


Chapter 10 – Repeat That Please


It was time for the juicy questions now, and to say I was nervous was an understatement. For a quick minute I think I broke into a cold sweat. I just knew they were going to ask us about our ideal types it was something they always asked. I looked at the girls I hoped they wouldn't say any names. I wasn't willing to blurt out their business, I just hoped they did the same. I sadly had a bad feeling about this segment though. I noticed the sly smile the M.C was given us and I knew I had to worry. The M.C then started with the personal questions. “Ok let's start with Minhee. What is one quality your group members have that you would like for yourself?” “I think it would be Rin's observance skills.” “Ok, what about you Cassandra-Lin?” “For me it would be, Heera's rap skills.”she answered. “OK next, Rin?” “It would be Heera's outgoing personality.” Rin answered a moment of thought. “Ok, Heera what quality do you like?” “I think it would be Cas's vocal skills. I think she has amazing skills.” Heera answered after looking at the rest of us. “Ok lastly, what about you Eunmi?” “For me it would just be Cas's piano skills, I love hearing her play.” I answered truthfully. I always thought she was an amazing player, I played but I hadn't played in years. Hearing Cas play one day made me like fall in love with hers skills, it also helped me remember my love for the piano. When I was younger I played a lot but then I stopped a couple of years back and haven't bothered with it.

“Oh wow, maybe you should demonstrate your skills here” the M.C said looking at Cas, she then looked at us and we all nodded at her. We all knew she could play very well, and we wanted the fans to see what she was capable of doing. She stood up and moved to the piano in the set, she played a little bit of Mozart and then returned to her seat with us. “Wow, just like her older brother Yang-Chopin” the M.C stated as she clapped. We all laughed at that, who didn't know about Seungho's piano skills. “I am pretty sure many fans are wondering now, because of my comment but are you close to the MBLAQ members since you work under the same company and Cassandra-Lin is Seungho's dongseang.” the M.C asked us. “A little” Minhee answered for us. “Oh wow, so we will be seeing a GLAM and MBLAQ collaboration soon?” “Not yet” I answered as we all laughed. We did just debut we wanted to promote our selves before we did anything with other artists. “Ok now the question of the hour, what are your ideal types? I am pretty sure many fans want to know this juicy gossip?” the M.C said asking the question everyone was waiting for. I looked at the girls wondering who would go first, I looked at Minhee hoping she would start, and she quickly picked up on my mini signal. “For me I like a guy who can sing, who is caring and funny.” she said then looked to her right, Rin. “I like a guy who I can cuddle with, someone who is caring.” she answered now looking at Heera. “I want a guy who had a similar personality to mine, someone exciting and fun to be around.” she said smiling. I lightly laughed at that, Mir definitely fit that description.

Cas then went next knowing it was her turn since we seemed to be going around in order of our seats, “I like cute, fun and good dance skills.” she answered. I thought into what they said and their crushes did fit their descriptions. “For me it would be someone kind and caring, who can be strong yet also very innocent.” I answered. “Wow is their any male celebrity that you believe would fit your description of what you would like in a guy?” the M.C asked “For Eunmi, it would be Seungho-oppa” Cas said as soon as the M.C finished her question. I began to laugh, I couldn't believe she just blurted it out. I would totally want to get her back and blurt Thunder's name but I decided against it. I didn't know Seungho so I doubt it would be as bad as her considering she knew Thunder. “Oh really? I bet you are very close to him then?” the M.C asked turning her full attention to me. I was still laughing, and I quickly stopped to be able to answer her question. “Actually I have never met the guy.” I answered truthfully. The M.C looked at me in disbelief, she seemed shocked. “How can that be?” she said turning to the rest of the girls. They began to laugh and shrugged, I quickly began to explain. “I understand it is unbelievable, we work in the same company, and I am even in the same group as his younger sister. But I have not been in the company for long, and since I entered it has been pretty busy. Practicing took up majority of my time. I did get lucky and meet the other members of MBLAQ, which makes it even more unbelievable, but for some weird reason we have yet to cross paths.” I then looked at the M.C who turned to the camera in shock. “Well ladies and gentlemen, I think we need to make these two leaders meet one day” she said winking at the camera. I felt like I was going to die at that moment, I quickly realized the whole world knew of my crush on Seungho, and maybe even himself. Luckily I had yet to meet the guy, so maybe the world knowing wouldn't be... bad. I felt a small blush forming as well, but it quickly died.

The M.C then turned to questions about our families and our homes. The rest of the girls answered, they spoke a little about their families and small troubles they have had regarding that. I did not want to answer the question my family was a pretty weird topic for me. It was something I came into terms with, but besides the girls and the company, no one knew about it. I eventually explained to the girls why it was that I lived only with my brother for the last couple of years. And they all quickly burst into tears, it wasn't the best story out there. I did not want to begin our debut with lies either, I quickly decided the fans would eventually learn about it, but I just wasn't sure if it was the appropriate time yet. We were going to spill everything right at our debut, I found it kind of weird. I did not want the fans pity either. I quickly began to think while the girls answered, since I seemed to be the last to speak during the questions. What good and bad could come of it, I tried to reason with myself, and at the end I decided to answer truthfully. I might regret this decision eventually, but I guess everyone deserved the truth. “Eunmi, I hear that you lived in America, with one sibling. How was that like?” the M.C turned to me. I assumed the company had given her a quick run up of my life, to know how to ask the questions. “Yea, I was born and raised in America in Los Angeles, California. My father was Korean and my mother was Hispanic-American. They met in college, since my father decided to study abroad in America. They met and got married, they moved here to Korea for a couple of years. Once my mother was pregnant with my brother they moved back to America. Then I came along, umm about around the age of 14 my mother passed away because of a car accident. A year later my father committed suicide, due to the loss of my mother. Since then it has been only me and my older brother. I decided around the age of 20 that I would leave California and move here to Korea. Now I did it, once I was finished with college. And here I am now.” I said ending with a smile, I had to be optimistic, this was for TV.

“Wow, that is a sad story, but it seems it didn't affect you much. Well girls our time is running short so will you please leave a message for your fans.” the M.C stated, I quickly glimpsed at the clock in front of us, our time was running up. We quickly said a quick message asking for support, as well as thanking our fans for their support as well. We each gave an individual message as well and said goodbye. The camera stopped rolling and I quickly let out a sigh. It was too soon to give my life out to the world, but it was going to happen eventually. I had to think about the bright side of things. As soon as we said our thank yous to everyone on the studio we left to our dressing room. We quickly changed out of our outfits and into more casual clothing. Once I was done I sat on the couch and began to play with my phone. I hadn't spoken to my brother for a while and suddenly felt a little homesick. The girls were done changing after a few minutes, and looked at me. I smiled at them reassuring that I was ok with telling the world something about me. They knew I had left a lot of detail out and only gave the surface story. Once inside the van I went into the back seat and grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed the familiar number of my brother I needed to talk to him. After a few rings he answered and we spoke for a while, keeping our conversation in English. I knew some of the girls could speak it, but it still in a way made me more at ease to speak in my first language. After a couple minutes and a reassuring message from my brother and his girlfriend I clicked with him. I then felt someone's head fall on my shoulder. It was Rin, I smiled at her and then I looked at the rest of the girls. I knew they were there for me too, we did not need the feel to say anything for all of us to understand the other. I then looked at Minhee and merely nodded at her. Everyone else turned back to what they were originally doing, until we arrived at our dorm. Minhee and myself had become pretty close since we were the older members, we understood each other better in a way, but we all had a close bond as well.


Yay finally updated, you got to learn a little bit more about Eunmi today :)

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!