


Chapter 6 – Rise and Shine


I woke up the next morning, and again I began to freak out at my different environment. That is a bad thing, I really need to get over that. In any case I woke up and did my regular morning routine, shower, brush teeth, wash face and change. Afterwards I decided to make myself some breakfast. As I was rummaging through my kitchen trying to figure out what to make I got a call from Minhee. “Hey rise and shine if your not awake already” I heard her say as I picked up the phone. “I'm already awake unni” I said as I laughed. “Wow, really? It takes forever to wake the other girls up sometimes.” She said to me. “Yeah I can be like that too, but since I actually slept last night I woke up fine.” I said. “Well that's good to hear, anyways have you eaten yet?” “Nope I was just about to start making myself food why?” “Ok good, get to Heera's apartment shes making breakfast for all of us.” “Umm ok I guess, I'll be there in a bit then.” “Ok hurry up, or the food will be gone.” was the last thing she said before she clicked. I grabbed my keys and my phone and put them in my pocket. I then walked to Heera's apartment. I knocked and Cas answered the door, before I could say anything she pulled me into the apartment. “So whats with the breakfast?” I asked as I followed Cas to the kitchen. “We do this everyday, someone makes breaskfast and we all go to that person's apartment to eat.” Heera answered as we entered the room. Rin just nodded her head at the statement as she finished setting up the plates. “And since your part of our group now, you participate.” Cas said as she lead me to my seat. “Aww thanx, so is there in order?” I asked wondering how it is decided.

“Yeah we go by age.” Minhee answered as she started placing the food on the table. “Oh cool. It seems like you girls really spend a lot of time together.” I said as I began to grab food and place it on my plate like the rest were doing. “Yeah well at the end of the day, only we know what we go through with training and stuff, trust me once you start getting used to it, you will realize what we mean.” Cas said as she began to eat. Everyone soon began to eat, and a comfortable silence fell over us. I enjoyed the food, and I really liked that they quickly incorporated me into their activities. As soon as the food was done I decided to help with the dishes, I at least needed to do something for the meal. I helped Rin since she was in charge with dishes that day. Once we were done we joined the rest of the girls in the living room where they were talking. “So how would you like to meet MBLAQ today?” Minhee told me as she smiled like crazy. “Umm I think I'll pass today, I would probably start stuttering if I I saw Seungho-shi.” I said as I felt a blush starting to form, luckily I was able to stop the rush of blood to my face. “Well, we were just saying because I believe they will be practicing in the building today, so you might see them.” Cas said as she looked at her phone, I assumed she received a text. “Yea, but it seems my oppa won't be there.” she finished, as she closed her phone. “So you will end up meeting the other guys at least.” Heera said. “Ok we should head to practice now.” Minhee said as she stood up everyone doing the same. “Does everyone have what they need?” I asked everyone as we walked out the door. “Yes!” they all answered at once.

We all left the building, and headed to J.Tune, once inside we walked to the same practice room we were in yesterday. “Unni, normally we practice in here, but if for some weird reason we are not in here, go down two doors.” Rin said as she began walking to the stereo to turn it on. “Thank you for telling me that Rin.” I answered as I walked to the middle of the room. “So let's have you in the middle today.” Minhee said as she looked at me. I just looked at them and pointed at myself with a shocked face. They all laughed and nodded their heads. “Bwoh, but why?” I asked as I let myself be pulled to the center of the group. “Because we want to.” Heera said as she laughed, and the rest just shook their heads at her answer and giggled. “Umm, ok I guess.” I said as I quickly got in position. Rin had the remote to the stereo so she quickly placed a song. I assumed that was what we were going to cover. We all quickly began to practice. Everyone doing there best in staying in sync. I was amazed I could keep up with them better than I thought. As soon as the song finished, we didn't stop we just waited for the next song to start playing. After about an hour of non stop routines our manager came in. Rin turned off the stereo and we all bowed and greeted him. He returned the greeting and then began to look at us.

