat and just stared at each other before we all broke into laughter. We were finally debuting, as a team.

After a bit of squealing, and remarks on how we finally made it I decided to take the initiative as leader. “Ok ladies, let us not get too ahead of ourselves, now. Were here and we made, and we have many people to thank for that. Now first things first, how are you all feeling? I want anything and everything to come out tonight so we have no regrets or doubts for our debut tomorrow.” I began looking at the girls. They all smiled at me and then grabbed me and began tickling me. “Stop trying to act like our leader now, do it in front of the cameras tomorrow” Minhee started. I was laughing so hard I had trouble formulating words, I was able to say stop and ok, but that was about it. After a while all the girls stopped and we just stayed smiling. “Hey but I'm serious, and I don't mean to do this as your leader but as a member, you know perfectly well that the word is only a title, and I would never try to impose authority for any of you unless absolutely necessary, like a scandal.” I said and winked at the girls, which made them giggle and shake their head at me.

“Well I say we do our best tomorrow” Heera said jumping up and smiling, it would never stop to amaze me how much energy she had, she was probably the best with stamina out of all of us. I nodded my head turning to Rin who was beside her, she just looked at me and smiled, I knew she didn't say anything because she was fine and believed in our hard work. Afterwards I turned to Cas who was beside her and next to me. “We are going to make the world fall in love with us!” she exclaimed happily. “Hey that was what I wanted to say” Minhee then said as soon as Cas finished her sentence. I laughed at that, we were the eldest, yet sometimes we acted no different than our dongseangs. As we finished the night we all left to our dorm. About a week ago once everything was finalized our manager had us move all into one dorm, on the same floor as MBLAQ. Apparently the lower levels were for trainees and the higher levels were for artists.

As we made our way to our dorm chatting and laughing we could not wait for tomorrow. We were all so excited and nervous at the same time. We cold not put our feelings into words, but we all knew we were in it together, I had finally realized what they meant by being the only ones who knew what the other went through. I was able to form that bond with these girls, and I would forever be grateful for that. As soon as we all entered we headed straight to our rooms, myself and Minhee shared one room, while the other three shared a different room. They had gotten the master bedroom since it was more of them and we got the other smaller room. Neither of us minded. I am pretty sure we were all having trouble sleeping that night, yet we had to so we wouldn't be so tired tomorrow morning. The next morning all I heard was the buzzing of an alarm clock right in my ear. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw Minhee hovering over me with the alarm clock. I grabbed the alarm clock and shut it off, before getting up. We all went to eat breakfast together, since this would probably be one of the last times we had this luxury. Today it was my turn, and I quickly made it. As we ate we began to discuss small things on our stage and standing. We made sure we were right on everything, even the small overlooked details. Once we were done with breakfast I sent the girls to shower first, since luckily we had two restrooms it was faster. While they showered I washed the dishes. After all of us finished getting ready Changsun-oppa came to drive us to our destination.

As we neared the building I could see how everyone was reacting to their nerves. Heera was mumbling to herself, Rin seemed to messing with her phone, Cas and Minhee were both in a way bugging each other. I grabbed my iphone and blasted music into my ears, once I looked it seemed like we all ended up doing the same in the end. Once we arrived we were ushered in to change and get everything ready. I thanked Changsun-oppa so much that day, I really would not be able to get everything ok without him. He helped me a lot with the mics, getting them and helping with other small things. Once we were all dressed we looked at each other and formed a small circle with our crew. “Ok let's do this, today's the day” we heard Changsun-oppa start and place his hand in the middle. We all placed our hands on top, and shouted “GLAM FIGHTING”. We went to wait for our queue since we would be next, after Infinite. Once they were done with their performance we heard the M.C talk a little about us and then introduced us. We all went on stage, it was showtime.  

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!