Chapter 9


excuse my grammar error as always  /.\

I ran through the hospital corridor , after  I told the nurse in the receptionist that I was here for Park Choongjae , she told me go to emergency room to meet Dr Lee. After running for a while finally I met Dr Lee , he lead me to Junjin ward. He said that Junjin broke his arm and bruised his ribs from the impact. Then , a nursed come and give me Junjin phone and wallet. Dr Lee give a light pat on my shoulder before he left.

I slump on the hard plastic chair beside his bed , Junjin was unconscious because they give him painkiller. Suddenly I feel like crying when look him like this. I grab his hand and kiss it , when his son in such condition , where his parents ? How can they be unreachable in situation like this ?

I kiss Junjin forehead before I take his phone and mine to go outside. I sit on the waiting area and I scroll through his phonebook , I found ‘ appa’ in his contact , I type the number on my phone and dialed it but the number is turning off , I sigh before scroll again through Junjin phone , I did the same thing when I found ‘ omma’  , I almost jump in happiness when the phone is connect.

After a few ring , a very tired woman voice answer the phone , “ Yoboseo ? “

“ Yoboseo , is this Junjin omma ? “ I bit my finger as I wait she to answer

“ You mean Choongjae ? “

“ Ahh .. ne , this is his omma ? “ another silent

“ What happen with that bastard again ? is he impregnated someone ? or did he spent his money on illegal race again ? you call the wrong person , young man ! I maybe his mom , but I have any relation with him again !! call his father !! don’t disturb me !! “

Tut  .. Tut ..

I was stunned when I heard that , what happen to his family ? why his mom talk like that about his own son ?

With head hanging low , I back to Junjin room. Is something happen in his family ? but always look happy like nothing happened , is this the reason he cry ? he said I just same with them , is ‘them’ refer to his parents ? Is they left him ?

Aish I don’t that behind his silly smile he hid a great pain like this , I start to feel guilty because I play with his feeling , I just as cruel as his parents then. Suddenly my eyelids feel so heavy , I lean forward and rest my head on his bed start to sleep.

I almost fell from the chair when I heard a noise , I rubbed my eyes try to get rid of sleepiness. After my view is getting better I look at Junjin who still asleep and the noise is from my phone , I widened my eyes as I look at the screen . Mr Moon was calling me !! I look at the clock in Junjin’s room it was almost seven in the morning.

He must furious since I go without left any message and take his car without permission . Eotteoke ?  The phone is dead because I’m not answer it before it start to ring again , I think I should go home right now , maybe I can just skip my morning class today but Mr Moon can’t ! I  look at Junjin who still sleeping , I lean toward him and said , “ I must left now , I will come in afternoon , get well soon , “ I laid a light kiss on his lips before I run toward the parking lot.

I press the accelerator harder and pass a few car in front of me , I don’t care if I drive like it was kind of car race , all I think is I need to go home fast !

I barely stop the car when take off the seatbelt and get out from the car . I run toward the elevator , after that I run again toward Mr Moon apartment , when I get in , Mr Moon already waiting in the living room with a very angry expression.

“ I hope you had a good explanation Shin Hyesung , “


And I ended up crying in my room , Mr Moon doesn’t do anything like yell or hit me like my dad but before I have the chance to explain everything he cut me and left just like that but he take and wallet and my phone with him , he said we will talk later after he got back from school.

I don’t know how long I cry but suddenly I got hiccupped and my eyes are so swollen . I go to bathroom to wash my face before I go to kitchen to take some ices from refrigerator , I put the ice on the small towel and press it on my swollen eyes.

I just staring blankly on the dining table for almost an hour , then my stomach start to growl . I was hungry , lazily I push my body up and try to find something to eat in Mr Moon kitchen. I don’t anything but an instant ramyun , no I don’t to suffering from that stomachache again. If I have my wallet I can go some restaurant and grab a nice breakfast.

Maybe I can grab some sleep and wait Mr Moon to come at three.

