Chapter 16


excuse my grammar error /.\

The middle term exam went well  , Eric Hyung really helps me a lot . His simple explanation and his little note on my text book made it easier for me to understand . I was to focus on this exam since I don’t want to be in the bottom grade again. Eric Hyung also promises me that he would bring me to the amusement park again after this exam already done.

I smile proudly to myself after I answer the last question on the Korean history . I just need to wait the bell ringing and the exam is done.

I put my hand on the table as I examined my engagement ring on my finger . Thanks God it’s not lost or Eric Hyung will kill me. I found it under my bed . After we got home from amusement park last week  , I search it on my room until midnight.

The bell rings. The teacher said to leave the answer sheet on our desk and don’t forget to take our cell phone that have been collected by the teacher during Korean history exam . After we get our phone back  , Minwoo and Dongwan busy to open their textbook to make sure that they write the right answer.

I smile when I see they're acting  , then I check my phone . I’ve got three messages . The first message is from Eric Hyung said that he will home late because he need to do something at school  , he said that I don’t need to wait him and apologized because I need to go home myself today.  I quickly replied to say that it’s okay.

The second message is from my mom  , I almost shout in happiness when I read the message . My mom said that she with  my dad will land in the Korea tomorrow . Finally my parents are back . I miss them . I’m not answering this one since my mom already on the plane .

The third message is from Junjin  , he said he wanted to meet me on the back of our school main building again. Why did I have a bad feeling about this meeting ? He avoids me for almost a week and now he wants to meet me .

I look at Minwoo and Dongwan who still busy with their textbook  , “ Minwoo ah  , Dongwan ah .. , “ They look at me when I called them

“ Jungian wants to meet me now   , I’ll go first ne .. “

They nodded their head and put their attention back to the textbook. I shook my head  , since when they care about their grades.


I found Junjin lean his body on the wall and close his eyes. His hair waving softly because the wind. He must notice my presence because he suddenly open his eyes and approaches me. He touches my hand softly and said  , “ Hyesung ah .. I want to tell you something  , “ his voice sound so gentle and I nodded

But he makes me confused when he handed his cell phone  , “ Open my email Inbox  , “

I’m obeyed. But suddenly I feel a shiver down my spine and the strange feeling creeps in my chest. The bad feeling is there. I almost  drop his phone when I saw so many pictures of me and Eric hyung when we at the amusement park  last week and other random picture when I got into Eric hyung’s car after school. My knee almost giving up and my hand trembling badly.

“ If you asked why I ignore you that’s the answer  , “ he turns his head away when he said that

“ But Jin ah .. you know that E .. Mr Moon is .. “

“ I want to believe it ! I want to believe everything that you said to me .. But .. “ Junjin shut his mouth and took a deep breathe before he grabbed my arms harshly  , “ Answer me ! You like Mr Moon right ? “

I bit my lips and avoid his eyes . How can Junjin receive that kind of photo ? Is Andy sending it to him again ? I try to hold my tears.

“ I know that you never love me  , even when you said that you love me at that time but I thought it was lie that come out from your lips after I saw the picture of you and Mr Moon get into the same car and you even live at the same apartment  , “

“ Junjin you know that was because my .. “

“ Bull ! “ He let go of my arm and turn around  , “ Yeah  , I know that you confess to me because that stupid bet with your friends and I have a plan to make you my toys like the other girl that have a relationship with me before you I even want to make you feel worse than them. “

“ But I really fell in love with you in the end  , because you’re different  not because you’re a boy but you really make me fell different ! You ! “ Junjin raises his voice as he turn his body again and look at me straight into my eyes

The tears start to fell from my eyes  , “ Jin ah .. Please .. is not like that .. “

“ Stop lying Shin Hyesung ! “ he grabbed his phone from my hand and throw it to the ground

I can’t hold it anymore . I cry so hard until I found it hard to breath.

“ I never know why I always feel weak every time I see you cry . I never forget the way you laugh or the way you keep your feeling by yourself  , I never forget how sweet your lips when kiss  , I will never forget that “

I was sobbing when I hear that .

“ I asked you once again . You really like Mr Moon right ? “

I shook my head as I moving forward to Junjin and grab his uniform  “ I .. “ I close my eyes . Eric hyung .. I’m so sorry ..

“ I hate him  , I hate him because he ruined my life . There is no one I hate as much as I hate him ! “

Junjin smirk s , “ You hear it by yourself right  , Mr Moon ? “

I lift my head and turn my body. There is him . Standing behind  me with unreadable expression on his face. “  Eric hyung .. “ I whispered

Junjin grabbed my shoulder and push me   , “ we’re over ! “

“ Junjin ah .. “ I scream when he left me with Eric hyung alone .

“ let him go  , hyesung ah .. “ Eric hyung hold my body .

“ Hyesung ah .. stop it ! “ Eric hyung hold my body harder. But I try to break free and chased Junjin . Eric hyung whispered something  to my ear but I can’t hear anything. I can’t think clearly.

Can I forget my gulty feeling toward Junjin ? Yes  , I was the boy. The boy who succeed to make him hate me.

Hey  , honey . My sweetheart ..

I will miss that nickname.


I sat on the toilet bowl. Still crying. I took a deep breath as I remember Junjin face.

“ Why are you lying on him ? You know that you’re lying to yourself too ? “  Eric Hyung handed me a tissue

“ I don’t know  , “

I thought if I never engaged with Eric hyung  , I will be still with Junjin. Even if we break up. We’ll not break up this way. I can’t avoid the fact that Eric hyung is my fiancé and I wouldn’t be lying that I start to have a feeling for him. But still ..

“ I want to blame you  , Eric hyung .. But I can’t .. I was the one who commits a sin  , it’ll be not fair if I blame you .. “

Eric Hyung keeps silence.

Then ..

“ How can you fell in love with him ? He already engaged ! “

Isn’t that Andy voice ?


I need to stop here .. Must go to campus now ._.v


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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)