Chapter 15


“ AAA .. Eric Hyung .. Please .. Please stop the car !! “ With trembling voice I beg him to stop the car or at least slow the speed. I don’t know how many times I say the same thing to him but he just shut his mouth. I shut my eyes when he makes a curve dangerously. Gosh !  I don’t want to die like this.

Oh My God ! Is he angry because he caught me skipped class and almost kissing with Junjin ? If I knew he would do crazy things like this , I will choose to ignore Junjin even though he will send a message nonstop. Mom !! I don’t want to die like this !

“ Eric Hyung please .. “ I beg him once again , but he keeps ignoring me. He looks like possessed by something. He drives his car like we’re in the car race . The music that played in his car make me dizzy . I feel sick when he turns his car again.

My head bumped into the window glass when he stops his car suddenly when there is a red light is . At least he doesn’t break the rules. But it doesn’t last long since he press the accelerator again the minute the green light is on.

I start crying. I don’t want to die like this . I pitied my parents . I was their only son . Mom .. I’m sorry if I am just being a burden for you . Dad .. You know I love you right ? . I’ve been giving up to beg Eric Hyung to stop the car. All I can do is pray . I don’t know is I will be still alive tomorrow.


Sudeenly he stop the car. I clench my fist . My face was wet because the tears and cold sweat.

“ Hyesung ah .. “ Through my blurry eyes I look at his serious face.

“ E .. Eric ah .. are you angry with me ? I’m .. so .. sorry .. “

Eric Hyung sighs . “ I don’t know Hyesung ah .. I don’t know why you always do something like this . You’re always repeating the same mistake , and sorry always come out of your mouth easily . It was meant nothing , right ? Because you made the same mistake the other day ! And I hate to see you with that blonde ,  I just have the bad feeling about him  .. “  Eric Hyung took a deep breath , “ I want you to see my anger toward you but when you start crying I think I was going too far , “

So he really jealous because Junjin ??

“ Junjin and I just .. “

“ I know .. I try to understand it .. Tell me he was your boyfriend right ? You still have a relationship with him right ? “

I keep silence.

“ Hyesung ah .. Listen to me , for this time I will tell the truth .. For the first time I saw you in the new student entrance ceremony , I like you .. I really like you .. And I guess it was fate that our grandfather was a best friend .. Hyesung ah ..”

I blink my eyes as everything start to spinning around . I head feel extremely dizzy and my stomach is churning. I can see his mouth moving but I can’t hear anything before everything becomes black.


“ So Mr Moon like you too ? “ Minwoo whispered to me

I just nodded my head.

After  that incident I need three days bed rest because I still feel dizzy every time I try to get up from my bed. I guest Eric hyung is blaming himself to make me sick like this even he said nothing about it. Today he let Minwoo and Dongwan visit me at his house.

“ Then , what are you gonna do Hyesung ah ? “ Dongwan asked

“ Molla .. “ I whispered weakly

Dongwan and Minwoo look at me with a sympathetic look  .

I remember he said that he like me since the new student entrance ceremony but I can remember the rest because I was fainting. What should I do ? God must be hated me that much until He makes trapped in this such complicated situation like this.

“ Are you like him too ? “ Minwoo asked

“ I don’t know .. “

“ How about Junjin ? “

I shook my head .

They both sigh hard after hearing my answer. I need some time to think about it . Because deep inside my heart I feel that I start to have a feeling toward Eric hyung but on the other hand I feel the same about Junjin too.


“ Hyesung ah .. “ I turn my head when I heard someone  call me . Eric hyung entered my room with a pudding on his hand . He put it on my bedside table before he sits on the side of my bed.

“ What are you doing ? Are you feeling better already ? “

I nodded my head and bit the end of my pencil .

“ What are you doing ? “

“I’m doing a task for your class , “ I replied without looking at his face

“ Narrative text ? “

I nodded again

“ Let me help you , “ he take the book and my pencil from me

“ Isn’t that count as cheating .. You’re the teacher anyway .. “

He smiles and ruffled my hair  , “ I’m not teacher if we’re home , remember that I’m your fiancé , “

I blinked my eyes .

Suddenly he handed me the pudding that he brought , “ I made it by myself , “

I eat the pudding as I saw him doing my homework . He looks so handsome when he serious like that . He looks like an actor in the movie. He has  brain and look . I wonder why he likes someone like me . I’m just a troublemaker student and he was the young handsome teacher .

