




Don't Misunderstand


Everyone decided to practice the dance once more before ending it for the day. Once we were done I went and threw myself on my brother. “Oppa~ me tired.” I said to him in Spanish, using a language they had never before hear me speak in. “You will be fine.” he replied in Spanish, I looked at him slightly surprised that he answered in the same language. We rarely spoke Spanish amongst the both of us because it was our mother that taught it to us, therefore it was a bit nostalgic and we tried to prevent those moments because other memories would pop up. “Umm can you clue us in on what you two just said?” Minhee said looking at me with a confused looked. I laughed, “Mianhe everyone, I just told him I was tired. But anyways why don't you guys introduce yourselves to him, since he only knows you guys by name because of fame.” I said trying to get everyone into a friendly environment despite the fact that there was this huge like cold war between myself and Seungho. Minhee introduced herself first followed by Cas, Rin, and Heera. Once the girls were done the boys introduced themselves. It seemed like Seungho and Jinho-oppa had a slight glaring contest for a moment, but it may have been just my imagination. We all began to chat casually until everyone began to get tired. Everyone decided that it would be best if we went home. “It was good seeing you but I just came for today, I have to leave tomorrow afternoon, therefore I won't see you. I am aware that you have practice, so do not bother coming to see me off. I just wanted to check up on you and make sure that your well and safe.” Jinho-oppa told me, I looked at him slightly confused. I smiled at him, and hugged him. “I'm fine don't worry about me okay.” I said. The girls were extremely tired, therefore we left first leaving the males and my brother at the company.


Seungho's POV


The girls left before us, since we usually just stayed behind a little while longer just hanging out or cleaning up after other trainees. Eunmi's brother stayed behind, since he didn't seem to be leaving yet. “May I have a word with you?” He said as he came up to me. I was slightly confused, wasn't he just glaring at me like a couple of minutes ago when the girls were in here. I nodded my head and followed him outside. “Do not misunderstand, I do not dislike you or hate you. Yes I know perfectly well what is going on between you and my sister, and trust me I would like to hurt you for getting her angry but both of you are adults and I am pretty sure you two can fix whatever misunderstandings you two have. By the way she tells me every little fact or close to every little fact that goes on in her life, if your wondering on how I knew.” he said. I nodded my head, I guess I had a confused looked on my face, since he had answered the exact question I wanted to present to him. “Now the reason I wanted to speak to you is because you are protective of her. I only glared at you to see if you would stand down, and you didn't which is a good thing. You have a back bone, and aren't a coward and that is exactly what she needs near her. I didn't come to Korea because I wanted to see her, but because I have to, her life is in danger right now and I need to make sure that she will be okay. I know she can protect herself, but she won't be fine alone and -” he said before I interrupted him. “What do you mean her life is in danger? What is going on here, and why do you trust me?” I asked before I could even process the information. Why would her life be in danger? “Someone is here in Korea that is a huge threat to her, and I'm worried. That person is linked to our past, I'm aware you may have no idea what I am talking about, but I need you to take care of her for me. Since I can't be here, I need someone who cares about her to look after her. I noticed the way you watched her during practice, the mistakes could have been worse if you weren't there holding her. I can tell you care about her, and from what she has told me recently your protective of her as well” he said.

I guess it was true, I didn't realize it until he had mentioned it. She could have easily injured herself with the routine if I hadn't been quick enough to help her. Doing flips is very difficult, I would know considering I can do them myself. Especially the types of flips she would have to do for this routine, Jihoon-hyung had decided to use both of our acrobatic skills on the pair dance, hence making the dance more difficult for us than the rest of the group. I still couldn't quite believe that this was happening. One minute I am worried about how to get her to forgive me, and now I have to worry about her life too. I was in complete shock, but I knew that I did care enough to protect her. “You have my word, that I will protect her to the best of my abilities, I will protect her with my life.” I answered before I could think about it. I wasn't sure what compelled me to do it, I just felt this certain need to protect her, even if I didn't know from what. “I'm glad your giving me my word, I'm sure you two will resolve your issues soon. Quick tip, her favorite flowers are roses, and shes a er for guitar players and poets.” he said, I quickly made sure to store that information for later, which wasn't too difficult I did have pretty good memory. “Now the threat is an old ghost from her past, from the time we lost our parents. I can not go into detail about that right now and I can only hope that she gains enough trust in you to tell you soon before things really get out of hand. Now sadly I have overstayed my visit, I need to return to Los Angeles and collect information. I will leave my contact information with you. I hope that you will contact me if anything suspicious pops up, I worry she won't do that for fear of worrying me. Now take good care of her, I have a feeling you two will be around each other for a very, very long time.” he said handing me a piece of paper, bowing to me and leaving.

