Chapter 5


When I got home , I mean Mr Moon home , it was nine past five.I know I break his rule but like I care.My life my rules.He was nothing but a stranger , fine he was my teacher but it was when we’re on school.

I press the bell on his apartment since I forget to asked him about the password.After several minutes , the front door is opened.Mr Moon seems angry maybe because I hang out with Junjin without permission.

“ Where have you been ? “ he crossed his arms but I just walk past him

“ Shin Hyesung ! I’m asking you ! “

I rolled my eyes and turn my body to face him , “ Not your business , “ I said before I turn on my heel but he grab my arm

“ I’m your fiancé here ! and you better now that I was your guardian until your parents back and I have the right to know where you are , “

“ No,  you don’t ! “

“ Yes  , I do ! “

However , my argument is invalid and  he ended up giving me punishment.He’s not beat me or slap me ,  but I think it’s better if he beat me rather  than give me a lot of mathematic problem to solve.I wonder he is English teacher right ? how can he give me a lesson about mathematic ? I bet he doesn’t even understand a single question.

I stole glance toward him who sit in front of me ,  wearing his black rimmed glasses and it seem that he checking his student homework.

“ What are you staring at ? I will not let you sleep if you not finished your task ,  “ he said without taking his attention from what he was doing

I pouted and put my mechanic pencil on the table , “ I can’t to do this ! “ I sigh in frustration

“ You can to do that , you just too lazy to do it , don’t you ? “

“ No I can’t !! I don’t understand every single of it ! is this a question for university entrance ? “

“ No , it was an exercise for middle school actually , “

What ? Is he kidding me ? I don’t believe him.The question is so difficult , there is no way this is an exercise for middle school.

“ If you don’t believed me you can check the book cover, “

I pouted again and closed the book to look at it cover.My jaw drop , this book is really a middle school student handbook. And I can’t understand that .. am I that stupid ? This is embarrassing .

“ See ? “ he look at me with a victory smile on his face

“ Issh ! “ I turn my head in annoyance

“ If you don’t understand the question , you can asked me , I’m here to help you study , you know , “

“ You’re an English teacher , how can you teach me mathematic , “

“ of course I can ! “ he smirk and take the book , it seems that he write something on it . A few minute later he give me back the book and it was unbelievable , he can solve a ten question within ten minutes.

“ It was a simple algebra , you should pay more attention to your teacher “ Mr Moon flicked my forehead

“ Ah ! “ I held my forehead , it must be red because his flicked , “ it’s hurt you know , “

“ You’re cute , “ he said and smile at me , is he just called me cute ? I was stunned by his remark.I don’t know but I feel happy when he said that . Am I starting to get crazy because mathematic ?  why do I feel that he was look more handsome this way ? his hair was a little messy and there is thin mustache that make him look more mature and …

“ y , “ I mumbled unconsciously

“ You say what ? “

I cover my mouth and shook my head . Aish .. what’s wrong with me ?

“ I think I should give you extra lesson like this , so you can improves your grades , “ then he put something on the table , I think it was usual piece of paper but when I take a better view of it , it was my recap from this semester.

“ Can you see ? almost all your grades is under average ! you can’t continue the next class if your grade  like this , “

God ! no wonder my parents is angry with me , I really messed up.I got C and D almost in all subject even I got C in the PE since I always skip the class.

I take the paper and look at the small note on it , I skipped 24 class in just three months ? really ? the paper slipped from my hand and rest my head on the table .

Suddenly I feel a hand on my head and my head gently , “ You see ? Your record in school is not good too Hyesung , you should start to behave or the principal will kick you out , “

I lift my head and my eyes widened in horror , “ He what ? “ I don’t want get expelled from school or my dad will kill me !

“ Don’t worry , “ Mr Moon held my chin and smile at me , “ it still not late to begin again , I can help you studying , “


“ So , he said he will tutor you ? “ Dongwan asked me as he throw the basketball toward Minwoo

“ Yeah .. “ I breathed as I try to snatch the ball from Minwoo

It was free period , Minwoo , Dongwan and I play a basketball.Andy is absent today so it was just the three of us.

“ You’re lucky your fiancé is teacher , a very hot teacher , “ Minwoo winked at me and throw the ball to Dongwan

“ Eww , it doesn’t mean that I accept him as my fiancé ! I just doesn’t want to failed this semester “ I snatch the ball from Dongwan and shot it , the ball hit the ring but bounce outside

“ And how about Junjin , is your date fun ? “ Dongwan asked

“ He gave me .. “ I was about to tell them about my new bracelet when Minwoo cut my word

“ Speak of the devil .. “

I turn my body and gasped when I see Junjin approaching us , his hair is blonde right now.Isn’t that broke the school rules ? And when he do that ? isn’t he stuck with me all day long ?