“You girls are earlier than I expected, you normally don't come to practice today until later.” He said as a flicker of shock went through his eyes. “Yea, well we decided that we need to practice more with Eunmi, so we can all get accustomed to it.” Minhee answered. He nodded his head in understanding. “Very well, for today until about 6 you all will be practicing choreography, afterwards I want you all to began vocal training amongst yourselves.” he said as he smiled at us. “Umm Changsun-shi, how do we do vocal training?” I asked wondering. “You can drop the shi and call me oppa if you like, the rest of the girls do. And as for vocal training, the girls will explain.” he said and began to walk out the door. We all said good bye and decided to get a bottle of water. After a couple of minutes, we went back to practicing. We spent most of the day practicing, and boy was I getting tired. I knew though that I had to push my body, and I knew afterwards I would be happy because I knew I did it. Hours passed and we finally took a lunch break. Well it was actually more like dinner, since it was very late. We realized that we pretty much spent the whole day practicing. “Wow, does this happen often?” I asked as we all sat down on the floor. “Yeah we lose track of time, and we end up not eating until late.” Cas answered. “So what should we eat?” Heera asked as she pretty much jumped where she was sitting. “Really? You are not tired from practice?” I asked as I watched her, she seemed completely awake and energized. I felt like my body was going to go numb soon. “Hmm I don't know what do you guys want to eat?” Minhee asked. We all just shrugged not sure what we were in the mood for.

While we were trying to decide what to eat, a knock came on the door. “Come in!” Heera shouted. When the door opened it was our manager, “How are you girls feeling? I'm sorry I couldn't be with you girls today but I am helping Jihoon-hyung with something.” he said as he walked in the room. “We are all fine, we are trying to figure out what to eat though” I answered and smiled. “Well I bet you girls are fine, I just came to check up on you girls. Make sure you girls eat okay, now I have to get back to Jihoon-hyung.” he said as he began to walk away. “Neh~~ “ we all answered as he shut the door. “He usually is in here when were practicing, but lately I guess since Jihoon-oppa is going to enlist in the army, he is helping him out.” Minhee said, I guess she realized I was curious about that. Soon another knock was heard, I thought it was our manager who might have forgotten something. Cas got up to answer the door, and all we heard her scream was “opppas!” The rest of the girls began to smile at me, and I didn't quite know why. Once Cas returned, she wasn't alone. She was with the members of MBLAQ minus Seungho. “Hello” everyone greeted, including me. “So is this you last member?” Mir said as he noticed me. “Yup, here let me introduce you guys. Eunmi, as you already know this is MBLAQ, MBLAQ, meet Eunmi, our last member.” Minhee said introducing us. I quickly bowed and introduced myself. They then began to introduce themselves, I already knew who they were though. “So are you a fan of MBLAQ?” Mir asked me all excited. I only nodded my head, unsure of what to say. “Don't mind her she is a bit shy.” Cas said. “Yah, respect your unni” I said as I realized what she said, we both ended up laughing at that.

“So we came to check if you girls were hungry? Everyone else seems to be gone too, we wanted to hang out with the family today” Thunder said as he sat down on the floor opposite where we were sitting, the rest of the members doing the same, so that now we were facing them. “Yeah we were just trying to figure out what we should eat.” Heera said as she seemed more excited than earlier, she just had to be so energetic. “Well why don't we order take out, and we just eat here.” Joon said. I nodded my head, it seemed like a good idea. “Ok then I will order, is pizza fine with you girls?” G.O asked as he stood up. We all nodded our heads, I hadn't eaten pizza in a while so I was a bit eager to. “Any preference?” he asked, everyone began to give their orders, I didn't mind so I just stayed silent. He looked at me expecting me to say something I just shrugged and he took it as it didn't matter. At least he understood that. He then left to place the order and we stayed just chatting. I began to observe the girls around the guys, but I didn't know if the way they acted was how they usually did since I didn't know them enough. I tried to look for hints of their feelings, even after G.O came back in. I also wondered what the guys thought about the girls. I really hoped they would end up together or something, since they seemed nice together.  



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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!