Chapter 12


Eric Hyung really helps me to study at night , even without the coupon he will gladly help me study. I try to pay attention to what he said about Newton’s laws . I wonder how can he good at physic too ? Oh No ! He‘s good at all the subjects . Remember about the algebra on the other day ? He’s really good at science , why he chooses to become an English teacher instead of a scientist ? Then I will be a young handsome fiancé .

Tukk !

“ A ! “

“ I said to listen to me , Newton’s law one and two may be a little easier but the third law is the tricky one.  Pay more attention , your physic record really bad , I get your transcript from Mr  Park and you’re your average just 3,3 and your highest record is 4 , what kind of score is that ? What are you doing in class ? “

“ I hear what you said but it was gone shortly after that , “

Tukk !

He hit my head with his pen again , “ Is your head just an accessory ? “

“ Why are you keeping hitting my head ? If I become stupid ! I blamed you for the rest of your life ! “

“ You already stupid why do you worry about it now ? “

“ How can you say like that to your own fiancé ? “

Then I see a smile creep in his face . It feel weird there is must be something behind that smile .

“ Why are you smiling like that ? “ I look away , since I feel uncomfortable with him staring at me with that face

“ You just call me your fiancé , “ He said still smiling

“ I do ? “

He nodded his head , “ why ? Fallen for me already ? “

I lower my head and said ,  “ Forget  about  it  and please continue our study , “ . This is embarrassing . Why did I say something  like that ? I know I start feeling something about him but he doesn’t need to know about that. At least not know.

Then , we continue to study since physic is hard , especially for someone like me. I try to understand about a formula that Eric Hyung explain to me but the number and the symbol just make me feel sick.

After two hours of private lesson Eric Hyung decide to end it because he didn’t want me to study too hard because he didn’t want to burden my small brain with this. I refused at first since if I’m not working hard how can I get a high score ? But Eric Hyung said to not force myself.

I pouted my lips as I gathered my thinks that scattered on the table. I mumble a thank you and Goodnight at him before I back to my room but when I was about to enter my room he call me again .

“ Hyesung ah , is this yours ? “

I turn my head and found him lift a similar bracelet in front of his face . I narrow my eyes . It was my bracelet from Junjin.

“ It was mine , “

“ Is this from that boy ? “

“ Ne ? “ I tilted my head

“ Is this from that boy ? Park Chungjae , right ? “

“ You don’t need to know , “  I put my book near my door and walk toward him to get my bracelet , but when I was about to take it from his hand he dodges. I pulled his shirt abruptly and almost fell on him. “ Please give it to me , it was an important thing for me “ . It was important since I need to return it to Junjin soon.

It seems that Eric Hyung misunderstood . He scoffed when he hears that. I took this opportunity to take my bracelet and jogged toward my room. I put my book with me and slam the door.

I put my book on my desk . I open the first drawer and take the jewelry box and put the bracelet on it. Eric hyung doesn’t need to know about this. This bracelet must fall from my pocket . I promise I will return it to Junjin. Seeing the beautiful bracelet just make me feel more guilty.


The next day when we have a breakfast. I almost choke when Eric Hyung brags about the bracelet and Junjin again.

“ What is your relationship with him ? “

“ I don’t want to talk about it , “

“ Is he your boyfriend ? I was there when he almost kisses you and say ‘ I love you’ and there is a gossip you’re dated the biggest playboy in our school . He was Junjin right ?“

I put my chopstick and look straight at him . Damn ! So he knows about me and Junjin for a long time ? Why is he just saying it now ? Is he kidding me ?

“ How ? “

He smirks before he said , “ So, it’s true ? “

“ I don’t have any relationship with him now , “  I said quietly

“ So you have a relationship with him in the past ? “

I gasped unable to answer. Why ? Is he jealous ?

“ I take it as  a yes answer, “ he said before he continues to eat

Maybe I could ask him about Ms. Hwang . I bet this is will be a great counter-attack . I flip my bang that start to cover my eyes before I said , “ And you ? What is your relationship with Ms. Hwang ? There is a gossip that she is your ex ? Is that true ? “

“ You don’t need to know , “

“ So , it’s true ? “ I am mimicking him

“ You really want to know ? “

I nodded my head

“ She is my first love , “


I rest my head on my desk as Eric Hyung word lingering in my head . She was his first love. My heart feels hurt when he says that . Is he still having a feeling toward that woman ? Is that a reason why he doesn’t look bothered when her feeding him yesterday ?

Today I saw them walk toward the canteen together . Since Eric Hyung drop me 100m from school , so I came later than him. When I walk from the gate I saw them walking together and it’s looking like they have a nice conversation.

In damn morning and I must see something like that. It just ruined my already bad mood. I feel my phone vibrate on my pocket. I take it and look at it.

One message from Junjin. I straightened my postured and gasp . “ Junjin send me a message ? “

With a trembling hand I press the screen to open the message.

Meet me now at  the back of our school main building. We need to talk about something.

