




(I had also updated these sooner but because of the temporary site problem i guess they didn't stay up.)


Farewell Jihoon


I was stuck paired up with Seungho which wasn't a good idea considering out current predicament. We began to practice just going along the best we could, but we kept messing up. I was not comfortable at the moment with Seungho and it showed greatly in our practice. Jihoon-oppa after a good hour of constant mistakes from Seungho and I decided to take a break. He then called Seungho and myself to speak to him privately. “This will be my last gift to you two before I leave to the army, afterwords I will no longer be a part of your careers. I need you two to get this perfect, especially since both of you are the leaders. The rest of the team is supposed to look up to you guys but your not setting a good example. I don't know what is going on at the moment, and I have no intention of finding out, it is your lives after all, but you two need to straighten out whatever it is that is going on or put it aside and deal with it off stage. Once you enter this practice room, this is your stage. I need you two to focus, forget everything else but your work. Now you two take a break with the rest but I will be expecting you to put a lot more effort in this.” Jihoon-oppa said, he had his serious tone. “Neh, Jihoon-oppa/hyung.” Seungho and I answered bowing to him. We then joined the rest of the group they were sitting around just chatting. “Ok you guys I don't believe I have introduced this man to any of you. His name is Jinho, and he is my -” I started to say. “Boyfriend,” my brother interrupted. I began to laugh at that. “No he's not he is my oppa.” I quickly corrected, I did not need more drama in my life. “Aww you ruin my fun.” he said sticking his tongue out at me. “Yah! What are you doing here?” I asked before I forgot. “I felt a weird sense to see you so I came alone. Everyone was busy with work in Los Angeles therefore I had to come alone.” he answered. “Oh ok, that is understandable.” I said slightly sad that I wouldn't be seeing Haneul-unni. “Yea, by the way I expected more from you, I did not come here to see you mess up!” Jinho-oppa began to lecture me. “Mianhe, oppa” I said as I bowed to him. “Straighten up.” he told me and I did as I was told. My brother and I were very close but we also had established a huge respect for each other.

“Now look at me.” he told me, as I looked up he pulled me closer to him, “You have gone through far worse than this, you are a strong woman. DO NOT let this pull you down.” I looked at him and nodded my head, he then patted my head. As soon as he finished his words, Jihoon-oppa called us back to begin practice again. “Don't let anything get to me,” I told myself as I took my position in front of Seungho staring at the mirror, my eyes slightly shocked me, I saw a side of me I hadn't seen in a good while, raw determination and in a sense anger with myself. We began to practice and I ignored the fact that my partner was Seungho. We began to dance and we were finally able to finish learning the routine, now we just had to perfect it. After hours of dancing, Jihoon-oppa stopped us, the rest was up to us now. “Good, you two seemed to have gotten better,” he started motioning to myself and Seungho, “And the rest of you good job. To be honest I was a bit skeptical about a female group debut in my company, but now I have seen that it was a good idea. You women have certain qualities that go head to head with the males. In my time gone I know that both groups will be able to help each other grow and pull each other up. I can see it in this collaboration, and I am proud of all you. Tonight is my last night working here, I will no longer be around, but I will be in a way monitoring your activities. I expect all of you to do your best and keep moving forward. Now to everyone I say my farewell, I love you all and take good care of yourselves. If anything go to your managers and they will contact me in case of anything, but I am pretty sure they can handle you guys.” Jihoon-oppa finished and both our managers stepped to the side of him. All of the girls ran and rushed to Jihoon-oppa. We gave him a huge group hug and afterwords we all gave him an individual hug. He made us who we are today, and we owe him a lot because without him we would have not met. We each gave him encouraging words, the males doing the same. After everyone had said their good-byes, our managers escorted Jihoon-oppa outside while we decided to remain inside. We decided to give them their privacy in a way since they had been working together since for ever. It was going to be a lot different now with only our manager watching us. For Jihoon-oppa we had to do our best, until we became number one.

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!