Chapter 1

Our Secret
My nerves are bad. I don't know what or how I'm going to say this but I have to tell him. I finally dialed his number and my leg shoke as out rung over again. "Your call had been forwarded to a automatic voice message system. Leave a message after the beep." "!" I called out and hung up the phone. I shook my head how will this affect our relationship. He won't even pick up the phone for me now. I don't even know what I expect him top say he is married. "Aah!!" I screamed then picked up the phone again. "Yeboseyo." He said in a sing-song way. "Hey how are you?" I stalled thinking of a way to tell him. "I'm fine and you." He laughed at me. "I'm sorry I'm a little nervous." "Why are you-" "Baby!" I heard her yell in the background. "Hold on." He whispered and put the phone down. "Can you take the girls to your mom's house. I have a business trip and I know your schedule is hectic." "I will take them now." CLICK! He hung up in my face just like that. I was upset because I barely got out what I needed to say. But it didn't matter I will take care odd this baby by myself if I have to. I woke up at 5am to feed me and the baby. I fixea bowl of cereal, with fruit and toast. I ate intently until it wax ask gone and got up again to find something else to eat. I grabbed another bowl and filled it with grapes. I went to the couch and started watching some tv. A knock came on the door it was my friend Leah. "Why aren't you dress?" Leah yelled at me as soon as she walked in. "Oh dang, I didn't pay attention to the time. I will be right back." I raced upstairs and changed as quickly as possible. I had a doctors appointment and if out wasn't for Leah I would've forgot it. I came downstairs and locked up the house to leave.
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Chapter 8: Your writing has good potential. It's a realestic storyline a subject that can be touchy for some. But hey it's real and it happens everyday. Now that see his wife doesn't really want the marriage. Will he get with the one he loves. Let me keep reading. Good writing! :D