“ Just bare with it for a few hours Shin Hyesung , “ I pat my stomach as I walk toward my room


Finally Mr Moon go home , he was go home early again today , thanks God so I will not starve to dead. But I think I should give him explanation first before I asked him for food. I wait Mr Moon in the living room as he maybe change his cloth first a few minutes lates he was back. He sit in the single sofa in front of me , he doesn’t say anything , he just cross his arms and look straight into my eyes .

“ Firstly , I’m sorry I take your car without your permission , “ I said with a low voice , “ Secondly , I‘m sorry I don’t inform you where I go last night , “ I lift my head a little to look into his face but his expression still the same , so I low my head again.

“ There was an emergency , one of my friend got an accident last night , the hospital couldn’t reach his parents and my name was on his speed dial so they call me , I was so panic , I don’t what to do, so I decide to go to hospital and I take your car , “ from my point of view he change his position , “ but you don’t have to worry , your car is in good condition , really !! “

“ I was worried , “

“ Pardon ? “ I lift my head and his face no longer scary like before

“ I was worried about you , I woke up this morning to found that your room is empty and my car key is gone , I try to call you but never pick up , I was angry and disappointed at you when you appear in front of the door this morning , “

I low my head again , he really sound worried and it just make me feel guilty.

“ Why are you always act like that ? you always act as you pleased and doesn’t think about someone else who care about you and maybe someone will get hurt because of you ! you will turn 18 this November right ? you will become an adult soon , you should be more responsible ! Don’t act like a spoiled child anymore ,  here your phone and wallet “ Mr Moon rises from his seat

He was right I was too childish and my mom spoiled me too much, I’m not talkback this time , because I know I was wrong . In this kind of situation my stomach start to growled again , “ Mr moon .. “ he turn his head toward me , “ can you cook for me , I’m hungry , “ I pleaded with the best aegyo that I have

He rolled his eyes and said , “ wait here , “ then go to kitchen

“ Gomawo , “


After we finished our lunch , I said to him that I will go to hospital again , he want to go with me at first because he thought that if my friend who in hospital from the school with , so he must be his student too , I don’t want Mr Moon go to with me , since I know that Junjin must still sensitive about the photo incident. I decide to lie again , I said that he was my friend from other school.

So , I borrow his car once again and I promise I will back home before diner time at six or seven , he was agree with it but he added one condition again , I should buy the gasoline for his car in my way home.

I stop at fruit shop and florist before I go to hospital , I should bring these two things for my apologize to him and hope for him to get well soon.

I bow at the elderly who I passed in hospital corridor toward Jinnie’s room , he must be wake at this hour , at least it was that Dr Lee said last night.

Room 1127.

I smile to myself as I remember his room number, what a coincident he assigned in a room with my birthday on it. I fix my hair and my shirt before I go in , I open the door slowly and freeze when I saw someone already on his room , it was Andy.

He was help Junjin to eat his lunch but Junjin refused to eat and he flung his hand and throw the food to floor , “ I said I don’t want to eat ! I don’t need your pity !! “ I flinched as Junjin shout at Andy who remain silent.

“ I love you , Junjin , “ Andy suddenly said , and my hand was slipped from the door knob , but they didn’t realize that I was here yet

“ Hah !! you say you love me because I look so pathetic and you pitied me , right ?! “

“ No , Junjin ! I love you from the inside my heart , I’m like Hyesung who just play with you , “

Andy .. why are you stabbed me from the back like this ? I bit my lips as I feel my eyes start to wet

“ What do you mean ? we made a bet and he .. “

I can’t continue to hear this . I drop the fruit and the flower to the floor before I ran from Junjin room. How can my own bestfriend betrayed me like this , how can he told Junjin about our bet. I was a crying mess when I reach the car. I folded my arms on the steering wheel before I rest my head on it and sobbing hard. I can’t believed Andy is betrayed me like this. Why Andy ? Why you …

i need new glasses really ... =_=

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)