Chapter 2


Damn you Park Choongjae !! Where the hell are you when I need you ?! I was pacing back and forth in my room  with phone in my hand.I already call Junjin since an hour ago , but it go straight to the answering machine.

I need him right now  , for the first time I really need him as my boyfriend.If I said that I have a boyfriend maybe mom and dad would cancel this stupid engagement party.I slump to the floor and pulled my hair.

“ Arrggggh ! “ I screamed as I throw my phone  , it was hit the wall before scattered on the floor near my legs

Then I realized that I need that phone to called Junjin again  , I put every piece of it and I feel like crying when I found that the screen is broken.What the meaning of touchscreen phone if the screen is broken.

“ I’m idiot !!! “

What should I do now ? My only hope is Junjin  , but I can’t reach him and now my phone is broken.Maybe I could run away ! yes if I can’t be found  , they will cancel this .. No ! they will not cancel it  , they just postpone it !!

I’m going crazy !!!

Knock ! Knock !

“ Hyesung ah .. , can you get out for awhile ? we need talk honey  , “

I whimpered when I hear my mom voice  , how can they do this to their only son.

“ Hyesung ah .. “

I press my hand on my ears  , I don’t care !! I don’t want to go out !

“ Let me handle this ! “

That was my dad ? what is he doing here in this hour ?

“ Shin Hyesung  , you better open this door or you prefer me to force you ! “ My daddy shout and it was scared me  , he always be serious with all his words

So , I get up from the floor and open my door  , my mom embrace me as I lower my head  , “ We need to talk  , honey “ she said as she caressed my face

“ You shouldn’t treat him like this , he become a spoiled brat ! “ My dad words really hurt my heart  , how can he said something like that

“ Honey  , “

“ I’m not accept any excuse this time ! the engagement must be done tomorrow !”

“ That don’t fair !! I don’t want to be engage with stranger ! “

“ He’s not stranger ! you know him  , Hyesung  , “ My dad raise his voice again

“ Don’t say that you sell me to one of your partner business !! “ That word slip from my mouth just like that .. and it seem insult my dad so he slap me on the face

My mom gasp in horror  , while dad seem regret about what he’s done . I put my hand on my now bruised cheek  , it hurt so much  

“ Hye .. Hyesung ah .. “ My dad try to touch me but I take a step backward afraid that he will hurt me again

Even he always shout at me but he never raise his hand for once  , but today he slap me.

“ Hyesung  , “ My mom held my body as I keep stepping backward when my dad approaching me  , “ Honey  , you better leave us  , I will talk to Hyesung  , “

My Dad nodded his head and he leave me with my mom.She help me to sit on my bed and caressed my cheek where my dad slap me.

“ You shouldn’t talk like that to your dad   , your parents would never sold you ! “ My mom said

“ But why you never talk about it before ? it was too soon   , “ I pouted and rest my head my mom laps

“ You don’t have to worry Hyesung  , he was a good man  , and I swear that he would never hurt you  , “ I feel so sleepy as my mom start to my hair like this

I start to imagine how my fiancée to be , is he handsome ? is he mature ? because I already have a childish boyfriend so I don’t need another childish fiancée to handle  , okay.If my mom said he was a good man  , then he is a good man , right ? my mom would never lie to me but still there is no guarantee that I will be happy with him  , isn’t it ?


The next day  , when I prepare to go to school my dad come and said that I will not go to school today.He said I need to prepare myself for a party tonight  , when said that he seems that he doesn’t feel guilty for slap me yesterday instead he said that he forbid me to leave the house today if I getting caught to run away  , he doesn’t hesitant to slap me harder than yesterday.

I just spent my time playing with computer because my phone is broken and dad cut the wifi connection.So I just playing warcraft offline until my eyes hurt  , after a few hours I was sleepy again so I try to catch some nap.

I woke up when my mom shook my shoulder asked me to get ready because the guest will come at six.I drag my body toward my bathroom and spent a lot of time in shower because I not ready to meet my fiancée to be.After I feel that my body start to shivering and my skin get wrinkles I decide to get out.

My mom prepare a nice tuxedo for me and it was fit really well in my skinny  slim body.After I change my mom back to my room wearing such a beautiful dress and her hair is style in elegant bum and a natural make up  , she was so beautiful and I just like a male version of her  , I has a slender body and beautiful face like her but I was so stubborn and a little reckless just like my dad  , at least that was my grandparents said about me  , no wonder I always had an argument with him since we have the same personality.

I tilted my head when mom put her small bag which I know it was contain a make up  , “ what will you do with that thing mom ? “

“ I will help you to apply some make up  , honey  , “

Mwo ? is my mom kidding I don’t need a make up  , just apllied some BB cream on my face and done !

“ Just a little  , I will help you applied some eyeliner and do your hair  , okay   , “ she said with the puppy eyes

Finally my mom win  , she said the eyeliner would define my eye shape and I just nodded my head since I can’t win against her.The time she done with the eyeliner she combed my hair and with the help of her mini hair straightener  , she make a curl on my hair.She put my bang aside  , “ done  , you look great  , “

“ I always look great , mom  , “ I said

“ But you’re look so hot Hyesungi  ,”

I look at the mirror and my mom is right  , I look so different  , I really look so hot.

“ Now  , time to meet with your fiancée  , “ My mom words bring me back to reality that I was being engaged  , I can feel a cold sweat on my back. My mom put her arm on mine and walk with me to meet our guest.

We are still on the stairs when my mom pointing at a man who talk with my dad near the cocktail table  , “ Honey , you look that man ? “

“ Yes , mom ? “

“ He was your fiancée to be , “

As we go down I still keep my eyes on him , I’m still not see his face but from his back view he look familiar but I can’t recall who was that.

As we get closer my dad look at me then said , “ It was my son , “ the man beside him turn his body and I almost fall if my mom not held me , “ Hyesung ah you alright ? “

Is they are sure that he was my fiancée to be ? From a lot of people in the world why it must be him ? I turn my head to face my mom , she was smiled and said , “ I told you , he was someone you knew , “

He walking closer to me and smile , “ nice to meet you here , Hyesungi , “

“ Mr .. Mr Moon ? “


The guest is already home and it just Mr Moon or Eric with his family who still stay.I still can believe that my fiancée is my own teacher , the English that make me failed last semester.And today I knew that is grandpa is my grandpa bestfriend and they are planned to engaged their grandchild even before they married.

I stare at the ring on finger , and then I look at his finger , we wear the same ring.I rubbed my forehead as I feel the headache start to form.

My parents still busy talking with his parents about our wedding , I really want to kill myself right now, I’m not even graduate from highschool and they already talk about married ? They must be crazy !

And I almost cry when they agree to make me move out in Eric apartment at the end of this week so I could know him better.I already open my mouth to protest but the look on my dad eyes make me shut my mouth again.

Don’t they think everything is just too soon ? especially for me , Eric doesn’t say anything but from his face he look doesn’t mind at all.Don’t they think that a teenager like me still need a time to play with friends and enjoy their freedom but they already engaged me with him , Eric and they still want to force me to live with Eric.Don’t they think this is too much for me ?

A tear drop from my eyes and then I feel his hand held my hand , I look at his face.He give me an encouragement smile at me. But still it was not enough , I start to cry harder until my mom come to my side and hug me.

I really feel like crying !! my result from last semester is not satisfying !!!  I pass everything but still .. I was so angry to myself !! aishhh =_=

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)