


Since I am so happy with MBLAQ's Mona Lisa release (I mean its only like soooo AWESOME!!!) i updated again. I'm still waiting on a gf for G.O, then I feel I will be able to introduce the lucky girls. This chapter is just to learn a bit more about who Eunmi is and a brief descrption of her looks I guess. Hope to get applications for G.O soon though. :D


Chapter 2 – Courage


When I looked it was f(x) only my favorite girl group in the world. I totally loved how they all had different styles, yet they were able to blend it well. They were who I looked up to, if I were to become part of a girl group because I can't debut as a solo, I would like for our group to be able to show different styles yet still mix well. Of course that is only me dreaming, who knows if I would really become part of the music industry. Now that I think about it, it was a bit childish to come on a whim like that, but I have to try. I can't give up without even putting any effort, I have to do something. That was how I was raised, always try, I am not a quitter. I have to make my dream come true. I wanted to approach them, but I was a bit shy to. No I had to, I didn't come here to be the same shy little me. I gathered my courage and walked to their table.

“Umm excuse me, I don't mean to bother, but umm can I get your autographs?” I asked as I grabbed the first thing I could think of, a book I carried to read around. I loved to read and write. I composed a lot of music at home in the states. During my free time I would write, I also like to write poetry a lot. It is my favorite pass time, writing. And when I needed inspiration I could always count on my favorite book to help. I have always loved reading since I was a child, and my family always found that amazing, since most kids would be playing video games or doing something else. Yet I always found books more interesting because they were able to propel me to a different environment, not that I didn't like video games and other stuff.

“Sure thing, to who?” Victoria asked me. “Umm to Moon Eunmi” I responded. One by one they passed the book around and signed it. “Here you go” Amber said as she handed my book to me, each had written their own personal message. “Are you alone?” Krystal asked me. I was a bit taken back by the sudden question, so I just nodded my head. “Then why don't you come to sit with us?” Sulli asked me. “Umm are you sure? You girls just met me, and for all you know I could be a creepy stalker fan or something.” I replied not believing my ears. “Aww c'mon, you don't have a negative vibe around you, I'm pretty sure we can trust you. And besides I doubt a creepy stalker fan would say that.” Luna said smiling brightly. “Umm thank you then” I said as I took an empty chair next to Victoria. “So do you live around here?” Amber asked me. “Uhh yeah I am staying at the __________ hotel, I just arrived in Korea earlier today, I just moved from the states.” I said and then the waitress came and took our orders. “Then how do you know about us?” Sulli asked me. “Oh through the internet, I followed the kpop industry through that.” I said “Oh really so from where in the states do you come from?” Krystal asked me. “I come from Los Angeles, California. “Oh so you lived close to where Amber used to live” Victoria said. “Ahh yea, Orange County isn't far from there.” I said. Soon our food came and we began to eat.

“So why did you decide to move to Korea?” Luna asked me breaking the silence that had came after the food had been distributed. I explained to them that I wanted to join the music industry here. I found it more appealing than the music industry in the states. They understood, after my explanation, but I'm pretty sure they found it odd as well. I mean almost everyone wanted to be part of Hollywood. “What about your family? Your parents? Aren't you going to miss them?” Amber asked me. “Umm my parents died years ago, and the only family I have now is my brother and his girlfriend. Yes I will miss them, but I feel I have to make my dream come true.” I said. “Oh were sorry, we didn't mean to bring up your parents, we didn't know” Sulli said. “It's fine, don't worry, you girls wouldn't know anything about me, I'm just a fan here, who got lucky in meeting you girls.” I said as I looked at them smiling. They all smiled back. “So how old are you?” Victoria asked me. “I was born in 89, in the states I was 22, but here I believe I am 23?” I finished. They nodded their heads. “So only Victoria is your unni” Sulli said, I just nodded my head.

