Chapter 1


Chapter 1 :


kom sema-ri-ga
han chi-be-yi-so
appa gom
omma gom
ae-gi gom
appa gommun tung-tung-hae
omma gommun nal-shin-hae
ae-gi gommun na bul-gwi-yo-wo
hishuk hishuk cha-rhan-da


That annoying sound of my weird alarm clock really disturb my sleep.I really don’t want to open I eyes yet but that annoyed sound wouldn’t stop until I turn off that silly thing.I crawl on my bed press the off button.I hate that thing because it always been so noise in the morning but I couldn’t just throw it away since it was a special present from my dad and I like the shape too , it was a cute brown bear hugged a small pink heart with my initial name , told you it was special.

My eyes widened when I look at the clock , I wonder how can I hear the song just now , it was almost seven and my school will start on eight , if I take a bus it would need 30 minutes , not to mention my preparation. I couldn’t be late again !! I already come late five times for this month and if I late again my teacher would call my parents and it mean no allowance for a month.

I throw my blanket and jumped from my bed , almost trip on my slipper but I don’t care.I grab my towel and run to bathroom.

Ten minutes later I was ready in front of mirror to check my appearance , I should give myself an award because this is the shortest time I take to prepare myself.Then , I just randomly grab my bag and run to downstairs.

In the dining area my parents already have a breakfast ,  “ Morning mom ,  “ I said as I landed a kiss on my mom’s cheek ,  “ Morning dad , glad to see you in the morning“

“ Morning , honey , “ he said with sweet smile on his face before he covered it with a newspaper that he read

It’s  rare to see my dad around this time , he was an architect sometime he spend a night on his office and go home at afternoon , so I’m little bit surprised when I see him.

We ate our breakfast in silence until my ringtone blast on the room , my mom glared at me while daddy just shook his head. I flash an apology smile at them before I check my phone.One message from the mom annoyed people called my boyfriend , not real boyfriend , it was a bet between me and my friends.

From : Lovely Jinnie

He was so childish and he even edit his own contact name in my phone ,  if it not about pride I really not willing to be in relationship with playboy like him.

I was about to replied his message when my dad said ,  “ Hyesung ah ,  I will drove you to school ,  “

My ear doesn’t trick me ,  right ? My strict dad who refuse to drove to school since middle school even I crying and pouting and agyeo and crying again said he want to  drove me to school , “ wae ? I thought you said you will never drove me to school again so I would be independent ? “

I should be happy if my dad finally open his heart to drove his one and only child to school again after a few years he let me go to school with bus or with one of my bestfriend.My grandpa gave me a car on my seventeen birthday last year but after my parents knew that my grade is under class average they took the key and forbid me to touch it before I manage to be a top ten in class.I knew I’m at studying but it was my car from grandpa , they shouldn’t took it just like that.

But Junjin said he will pick me up , I already refuse his offer with various hilarious reason today what should I do ? he would be angry with me.

“ Hyesung ! “ Daddy stern voice make me couldn’t say no to him , so Junjin I’m sorry

“ Okay dad , “

“ Finished your breakfast so we wouldn’t be late , “

I wipe my mouth with a napkin before I said goodbye to mom and followed my dad who already left.

We drove in silence , since I entered high school my relationship and dad is not that close , is kinda weird to be in the same vehicle with him.He was focus on the road , while I’m busy with phone.

For the first time I feel so happy when I’m arrive at school , because finally I can escape from boredom.

“ Hyesung ah , “

I turn my head when my dad called me , “ Yeah ? “

“ After school go straight home , “

I dumbfounded when daddy say that ,  he’s so weird since this morning , or he already feel sorry because he make me suffer so many times ? I found he is waiting for my answer , so I just nodded my head and went in.

Thank my dad for the ride because I’m not late today.I stretch my arms and my neck before I entered my class. Another boring day , I yawned sit on my desk in the middle of the class between my two bestfriend Dongwan and Minwoo , in front of me is Andy’s.

“ Hyesung ah , how is your date yesterday ? “ Minwoo asked

“ He’s so annoyed !! that was really embarrassing and I don’t even want to go to that place again ! “

And Minwoo laugh so hard so does Dongwan and Andy  , “ What is he doing yesterday ? “

I’m not exaggerated thing but yesterday Junjin took me to the café and he was made a loud burps sound which really disgusting after that he was farted ! I wonder why a girl kill each other for a boy like that ,I know he is handsome and stuff but his personality is so .. I need to endure being his boyfriend for six months because a bet with my bestfriend , they said if I succeed to make a playboy like him kneeled before me and manage to be his boyfriend they will be my slave and give me what I won’t but I can’t fallin love with him and if I lose I should treat them every day for two months.

I just agree without thinking twice that time and now after I knew him better , I realize that I made a big mistake , it just three weeks and I already on the verge of being crazy because of him.

“ Sungi honey ! “

I scoffed and face palmed myself when I heard his voice , my annoyed fake boyfriend is coming.Dongwan nudged my ribs with his elbow but I don’t care , what is he doing in my class this morning ?

