Chapter 6


Even Minwoo said he was okay but I think he is angry with me ,  I made him being kick out from class and his cell phone confiscated by Mr Moon. We’re on the café enjoy our lunch together but I think the atmosphere between us feel weird.Dongwan and Minwoo is usually a chatter box but they’re too quiet.

Today I’m said to Mr Moon that I will go out Dongwan and Minwoo  ,  when I met him in the office to get Minwoo phone back and he give me permission but still I must home before ten.I said that because I don’t want to caused another trouble.

“ Minwoo ya ,   are you angry with me ? “ I carefully asked him

“ Ani ,   “ he said as he solved another bite of kimbab on his mouth

“ Mianhae ,  I don’t mean to drag you into my trouble ,   “

“ Gwenchana ,  I was a little bit upset until I want to hit you but it’s okay hmm .. this is your treat ,   right ? “ he smile at me and pointing our lunch

“ Ne ,   order as much as you want ,   “ I feel so relieved when he said that

“ Hmm .. Hyesung ah ,   is okay for me to do that too ? “ Dongwan said with his pleading look

“ of course ! too bad Andy is not here with us ,   “

Then I start to think about Andy again ,  he look so different after I said that I’m being engaged with Mr Moon ,   why is he reacted like that ? is he by the chance have a feeling with Mr Moon ? and he jealous with me.

Aissh what am I thinking ,   Andy is not like that ,   maybe he just have a problem or something like that.

After we finished our lunch ,   we go to department store to buy my phone.Thanks God I still have enough money in my account to buy a new phone.After I got what I need Minwoo and Dongwan drag me to buy some clothes and stuff.We walk around the department store until we can’t feel our hands and legs anymore.We decide to go home at seven and we separate in bus stop. They asked me to have dinner with them but I think Mr Moon must wait for me so I decide to go home early.They teased me about being a good fiancé but I ignore them.

I’m not try to be a good fiancé ,   I just try to be a good student. I lean my head on the bus’ window ,   I take out my new phone. Suddenly I miss my mom. I wonder how is she and my dad too ..

It’s been four days since went to Africa , I’m not lying if I said that I feel disappointed with them after what they did to me. But I’m still their son and I think it was natural for a child to miss their parents.

I type my mom number but the operator said it was out of reach.  I put my phone back on my bag  ,    I wonder if Mr Moon have my parents number in Africa.

When I arrive at his apartment  ,    I found out that it was empty because after I press the bell several time  ,    Mr Moon still not open the door for me.I forget to asked him about the passcode again.

My legs are tired from shopping with Minwoo and Dongwan , my stomach start to growled too and it make me regret not to have dinner before I got home.I decide to sit on the ground , maybe Mr Moon still take a bath.After thirty minute of waiting I press the bell again but Mr Moon still not open the door.

Where is he ? Too bad I don’t have his number . I pacing back and forth and hoped that he will come and open the door.I play some game on my new phone and chatting with Minwoo in Kakaotalk.

But it just make me more tired , so I was sit on the ground. I start to feel sleepy too , so I rest my head on knee and close my eyes.

I woke up when someone shook my shoulder , I don’t remember I fell asleep. I just feel tired and sleepy , I blink  my eyes and found Mr Moon kneeled before me. Finally , he come.

“ Where have you been ? “ I asked him as I rubbed my tired eyes

“ I have a little business with my friend , “ He said and help me to get up , “ Why are you sleeping here ? are you love me that much until you waiting me outside ? “

I pouted and punch his chest , “ I’m forget to asked you the passcode , “

“ Oh , I’m sorry ,” Mr Moon said

“ Sorry you said ? “ I cross my arm and lean on the wall beside the door , “ you made me wait outside and you just said sorry ? “

“ Then what do you want ? “


“ I thought so just eat half portion , “ Mr Moon shook his head after I finish my second bowl of ramyun

“ I was so hungry , and it all your fault , “ I took a spicy chicken stir and start eating again . I wonder to myself too , I never eat this much before.

Mr Moon sat idly in front of me , I asked him to treat me in the ramyun shop near his apartment. Then I heard my phone ringing , I take it put from my bag and I see that he take out his phone too , “ No call or message , “ He mumbled

“It’s mine, “  I said and replied the kakaotalk from Minwoo

“ You have your own phone then why you used Minwoo phone to cheating ? “

I put my phone and look at him , I already forget about the cheating incident today and he remind me about it. This is so embarrassing. I don’t mind if it was another teacher who caught me or it was he but before we get engaged of course.

“ I just buy it , “ I said in low tone

“ Where is your previous one ? is another teacher took it because you get caught play your phone on the class ? “ Mr Moon must into his teacher mode again

“ It broke , “

Then we fell into awkward silence before he said , “ You should start to stop your cheating habit , “

“ What ? “

“ It was not fair , your other friend studied to get a high score and you used a short cut like that , “

“ Why are you said like I was the only one who cheating ? I’m sure the other student must cheating too , “

“ I said this not because I’m your teacher I said this a your fiancé ,”

Why is he always said about he being my fiancé everytime we talk about something like this.

“ I never agree to be your fiancé , “

“ I know but you should start to accept the fact that you’re my fiancé , even I don’t like to be engaged with someone who childish like you but I try to accept it “

“ No! I don’t want to ! “ I took my belonging and left him , what he mean with someone who childish like me ! I was more mature than what he think about me.

I was startled when someone grab my hand and turn my body , “ what do you want ? “ I shout when I found it was Mr Moon

“ We still not done talking , “

“ We have nothing to talk , “ I turn my body again but he still not let my hand go

“ Shin Hyesung ! “

“ Let me go ! “  

“ Watch out , “ I was about to cross the road when Mr Moon pulled me.I was fell into his embrace as I heard a loud honk from the car behind me.

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)