“ Done ! “ He smile again and put my book and pencil in my lap , “ Hyesung ah .. “

“ Hmm .. “

“ About that day .. I’m sorry ! “

“ Gwenchana .. “

“ I mean it , I’m sorry ! “

“ Gwenchana .. I made a mistake too .. It’s okay if you’re angry with me , “

“ But I’m sorry Hyesung ah .. I really sorry because I make you cry .. “ He leans forward and kiss me immediately . A short but a sweet kiss. I will be lying if I’m not saying that I enjoyed this kiss.


Finally I get back to the school again . Next week is a middle term examination and I will not skip any class anymore since I already miss many lessons at school . Thanks God I have Eric hyung to help me study . Even I still confused and keep forgetting a few things but I was getting better. I start to understand what is Newton’s laws because Eric Hyung give a note in my text book what the point of this lesson. Not only in physic but almost all the lessons. He even helps me to make a report for Korean language .

But what makes me confused now is Junjin . He avoids me suddenly , I don’t even know why . Usually he will wait me at my desk but he never does it again .

Today when I get back from biology labs , I saw Junjin emerged from the toilet but he turns his head immediately when he saw me. What happen to him ?

I try to call him and send him a message but he never answers it . The weekend comes . I still try to call Junjin but he just turns off his phone. I don’t understand why he become like this.

I can’t concentrate when Eric hyung help me to understand passive voice . I’m busy to think about Junjin who avoid me so suddenly. I still remember him saying ‘ Je t’aime ‘ to me but now he ignores me again.

“ Hyesung ah .. “

“ Hmm “

“ Something bothering you ? “

“ Aniya .. “

“ Are you sure ? “

I nodded my head

“ Are you nervous about the exam ? “

“ Kind of , “

Eric Hyung reaches my hand and squeeze it , “ Don’t be nervous , you must relax .. “

I nodded my head again

“ Hmm .. How about we go to an amusement park tomorrow , “ he said full of enthusiastic , “ It can help you lessen some tenses on your body too , “

I tilted my head , go to amusement park D – 1 before the middle term exam ? Wow , he is really something.


Sunday with smile . Eric hyung took me to enjoy the amusement park all day. I asked him to ride a roller coaster , he refuses at first because he was afraid I will get sick again . But I make sure that I will be okay because I already rode that thing five or six times with my best friend and once with Junjin.

I’m happy because I won from Eric Hyung . He just endures to ride twice meanwhile I rode it three times . Even though when I get back I need to rush to the trash bin to emptied my stomach but I’m happy because I won haha.

Then Eric hyung buy me ice cream and we rode carrousel together . He was so romantic when he wipe the ice cream from the corner of my mouth with his finger. I feel so enthusiast when he treat me a lunch .

“ Since when you eat like a pig like this ? “ he said with flat tone

I pouted , “ I used too much energy today I need to replace it with the new one , “

I really hungry right now. Eric hyung just shook his head when he saw me eat a triple beef steak and drink a jumbo glass of avocado juice by myself not to mention triple scoop vanilla ice cream.

“ Where is your ring ? “ He suddenly asked

“ Ring ? “ I look at my finger , I widened my eyes when I can’t find it there

“ Where is it ? “

“ Ahh .. I left it in your bathroom , “ it was lie since I remember that I never take off that ring even when I take a bath

“ Don’t ever lose it , or I will kill you “ He looks at me with his assassin look

I nodded my head and hope that I will find my ring in my room when we get home.


“ Eric Hyung  .. Thanks for today and for the rabbit too , “  I said when we arrive at his apartment later at night . I hugged the huge rabbit doll from him after he won a shooting game in an amusement park

“ You're welcome , “ He smile sweetly to me and I feel my legs turn weak when I saw him smile like that .

“ Hey , what are you thinking ? “ He pinched my nose

“ Aniya .. “ I pouted before I press my chin on the doll’s head

“ Fine , now wash yourself and get some rest , you must wake up early tomorrow , “

 I nodded my head and walk to my room . I was about to open my door when he calls me again , “ Hyesung ah .. “

I turn my head and found him , with fist in the air said , “ FIGHTING ! “

I chuckled at his cute acted , I hold my fist too and said , “ FIGHTING ! “

I keep smiling when I entered my room . I look at the rabbit once again before I laid in my tired body on my bed. I took my phone and open my gallery to look at my silly selca with Eric hyung. My heart skip a beat again . I rolled to my side and hugged the huge doll again .

You make me happy today.



So .. let me know about  this chapter XD

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)