“ Sungi .. “

I put my best smile and face him , “ Morning Jin ah , “ I can hear my bestfriend laugh at me , me myself really want to vomit when I hear my fake voice , for my pride ! to win this stupid bet ! I must acted like this

“ What do you want honey ? “ I asked him

“ I just want to say I love you , “

“ Say that then “ geez this playboy , I really want ripped his head and hang it on the flagpole

“ I love you , “ he lean to me and when he was about to give me a kiss , there is a book that cover my face , so he kissed the book instead

“ Sorry to disturb , but the bell is ringing and as long as I know you’re not belong in this class , “ That was Mr Moon , the young English teacher who is arc my enemy so does Minwoo , because we are failed in the last semester because of him

Junjin give a signal to him call later and give Mr Moon a slight bow before he left my class. I face palmed myself in embarrassment because being caught almost kissing in the class by this guy.

“ Youth today , “ he mumbling to himself and shook his head , then he turn his head to me , “ And you , Mr Shin , I hope you concentrate in my class , or you will failed again , you too Mr Lee , “ He turn his head toward Minwoo who busy with his phone under his desk

“ Ok class , we continue the lesson last week , open page 56 , “ he said as he walked to his desk in front of class

I hope this class is over soon , I just began but I already bored.Ahh .. I hate Monday , I hate English class and I hate Mr Moon.



At lunch time , Junjin asked me to sit with him , so I with heavy heart I left my table with my friend and seat with him.

“ Sungi .. , “

“ Hmm , “ I mumble while playing with my soup

“ From here you look like girl , so pretty , pretty Sungi“

I look at him and he was staring at me with his puppy eyes , sometimes I really want to pet him because he look so cute but sometimes his clingy personality make me irritated.And he always force me to do anything what he want , from the rumor I heard he ever slap a girl who refuse his order , is he that bad ? no one know since it was a rumor and he never laid a hand on me , even sometimes I reject his offer.

“ Sungi , feed me and I will feed you , “

Gosh , feeding each other in school cafeteria is ashamed ! I bet Minwoo , Dongwan and Andy is laughing until their stomach hurt.But I have no other choice , just follow his game for awhile someday I will dumped him and make Minwoo , Dongwan and Andy kiss my toe.

After school , Junjin asked me to accompany him to the arcade but my mom called me said that I must go straight home right now ! Geez why do I smelled something fishy ? mom and dad became weird.

When I arrive , I see a lot of working people around my house , the maid clean the house and gardener cut the grass and some install lights decoration across our pool . It seemed like mom or dad will held a party , that why they asked me to go straight home , “Is daddy being promote to be director ? or this is their wedding anniversary party ? “ I mumble to myself

When one of worker passed me I held his arm , “ What going on here ? is this a party preparation  ? “

“ I heard my boss talk with the Mrs Shin that tomorrow is their son engagement party , “

When I hear his answer suddenly I feel my strength left me , I didn’t realize when I let that worker go and dragged my so heavy legs toward my mom’s room.Their son engagement party he said , their son is me ..

My engagement party ? why they not discuss about this matter with me first ? I was about to knock the door when my mom open it , she a little surprised when she saw me but she put her best smile and wrap her hand on my waist , “ Hyesung ah , you’re home , “

I nodded my head

“ Hyesung ah come here , and look at the tuxedo , you should try it “ she was about to walk me to her room but I refuse

“ Mom , “

“ Ne ? “

“ Mom , why are you not telling me ? “

“ About what ? “

“ About this engagement ! why are you or dad not telling me ? “ I release myself from her hand , “ I don’t want to engage with stranger ! “ I feel bad yelling at mom but I was angry and feel disappointed at them, why are they interfere my personal life and I’m not even 18 yet !! since I was born in november so I was still 17 and they already planned to engaged me with someone I don’t know

“ Hyesung ah .. we just about to talk about it today at dinner  but you found out first ! “ I clench my fist until my knuckle hurt but I don’t care

“ Talk about it my !!  “ I mumble and run to my room and locked it from the inside , I heard my mom bang into my room door but I don’t want to talk her right now , so I put my earphone and turn on my ipod , I need to clear my mind and find a way to fail their silly planned.

One name across my mind , Junjin !!

If said that I already have a boyfriend , they should cancel this engagement right ?! I flash an evil smirk when I took my phone to call my so called beloved boyfriend.

First chapter .. hope you like it ^^

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i got a very good respond before but suddenly it was decrease suddenly .. i`m sad (︶︹︺)


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miszrange #1
Chapter 21: so sweet . i loike it . haha . its happy ending . ∩__∩
anurim #2
one of my fav!!!
Ahh, a happy ending. I really loved the part about Eric's fanclub :D couldn't help but smile at that.
I love what Hyesyung's dad did, but in a way it was a little mean of him to do that, but still loved that so much :)
I hope to read another fun and thrilling fic from you :D
Chapter 21: Omo...hyesung is a bad but naive guy in this story....still love him though....and eric is sooo evil cuz play prank to hyesung....hehehehe sooooo naughty....
milan0613 #5
Chapter 21: Hyesung is so cute
thanks au
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 21: ahahahaha~ eric has his own fancafe xDD
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 21: Wow thanks.....gonna except another awesome ff from you....Hwaiting!!!!
PaulineJung #8
yay.......finaly, happy ending.... like the last part, happily afterever
Chapter 20: Aw Hyesung's dad is clever! Yay~ happy ending for Ricsyung!
hyuu_hikari #10
Chapter 20: Happy!!!! =DD
Yeeaay for nappeun namja eric & lil'prince syung ^o^
Ricsyung Mansee! Author-nim jjang! (b^o^d)