I paled when I read that. Junjin is coming to school ? Eotteoke ? I feel my heart in my throat . What should I do ? I bit finger , my bad habit if I feel nervous.

“ Hyesung you okay ? “ I turn my head and found Dongwan and Minwoo already on my side . I was too busy with my own feeling until I didn’t realize that they come.

I shook my head and mumbled , “ Junjin , “

“ Junjin ? “ Dongwan asked

“ What happen to him ? “ This time Minwoo turn

“ He wants to meet me , “I said with a weak voice

Minwoo and Dongwan widened their eyes , “ Are you sure ? “ They said in unison

I nodded my head

“ But I think I need to meet him and cleared this problem , “ I said as I rose from my chair. Minwoo and Dongwan look at me sympathetically . I squeeze Minwoo shoulder before I left them . I hope Junjin wouldn’t kill me .


I feel my legs grow heavier when I step toward the place where Junjin want to meet me. My heart beating painfully against my ribs . I feel my head is hurt as well. I held my breath when I see Junjin sit on one of the unused desk with back facing me.

“ Jin ah .. “ I called him with a cracked voice

When he turns his head before he jumped from his seat and walk toward me. I see that he was still slightly pale with a cast on his right hand. I swallowed a big lump on my throat when get closer at me.

“ Why are you lying to me ? “ He asked me with a dangerously low voice that send a shiver down my spine

I look away , don’t know what to say . But I jerk when he suddenly grabs my arm and yelled , “ Look at me , when I talk to you , “  

He tightened his grip until I feel he can break my arm with his hand . “ Jin ah .. it’s hurt .. Let go of me .. “ But he ignores me

“ Why are you lying to me ? Why ? “

“ It is about the bet ? I’m sorry about  that  .. “ God I feel like crying again right now

“ It’s not about the bet , before Andy said about that I already know that you’re lying to me but I don’t care because I love you .. But why are you not said that you already engaged with Mr Moon ?!”

I stare at him with shocking face , he know about the bet since the first time ? And then he knows about my relationship with Mr Moon ? Is Andy told him about it too ?

“ Andy told me that you’re engaged with Mr Moon , why are not saying anything about it to me ? I thought you were different Hyesung .. But you left me just like them .. “

I winced when the tightened his grip again .

“ I .. I’m sorry Jin ah .. I was forced by parents to engage with him . You know that I was their only child . I don’t want to disappoint them , “ I took a deep breath before I continue , “ I hope you forgive me .. About the bet forget about it .. But please don’t be like this Jin ah .. , “

“ Did you love him ? “

“ No .. “ Hyesung what did you say . Something in the  back of my mind has yelled at me , “ I don’t have any feeling for him , even though we’re engaged but it's just for formality , “  It was a lie !!! It’s all a lie !!

I look at his eyes with my blurred eyes . Why have I been such a crybaby lately ?

So did my feelings to you , Jin ah . I never have a feeling for you .. Because you just a bet .

“ You know , Hyesung .. Why am I becoming a person like this ? “ He releases my arm slowly . Finally my blood circulation in my right hand is normal again but I guess I will have a huge bruise later.

Junjin take a step backward before he turn away , “ My parents always fight each other . Since I was a child they never notice my existence because they are too busy with their own problem. They always give me money and always give me what I want .. But they never really care about me , I become rude and demanding like this because I want they look at me , notice me , “ He takes a pause

“ There is no one who dares to fight me , they always do what I want and then all the girls that dated me is just the same . They always asked me to buy this and that . They always want me to spoil them without knowing who am I . Until you came and confessed to me , you’re different and you make me confused , You always make an excuse if I want to pick you up . And we rarely hang out together . And you always refused if I want to buy you something . You never even asked anything from me . . You make me feel .. “

I feel a sadness in his voice

Jin ah why are you told me this. You just make me feel more guilty. What is not enough I make you hurt ? Why Jin ah ? Why ?

“ I even feel lost you when you were engaged with him … “

Please Jin ah .. Don’t be like this. I will hurt you more  .. I’m not as good  as you think.

I gasped when Junjin hugged me . I want to push him away but I just freeze in my place. Stiff like a mannequin .

“ Hyesung .. I will forget and forgive everything and we could begin again and please forgive me too .. “ His brown eyes look straight at me. He rubbed my arm where he grabs earlier before he caressed my cheek.

I stare blankly . And I nodded my head without I realized . One feeling creeps into my mind. Eric Hyung !! I feel very guilty toward him  too. Because if I accept Junjin like this it’s mean I was cheating him.

Shin Hyesung ! you’re really such an idiot !!


I  make this more complicated . I thought I can update today since my brain is so empty. I keep staring blankly at my laptop and then fell asleep since I was tired because I can’t sleep all night long after attended my friend’s wedding. =_= Even after I take a nap I still feel empty and brain is completely blank with no idea .. I wonder if you like this chapter .. I hope I don’t mess again

And for hyuu_hikari , maaf lo bikin Hyesung galau n sedih mulu kayak gini ._.v

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)