Chapter 18


 I sat silently beside Eric Hyung . He also doesn’t said anything and glances at me. I don’t want to say anything. I was too busy to think about Junjin . Even though we’re over but I think I need to apologize to him. And I want to return the bracelet that he gave me .

“ Oh , hyung .. I’m sorry but I forget to thanks you . Thank you because you save me  , “

“ Hm .. you should thanks your Dad too , “

I nodded my head , “ I will do it later , “

We silence again for a while , “ Eric hyung .. I want to explain everything to Junjin , “ I said weakly

Eric hyung turn his head to me , “ Explain what ? You already broke up with him . There is nothing between you and him ! “

“ I want to apologize to him , “ I turn my head toward the window try to avoid his piercing gaze . Then I look at Junjin who walking on the sidewalk. I was speechless when I saw him walking like a zombie.

“ Hyung .. please stop the car ! “ I shook Eric hyung arm , “ Please .. “

Eric hyung stop his car. “ Hyesung ah .. I never asked you anything , right ? “

I nodded my head but I don’t have idea what he is talking about.

“ I want you to stop to go after Junjin , “

I shut my mouth. Eric Hyung look straight to my eyes with his dark eyes. His eyebrow furrowed .

“ Mianhae .. “ I open the car and run toward Junjin.

I’m sorry Eric. Maybe we could talk about us later.


I look at Junjin sadly. I don’t know what happen with me but I miss him. Everything , include his cheesy nickname for me . Honey , sweetheart . I miss everything about him.

“ What do you want to say ? “

“ I don’t know that you’re smoking , “

“ This’s not your business , “ he lift his cigarette again but I snatch it from his hand and throw it to the ground then I step on it

“ Yah !! what are you doing ?! “ he put his hand on his waist and it make me shivering when his expression change.

“ Jin ah .. I just want to say sorry , “ I can’t look at his eyes any longer

Junjin expression softer again . He look away toward the road . “ What for ? I never apologize if I broke up with my previous girlfriend before . Why are you apologize to me ? “ he said with cold tone

I took a heavy breath. “ Because I’m not you . I never been you , And because you’re my friend Jin ah .. I can’t erase the guilty feeling toward you , “

“ You like Mr Moon , right ? “

I nodded my head . Yeah , I like him . I like him so much.  I love Eric Moon ! I lifted my head and look at Junjin face. I sniff before I smile weakly , “ I just want to say sorry , I don’t care whether you want to forgive me or not . But I will do everything to make you forgive me , “

Junjin pulled me by the arm abruptly when I was about to turn my body  . He hold it tight . A second later he pulled me into his embrace. So tight , until I can’t even move my body.

“ Let go of me , “

“ I will forgive you if you want to me mine again , “

It feel like my heart stop beating when he said that. I swallowed the lump that blocked my throat when I remember what Andy said to me . No ! I will not back with Junjin again . I don’t want to hurt Andy and Junjin again.

I collected my strength and pushed Junjin as hard as I could. I look at his eyes begging for him to understand my condition right now.

“ I love you , Jin ah .. as a friend , “

“ I can’t be your boyfriend again , you know I love Eric , Mr Moon . And you know that Andy loves you right ? I wish you open your heart for him , I bet he could make you happier , “

I force to smile even though it was hard , “ I’m sorry I can’t be a good boyfriend for you . I’m sorry if I just give a heartache for you , I’m sorry I can’t be by your side when you needed me the most , I’m sorry Junjin .. I’m sorry , “

Junjin release his hand on my arm. He shook his head before he turn his body and stop the taxi .

I stuck on the ground as he left , “ I’m sorry Junjin , I’m really sorry “


I close my eyes. Enjoy the wind on the our school rooftop . This is a forbidden place for student but since I found that the locked is broke My friends and I decide to enjoy our break here . Try to found some peace  but not after Minwoo said he was already in relationship with Dongwan . Andy and I shocked by their confession. Okay , I know they are close but I don’t know that they like each other.

“ You’re too busy with yourself until you doesn’t notice that your own best friend have a crush on each other , “ Andy said

“ Yah ! don’t say like you know about it ! “  I pouted

“ Hey ! Don’t fight again ! “ Dongwan slap the back of Andy head before he hit me.

Minwoo smile and hugged me .” So how about you and Mr Moon ? “ he lift my hand , “ Hyesung ah , where is your engagement ring ? “

I stare at him before look at my finger . Since I woke up on the hospital I completely forget about it. Eish , I almost died because that ring how can I forget about it ?! Shin Hyesung you idiot !.


