Will you be my girl? (나랑 사귈래?)

Yuri strolled between rows of books, looking for something to read. But she thought she couldn’t even sit down and read something. Her mind was full of what she said yesterday. The more she thought about that, the more she felt regretful.

There aren’t many people in the library. Well, how many persons wanted to spend their summer-fall month in secluded place? Although there were air conditioners, most of the students like hanging out in the canteen or laying back in the school yard outside. Anywhere but a place where you were reminded of studying.

And that was exactly the reason why Yuri came here. She figured that she would be able to relax in here. She needed some time alone, being with the group, it’s almost impossible for anyone to concentrate on one thing. But staring at the books, make her feel worse. She should have just joined with the others, that way, she didn’t need to be reminded of her mistake. Giving up, she walked to the door, attempted to go to the canteen instead.

Halfway to the door, Yuri froze when she saw Byunghun walked into the library, with headphone in his ear. Before Byunghun could see her, Yuri retreated behind the shelves. She didn’t know why she did that. Maybe because she wasn’t ready to talk to him? Or because her heart raced crazily the moment she saw him? Or because her feet took control of her brain and just did that?

Yuri peeked from the row of books, wondering why Byunghun came here. The boys almost never stepped into the library, except when they were forced to or Chanhee and Changhyun who claimed that they loved reading.

Byunghun still wore his headphone and walked to the row of shelves. He looked like he was looking for someone. Yuri didn’t let her eyes wander off of Byunghun when suddenly he met her eyes. Panic grabbed her. She was worried that she might look like a stalker, lurking behind the shelves. Or was she? As she panic, Byunghun took off his headphone and marched to her with firm steps.

When her brain told her to walk away—or runaway or whatever you wanted to call it, her legs wouldn’t move at all. She was stunned.

“Yuri,” Byunghun called—in a very small voice, remembering that they were in the library.

Sense came back to her and she automatically gave 90 degree bow to Byunghun. Byunghun stepped back as it surprised him.

“I’m really sorry for what I said the other day. I didn’t mean to say it. It’s just that… that…”

“Yuri, your voice… keep it down!” Byunghun quickly said.

“SHHH!!” hissed people in the library, glaring at them.

Yuri raised her head and smiled apologetically at them. Byunghun quickly grabbed Yuri’s arm and dragged her out of the room. His hand sent an electric shock to Yuri but she didn’t snatch it away. She enjoyed every second he held her arms.

When they were out of the library, Byunghun let go. Yuri couldn’t help but feeling a bit disappointed. 

“Sorry for that,” Byunghun mumbled.

Yuri only stared at him. As she was back to her common sense, she finally thought why Byunghun suddenly came to her. To scold her? Kill her? No. No. Too many witnesses.

“Sina talked to me,” Byunghun started, as Yuri fell silent. “I exaggerated, she said… and I think I did.”

“No. no. it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”

Byunghun scratched his hair awkwardly. “But it’s true… I don’t know how to say this, but I… I think you’re right, and that’s why I’m angry…”

Yuri said nothing, not knowing what to say. Right about which part? The part about the American girl? She wanted to ask, but her tongue felt paralyzed.

“I’ll try to be more open to everyone. I won’t keep looking at my phone when we’re together,” Byunghun continued.

Yuri could feel her cheeks warmed. Maybe she’s the only one who felt this, but it felt like Byunghun was promising something to his girlfriend and this made her happy.

“Uuh… Sina will keep bugging me if I don’t say this…. I’m sorry for always ignoring you. Let’s make up,” he said. “Let’s be friends again.”

His word was like a happy spell to Yuri. She felt like screaming happily now, but she remembered where she was, so she smiled. “Aren’t we already friends?”

Byunghun laughed. “Yeah. I supposed we are. You’ll go to the canteen? I’m heading there now…”

“I’m coming with you,” Yuri replied happily.

They walked together to the canteen. It was such a progress that Byunghun didn’t look at his phone and focused talking to Yuri—who was totally nervous but happy. They rarely had a chance to talk like this, usually the others were too noisy for them to talk.

She might be friend-zoned right now, but at least he talked to her and looked at her in the eye when they were conversing. Simple thing like that made her happy already. Everything else could be achieved slowly.

As they were talking, Byunghun just realized he missed their talk time a lot. He’s only thinking of how not to talk to her to avoid her feelings. He realized that he closed his heart, even to his own friends. Listening to her talking and smiling, he couldn’t help but smile along.


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Can I cough on Yoomi's character there?? Maturest?? Bahahahahahaha~!! So far I love this story since it seems so real for me!! :3

The boys' characters are real and also the *cough* girls.. lol

Keep it up, author-nim!! I'm waiting for the rest~ Saranghae~~ LOL!!! XDD
I'm the first comment, first upvote !! uyeaahhh~~~
I Love the character it seems so real for me :DD
So Niel have a crush with noona? such a cutie~ Changjo watch ur mouth~~ aigooo~~ *slap2* kkkk~ see u around na XD