“So, I have a question. You don't look completely Korean, yet you speak the language very well, how did you learn it?” Luna asked me. I understood what she meant. I slightly giggled at that, I didn't look Korean because I was mixed. “I am only half Korean, my father was Korean, my mother was actually Hispanic American. Yeah I know weird mix. My parents taught me the language before they passed away, and then I just continued to learn the language on my own” I said. They all nodded their heads in understanding. Soon we finished eating and we had to depart, I would be heading to my hotel room and they would be leaving for a schedule it seemed. We quickly parted ways as they all got into their van, giving me encouraging words, and I walked to my hotel room. I walked into my room and quickly dialed my brothers number. I didn't care if it was like 1 in the morning over there, I wanted to talk to my brother. I waited until he picked up. The phone rang for like ever when in reality it was only about 4 rings, before he picked up. “Hello?” He answered, I figured I had woken him up.

“OPPA!!” I pretty much screamed into the phone to finish waking him up. “Aish, you still find ways to make my life harder, even though your so far.” I heard him say, I knew he was joking, we always joked like that. “Yes I have to, or else who will.” I said as I smiled. “So is this your new number? I nearly didn't answer it but then I remember you were going to change your number, so I decided to just in case.” he said. “Yeah, I told you and I did it.” I said smiling happily. “Now all that is left is for you to get completely settled so that I can send your stuff to you. And then your going to become a HUGE star.” he said emphasizing the huge. I'm pretty sure he expanded his arms wide, it was a habit of his. I smiled knowing that I knew him so well, I started to sniffle a bit, he was so far from me now. “Do not tell me your crying, you just got there!” he lightly scolded me through the phone. “I know its just your so far away now, what if something happens to me who am I going to go to now?” I said. “Don't worry your not 15, your a woman of 22 be confident in yourself. You will make friends in no time.” he said. “Your right oh guess what happened to me today” I said as I told him about meeting f(x).

Of course him being the caring brother he is, didn't believe me at first so I told him I would send him a picture of the book they signed as proof. We continued to talk for a bit more, but then I knew I was taking up his sleeping time, so I would talk to him another time. We clicked and then I felt tired. I decided to take a quick shower and then go to sleep. I would start looking for an apartment tomorrow so that I can move permanently. I would not want to stay in a hotel for the rest of my life. I would also start going to see if I can find a job. I was willing to work anywhere, really. I had no special preference for a job. I got out of the shower and quickly dressed my self in my pajamas which consisted of red plaited pants and a red tank top. I looked in the mirror to see my reflection. I had gray eyes, something that I had inherited from my mother, one of the things my brother said resembled umma. I had inherited my fathers jet black hair. It's funny because when I think about this, my brother had inherited the opposite. My brother got my umma's light brown hair, and my appa's brown eyes. My brother said it was a good thing, but I always find it weird, since it makes us look a bit different. One thing me and my brother had in common was our smiles.

I had a slim figure, it was more like a requirement, since my brother never wanted me to gain too much weight. He always made me exercise, so I had a decently built body. I used to hate my brother for that, but now that I think about it, it helped with my career and it would help with my goal. If I wasn't able to keep up in dancing, how would I possibly debut? I know I feel old sometimes, I am pretty much fresh our of college. I studied dance performance in college. I attended __________ in Los Angeles, California. I graduated and got my bachelor's in that. That was how I decided I wanted to be a singer. I enjoyed putting a show for people. Even though I used to be very shy, but once I would get on that stage I would change into a different person.

I became so much more confident, and I was always trying my best to make the performance good. If I couldn't become a celebrity here, hey maybe I can teach here, I do have a bachelor's in dance. I really hope that wouldn't be necessary though. I had to make my dream come true, I wasn't quite sure how I was going to do it, but I was going to try my best and do everything in my power to achieve it. With these thoughts in my mind I went to my bed and began to drift to sleep. I would dream of a happy place, where I knew everything was possible. I couldn't wait for the next day to come to start figuring out my plan.

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!