


Yay!!! I was able to update sooner, hope you all enjoy this chapter, ^.^


Chapter 7 – Relax and Wonder


I continued watching the group beside me chat, adding my own input every now and then. Then the guys began to start asking me questions. “So, Eunmi, since you a fan of us, who's your favorite member.” Mir asked me. “Umm do I have to answer that question?” I answered looking at everyone, the girls just nodded smiling, and then Joon spoke, “Our lives depend on the answer!” I began to laugh at his mini acting, I guess he really tried to play the part of a Hollywood actor. “Well then, my favorite member is actually Seungho.” I answered, luckily I felt no blush come to my face. Maybe it was only around the girls that I couldn't really control my blush. “Aww. And he isn't here, ok fine second favorite member?” G.O then asked me. I looked at them like they were crazy, why the sudden questions. “Hey who is your 2nd favorite member?” Cas said turning to me. “Umm, I guess it would have to be G.O” I answered. After that I saw G.O stand up and began jumping up and down. “Ha! I win!” he exclaimed at the guys. “OK third?” Thunder asked. “Oh man why me? It would be Joon.” I answered, I didn't even get to say anything more before he then erupted into shouting and jumping. The girls began to laugh including myself, I then looked at them shrugging at their antics. “Then who's your fourth favorite member?” both Thunder and Mir asked. I assumed they were having like their own internal battle, depended on my ranking. “I really don't think I should answer that one, you guys can try to figure that out.” I said, I didn't want to make one feel superior to the other. “C'mon please?” they both asked and began to give me the pout.

I looked at the girls hoping that they would help me out with this, but they just laughed at me. I stuck my tongue out at them and then looked at the guys. “Aish, it would be Thunder.” I answered in defeat, having both looking at me with the pout nearly killed me. I then playfully glared at the girls, and they just burst into bigger fit of laughter, once they were controlled Minhee spoke. “Are you sure that was the right ranking? Or did you just go based on their age?” I just shrugged and winked at the girls. Soon G.O's phone began to ring, and he picked it up. The food had arrived, so the guys left to pick up the food. As soon as the guys left the girls turned to me. “So, are you sad that you couldn't meet Seungho today?” Heera asked me, I assumed all the girls had that question in mind. I shook my head, “It's okay I assume I will meet him eventually, and I believe I can wait until then.” I answered smiling, "Besides these guys are crazy enough on their own, I don't think adding the fifth member will calm them down even more.” “So are you happy you met them?” Rin asked me. I nodded my head, I was enjoying my time with everyone. I was feeling like they were accepting me into the family quickly. “So was that really the ranking you have for the guys?” Minhee asked me as she looked at the time on her phone. “Ironically, it is, come to think of it, I never realized it went by their age either.” I answered as I contemplated that. They began to laugh at that, “Your interesting” Heera said as she smiled at me, the other girls nodding their head in agreement. “Why thank you” I answered. Soon after, the guys arrived with the food.

“We bring you ladies, your food, that will be free of charge for all of you.” Thunder said as he came with the drinks in his hands. Mir brought the plates and cups, while Joon and G.O brought 3 pizzas each. I began to think it was a lot of food, but then I remembered that maybe these guys ate a lot, so I then began to wonder if it was going to be enough. As soon as they placed the pizza down everyone began to grab a slice of pizza. We all began to eat while chatting about the most random things, like why the sky was blue. And honestly, their was a mini debate on that too, which I found extremely amusing. It was mainly both maknae lines (Thunder, Mir, Heera, and Cas) from both groups doing the arguing, while the rest of us watched and laughed. “Oh wow its been a while since I've been surrounded by so many people and enjoying my time like this.” I said as I wiped the tears forming in my eyes from one of my laughing fits. “Glad to know we make you happy” Minhee said as she too began to control her laughter. Once we finished eating,we all just stayed sitting down. “Hey aren't we supposed to start vocal training now?” I asked the rest of the girls. They all nodded their heads, and we began to clean up a bit, since we pretty much left a mess in the middle of the practice room. They guys also helped with that which I thought was sweet.

“Mind if we stay and watch?” G.O asked us, I just shrugged and looked at the girls. They all just nodded their heads, they didn't mind if they stayed. Rin began to teach me the warm up exercises. Heera then explained that after the warm up exercises, they would just sing a song, it didn't matter which one to be honest, just make sure you put your everything into it. I then joined the girls in warming up our vocal cords, and then they decided to go one by one and cover a song. They each sang a song and I was impressed with their skills. Each girl was talented in their own way, and I knew that their voices would mix well together. Once it was my turn the girls turned to look at me, I smiled and began to sing Fiction by Beast. They stared at me, I wondered why, I then looked at them with a confused face. They began to laugh before Minhee said, “You really are the last piece to our puzzle, your vocal range really varies.” I began to smile, I was glad they thought I could sing, I honestly believed I danced better than sang. I would choose to dance, faster than I would to sing. We continued, singing random songs, each helping each other out by giving pointers to improve on certain areas. The day for us was almost done, so then the girls explained that for the last hour or so, they would cover songs as a group. I nodded my head in understanding, we distributed the parts of songs equally so that we all sang. After we were done, completely done I was glad. It was my first real practice with them, and I enjoyed it.

I was in such a daze through out the practice I completely had forgotten about the guys. They began to clap once we were done, and that was what took me out of my daze. I began to laugh after I realized that, leaving the girls to smile and shake their heads at me. I guess they understood why I was laughing. “You were right, I do believe you girls will be able to debut now with her in your group.” Joon said as he stood up from his seat the boys nodding their heads as well. “Thank you very much” I said, they then decided to perform for us. I looked at them then at the girls, they just shrugged at me not sure what had gotten into the guys either. “It isn't completely fair, not everyone is here” Heera said as we all sat down and the guys stood up to the middle of the room. “And? We promise next time everyone will be here for now you should enjoy that we are doing this” Mir replied back, I wondered if they were about to start arguing for reals, but then I noticed the smiles on both of their faces. So they teased each other, I began to giggle, maybe their was hope for them two. “Now here we present to you MBLAQ!” Thunder exclaimed, acting like an M.C. from a show. I laughed as they then got into formation, I did notice the absence of Seungho though, that was when I realized how much attention I paid to him. In any case I was still able to enjoy the mini performance the guys were putting on. Heera, Minhee and Cas began to act like huge fan girls to mess with the guys. I then looked at Rin and we both giggled at their antics. “Are they always like this?” I asked her, she just nodded her head and smiled. “Your the most quiet out of all of them huh?” I asked, knowing she was in a way. She just nodded again and then pointed at the girls.

I turned to look and the girls had moved from their spot and had begun to be like back up dancers for the guys. I immediately began to laugh, Rin and myself stood up to pull the girls away so that they can enjoy the show instead of dancing. After the first song I noticed the guys were having trouble containing their laughter. “Are you girls trying to ruin our performance?” Mir started as soon as they finished the few songs they had decided to perform. “Oh please, you performance was so much better with us in it.” Heera replied back. I laughed now fully understanding how those two got along. Little by little I knew I would get to know these girls well, all I had to do was observe them more. We all began to completely clean the room from food and drinks. We would clean inside, while the guys would go throw away the trash. I was amazed we all actually finished the pizza, I thought it was a lot after a while. Once the cleaning was done we all began to walk to the dorm. We chatted about our performances, the guys also giving us advice on how to work together and fixing a few errors we overlooked. I began to repeat some of the info in my head to remember it. As soon as we got to our dorms we parted ways, since the guys lived in the floor above us. We each went into our own apartments and went to sleep.  

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!