“ Mom !! “

I hold my chest when I feel my heart almost jumped from my ribcage when I saw a horror scene in Sadako movie. I squeeze my hand . Oh no ! Not my hand . Because this hand is larger and warmer than mine.

“ Hyesung ah .. Are you alright ? “

I open my eyes slowly . Eric hyung face is so close to mine. Close enough to kiss , aish what am I thinking. I just realize that I hugged him . I smile awkwardly and release his body , “ I’m sorry , “

And now my heart beat crazily not because the movie but because Eric Hyung. He wears a casual clothes . A jeans , shirt and leather jacket . He's let his hair a bit messy but . He looks so handsome and doesn’t look like a teacher at all.

Eric hyung asked me to watch a movie with him after I told him that I don’t have any relationship with Junjin. He wants me to forget everything and start a new life (with him) but why did he choose a horror movie ?

I sigh as remember my ring . Where is it gone ? I spent my day searching it in my room in my parents’ house , since Eric Hyung and I stay for a while there. I hope Eric Hyung will understand and not angry with me .

After the movie ended he brought me to the  restaurant even I feel hungry but every time I remember about the movie I lost my appetite . And Eric Hyung , he talks non-stop about the movie scene that make me feel more annoyed.

I tightened my jacket after we get out of the restaurant . The wind that blows make me shiver. Then Eric Hyung wraps his jacket around my shoulder , “ Hyesung ah .. Let’s go somewhere else , “

I nodded my head . And let Eric Hyung led me to the public park . What a special about this place ? I turn my head around there are a few couples here.

Eric hyung pulled my hand asked me to sit beside him , “ Look up the sky , “

I gasped when I saw the stars above. The sky is clear , there are no cloud that cover the stars. I was stunned for a while. I turn my head but I can’t find Eric Hyung . Where is he going ? I turn around and startled when a bouquet of white roses cover my view.

“ You like it ?” It was Eric hyung and I breathe in relieving

“ Here for you, “ he gave the bouquet for me

“ Why must be white rose ? “

“ Because white rose stands for a purity and innocence and .. “

“ And ? “

“ I’m worthy for you , “

I’m speechless . “ Are you confessing to me ? “

Eric hyung laugh , “ Why did I confess to you , we’re already engaged , “

I pouted and turn my head away. My face must be red from embarrassing . Eric hyung can you stop embarrassing me like this ?


“ So you had a date with your lovely fiancé yesterday , “  Andy poked my ribs

I blow my bang softly. The scene when Eric Hyung gives me a white rose never leaves my mind since I got home.

“ Hey , how about your ring ? “ Dongwan asked me

“ I don’t know , I can’t find it in my room and I asked the gardener who cleans the pool , he doesn’t find it too , eotteoke ? “ I rest my head on Andy shoulder

“ Hyesung ah , I guess it's better if you told Mr Moon about it . You solve the problem with me and Junjin through conversation right ? “

I shook my head. I don’t want to get scolded by Eric Hyung again . He may be cold calm outside but if he angry there is a horn on top of his head. I still remember the way he makes me get a car-sick after he acted like a pro racer. But I guess Andy is right , there is no other way .

Later at night, I take a deep long breath try to calm myself . I just need to wait Eric hyung reaction about my ring that I don’t know where is it now. I decide to follow Andy’s word to tell the truth .

I clench my fist until my knuckle turning white . My heart beating painfully against my chest. Oh my God ! Please help me. Eric hyung still standing stiffly in front of me. I don’t know  how is his expression since I didn’t dare to look at him .

“ Why ? “

I lift my head slightly , “ I didn’t mean it , really . I don’t understand why it was lost , “ I said weakly , “ it’s just a ring anyway , “

“ Why ? “

I look at Eric hyung try to understand his word . His jaw clenched . He looks at me cynical.

“ Why are you thinking about that useless thing ? Same like our relationship , you never think about it right ? Why are you must have worried about it now ? “

What ?! My heart feels like someone stabbed it with the sword. Why is he talking like that ?

“ Eric hyung .. I don’t know .. “

Eric Hyung pushed me hard until my back connected with the wall behind me , “ I understand  if you never been serious with our relationship. I try to understand it. But , I’m serious Hyesung. I’m serious with what I went through with you. From past until now , I’m serious , “

The ground below me collapsed when I heard that. So he thought that I just play with him ? No ! He must know that I’m serious with him .

“ Eric hyung , please listen to me , “ Suddenly I don’t know what to say when I saw him turn away and left

“ ERIC !! “ I try to chase him but someone hold me.


Next chapter is the last one .. but i can't promise that i will update fast for the last chapter since i need to make a report for research on literature and review for linguistic this week .. /.\

Hope you like this one xp

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)