“ Hey , honey , “ Junjin wrap his hand around my waist and kiss me in the check

“ Hey , bro ! your hair look amazing , “ Dongwan said and give Junjin a thumb up

“ Thanks , Dongwan , “ Junjin said before turn his body at me and attempted to kiss me again but I push his body unconsciously when I see Mr Moon walking through the corridor with a bunch of girl from junior class.

“ Honey ? what’s wrong ? “

“ Ah ? aniya , “ I shook my head and take seat beside Minwoo  on the ground

Junjin followed me and sit beside me , “ I try to called you again last night , but it was straight to operator , what happen to your phone ? “ he asked me

“ Ahh !! me too , you never replied my message , “ Dongwan interject

“ They’re right ! even you ignore my kakaotalk , “ Minwoo added

It seems that I forget to tell them that I broke my phone , I don’t even tell my parents that too.Aish I need to buy a new phone , I hope I have enough allowance in my atm.

“ My phone is broke , “

“ What ? “

“ How ? “

“ Wae ? “

Aishh , they are very noisy !! I hope Andy is here , so he can save me from the three noisy people here.

“ Wae don’t you tell me that you broke your phone ? I could have buy you a new one , “ Junjin held my hand when he said that

“ You doesn’t have to do that , “

“ But you’re my boyfriend , “ Junjin lean forward and kiss me again.

“ Yah ! can you two stop PDA-ing ? it was annoying ! “ Minwoo cringed and Dongwan nodded in agreement

“ Get yourself a girlfriend or boyfriend then , “ I laugh when Junjin scold them , I wonder why they not start dating each other , they’re suitable as a couple.

The bell is ringing , time for us to back to class , Junjin walk me to my class.He asked me to accompany him again today but I think I need to go buy a phone today.If I go out with him , he must not let me to pay by myself , it’s better that I go with Dongwan and Minwoo , so I said that I have a date with them.

The next period is Mrs Han class but she doesn’t appear and Mr Moon came instead.He said that Mrs Han has some appointment and he as teacher in duty has been asked  to give us a task from Mrs Han , and it was must done by today.

Minwoo poke my stomach with his pencil , “ Look , your hotty fiancé is here , “ Minwoo whispered

“ Shut up ! “ I whispered back

The class president start to distribute the question sheet

“ This is an individual task , you can open your book but you can’t discuss with your friend or search with your phone , “ Mr Moon said and everyone start to groan in annoyance

History is one of boring lesson and even there are just four question but the answer is need more than one page folio paper.Mrs Han is always like that , I mumbled something and try to dig over my bag to search my textbook.

I start to panic when I can’t found it , I throw all my belonging on my table but the book is not there.I sigh as I put my things back in my bag , I open my notebook and I remember that I’m too lazy to take some note.

I lean forward and turn my face to call Minwoo , but it seem that he doesn’t hear me so I throw my pencil toward him.

“ What ? “ he mouthed

“ Lend me your book , “

“ How about me ? “

“ Your notebook , “

He open his notebook and I rolled my eyes , I forget that we’re the same.Too lazy to take note.There is no other choice , I turn my face to Dongwan , “ Wannie .. “

“ What ? “

“ Lend me your book , “s

“ This ? “ he lift his history book and I nodded my head , Oh Dongwan you’re my life savior.

“ Wait until I finished it , “ he said and I pouted

“ Your notebook ? “

“ Youngsan have it , “ he turn his head slightly toward the boy beside him

I face palmed my face when I heard that , so what should I do now ? I wish I had my cellphone with me.Oh , maybe I can asked Minwoo .

“ Minwoo ya .. “ I throw my eraser this time

“ what ? “ I think he start to get annoyed

“ Lend me your cellphone , “

He look hesitant but I give him my best puppy look and he give up , “ I will kill you if he catch us , “

“ No way , “ I whispered when he handed me his cellphone

I search the answer of the question in the internet and write it on my answer sheet.Work this way is much easier than reading in a bored textbook.With internet I just need to type a key word and I get what I need.

I continue to browsing the next answer for the next question I feel someone watching me ,  I slowly lift my head and found Mr Moon standing beside me ,  he take my paper and stretch out his other hand to asked the cellphone  , with heavy heart I give him Minwoo’s phone

“ Did I said that no cellphone allowed ? Now left the class , “

I lower my head and mouthed sorry to Minwoo as I get up from my chair .Minwoo didn’t react but I know that he was angry with me.

“ You left the class too , Mr Lee , “ Mr Moon said

I widened my eyes so does Minwoo who look as shock as me , “ Minwoo doesn’t need to left the class  , sir , I was the one who cheat , “ I said , I won’t let Minwoo get punished for something he didn’t do.

“ This is yours , right ? “ Mr Moon asked Minwoo who nodded  his head , “ You lend your cellphone to Mr Shin , so could browsing the answer in the internet when you know that it was against the rules , so you two “ Mr Moon pointed his finger toward Minwoo and I

“ You can get your cellphone back after school , “ Mr Moon said

“ I’m sorry ,  Minwoo ,  “ I whisper to my bestfriend before we close the door behind us  

Hope you like it ^^


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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)