Did I just really agree to this, what was this girl doing to me. I seem to be more compelled to do things based on my emotions, rather than my logic. Ah, I was falling in love with this girl without even realizing it. Now to more urgent business to get her to forgive me first, I can't possibly protect her without being close to her. I could but it would be more difficult and not to my best efforts. I returned inside to find the rest of the guys waiting for me in the practice room. “Hyung are you okay? You guys didn't fight did you?” Mir said as he ran to check on me, I assume to check for bruises or cuts or some form of wound. “I have no injuries we just spoke about Eunmi.” I answered seeing the relief flood into their faces. “Well with the way he was glaring at you it seemed like he wanted to rip you in half. And I don't think you were helping either, by glaring back.” G.O said as he grabbed a bottled water from the floor. “Yea, hyung, we all thought you two were fighting outside, since you guys took long as well.” Joon said, I had already grown accustomed to him calling me hyung besides the fact we were pretty much the same age. “Hyung, what exactly were you two talking about if I may ask.” Thunder asked looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. For a quick second he reminded me of his cat. I quickly relayed the information to them, once done the color seemed to have drained from their face. I know it was a lot to take in especially considering that we weren't even talking at the moment.

“First thing is to get her to forgive you then.” G.O said patting my back, I looked at him and then to the rest of the group. They seemed to have calmed down and were willing to aid me on my mission. “Don't worry about that I already have a plan that I will be setting in motion soon, for now worry about yourselves.” I said looking at them. Without another word we all decided to head back to our dorm to sleep, it was going to be a long day tomorrow, and I had a lot to do. The next morning I woke up super early and called my manager. I seemed to have shocked him, since I was usually the last one up. I asked him to do me a favor, by acquiring information for me, since he worked in the offices with GLAM's manager, I am pretty sure he would be able to get the information I needed. After a couple of minutes of waiting for him he gave me the information and I quickly thanked him. I knew I would have to repay him one day for this. I needed to know their schedule for today, and it seemed they didn't have one. Good I quickly began to make my plan into action. We didn't have anything planned today either since we were getting a break from the hard practice yesterday. I would only hope that she would forgive me after this.


Eunmi's POV


I woke up the next morning and everyone seemed to still be asleep. Did I really just wake up before them? I didn't think much of it and decided to go do my morning routine. After finishing showering and brushing my teeth I decided to leave my contacts off today and stuck to my glasses. I wasn't supposed to wear them often, but I had just grown used to wearing them when I wasn't wearing my contacts. I walked out and I could hear the girls giggling in the kitchen. They seemed very hyper, I walked out into the kitchen and they all rushed to me. “Sit now.” Minhee pretty much ordered me as she sat me down on the nearest chair. On the table was a bouquet of roses, a dozen roses to be exact. “Umm who's are these?” I asked looking at the girls. “They are yours, it says so on the envelope.” Cas said smiling at me, the rest of the girls seemed to have the same smile on their face. I knew they were wondering from who they were and were anxious to know already. I looked at the roses and couldn't help but smile. They were my mothers favorite as well as mine, she made me so fond of the flowers to the point that back in Los Angeles I had kept the rose garden my father had planted for her, in almost perfect condition. I would always make sure to take the time and admire them, they were in a way a part of me. I wanted to slightly cry at the memories that flooded to my mind, but I kept myself composed. Whoever had sent these to me just made my day better. I slowly reached for the envelope, I began to get extremely nervous. As I opened the envelope I could see the rest of the girls trying to read over my shoulder. Once I finished pulling out of the envelope I quickly read the card. It was a simple card, with only a small sentence written on it, “Check you email.”

I turned over the card to make sure that that was the only thing written on it, when it was I looked at the girls. They read the letter and were disappointed, it was evident on their faces. I laughed at their facial expression, they seemed more disappointed than me. “Aww we were hoping it was someone professing their love to you.” Heera said, shuffling to the kitchen refrigerator. “I was honestly hoping it was my brother, but the card is typed therefore I have no idea.” Cas said losing interest and following Heera, grabbing some juice in the process. “Oh well” Minhee said sitting down and grabbing a plate, to serve herself food. “Maybe it is in the email.” Rin said smiling at me and turning to serve breakfast.  

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!