Chapter 9

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!
你好 pretty hectic these days, MID AUTUMN FESTIVALLL HAHAHAH. Yea, and gaining 100 pounds from eating all the mooncakes. (Y) some self evaluation, I think my writing has gone sloppy ever since I started SAHH,…so im gonna improve myself, aight? :)

m u s i c : Fool – Big Bang


Swimming was not fun stuff…well, only if you call swimming in warm, murky looking lake water and slipping on mossy stones while doing is fun, then I wouldn’t know how else to describe it. We were lonely too, with only 4 girls here (sunbathing and gossiping among themselves by the shore, mind you), it really seemed like we were in Jurassic Park. Desolate, mysterious, weird.

You know what’s REALLY weird? How everyone just flocked to kayaking.

I sighed as Taeyeon and I trudged slowly back to our cabin to take a shower. Swimming ended early, one reason being that there was absolutely nobody actually swimming.


“Sing for me.”



“Go away!”

“You’ve got to warm up!”


After showering, I felt more active and with nothing to do, (and reminded myself that there was something to look forward to : Taeyeon singing tonight at the karaoke), I started nagging Taeyeon to ‘practice’, my only true motive is to hear her sing. Of course I didn’t say so, using her ‘need to practice before the real thing’ as an excuse.

Too bad she wanted to sleep.

“Please…pweeeaassee” I raised the pitch of my voice up a notch and gave her backside puppy eyes.

“You do know I can’t see your puppy eyes since my back doesn’t have eyeballs, right?” She muttered.

“Then how do you know I was even doing it?” I smirked.

“My baby cousin always does it when he wants me to help him feed his chicken.”


“Now go away, I want to have my beauty sleep” Taeyeon raised a lazy arm and flapped her hands at me without turning her body.

“Fine” I pouted as I gave up, standing up from my kneeling position beside her bed and walked to my bed, plopping on to it. I reached into my bag and pulled out my ipod.

Just as I was about to press the play button, a loud rapping came at our door. Taeyeon groaned loudly, it must’ve disturbed her beauty sleep.

Gosh, why can’t I just have a moment of peace?

Seeing that Taeyeon wasn’t budging, I opened the door, and saw the boys standing there, grinning like they had the best time ever.

“Noona! Kayaking was soo fun!” Mintae jumped right in and hugged me, almost knocking me down. It was so awkward, him being only a few centimeters shorter than me.

“That’s uh, nice to know! But how did you know I was your noona anyways?” I asked. He pulled back and looked at me with big eyes.

“I don’t, I just guessed” He said.

“Well, how old are you?” I asked him.


“We’re the same age”

“Oh. I thought you were my noona” He pouted.

“Do I look that old?” I joked. But Mintae took it seriously.

“Noo! You look really young! Like a freshly blossoming flower!” He widened his eyes and waved his hands in front of him. Wow, we’re the same age and he’s so…naïve!

“I was just ki-“ I started but was cut off when Mintae decided to zip past me and go to the supposedly sleeping Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon noona!” He exclaimed cheerfully at the unmoving block of Taeyeon. I sighed. Here we go again.

I turned to see the rest of the boys entering the cabin.

“Is he always so hyper?” I asked Homin. He nodded proudly.

“Lot’s of energy to spare” Gonglyong spoke up.

“So…sit!” I gestured to the floor. Only Homin and Weno obeyed. Mintae was still trying to wake his Taeyeon ‘noona’ up, while Mubik and Gong sat down on my bed. I slapped my forehead exasperatedly.

“Aish…” I collapsed face down onto the wooden floorboard, limbs splayed out everywhere.

“So, was kayaking fun?” I mumbled into the floorboards.

“What?” All the boys exclaimed. I propped myself up on my elbows.

“Was kayaking fun?”

“Yea, it was pretty intense. Taemin got kinda dizzy though” Weno scratched his head, “Was swimming fun?”

“Yea it was.” I looked down.

“It wasn’t fun, right? You don’t need to lie to me.” Weno studied my face.

“…fine, it wasn’t fun…at all. Actually, it was downright horrible.” I looked at him and grinned.

“Aw, don’t worry, we’ll come to whatever activity you and Taeyeon is doing, we can make anything boring to something exciting.” Weno stuck out his tongue.

“Good.” I stuck my tongue back out at him.

“SO! Did you guys know Taeyeon is going to sing tonight at the karaoke event?” I wiggled my eyebrows.

“Really?” All the boys looked at me. I nodded and pointed at Taeyeon’s ‘sleeping figure’ I really couldn’t tell if she was asleep or not because her back was facing us.

“SHUT UP!” Taeyeon yelled. Oh, okay, she’s still awake.

I laughed evilly.

“Sing a few bars for us, noona!” Mintae sat down on Taeyeon’s bed.

Mintae should be cautious, this was grumpy, trying to sleep Taeyeon he was dealing with here…

“Oh fine…” Taeyeon mumbled. We cheered. Fine, only because it was the cute little thing that Mintae was, I guess Taeyeon couldn’t resist either.

“Twinkle, Twinkle little star." Taeyeon sang out loud, purposely cracking her voice. I can tell it is not her real singing voice.

"Hey..." We all moaned. Taeyeon guffawed.

"You'll just have to wait until tonight, my let me sleep." She quickly pulled her covers over her head after saying so.


"Welcome to Camp Firefly's first ever Kareoke Contest!" Mike shouted into the...mike.

The boys and i screamed loudly, along with the rest of the crowd.

"Big whoop." Taeyeon sarcastically said.

"C'mon, you'll be great!" I shook her.

"Alright! First round! Lee Shinyong and Kim Taeyeon!” Becky announced. We whistled and clapped.

I pushed Taeyeon to stand up. She did, unwillingly.

“I will kill you after this, just you wait…” She gritted her teeth as she started made her way through the crowd and to the stage.

“Yea, okay, Have fun!” I waved cheerfully, dismissing her comment.

“Alright! We have our two contestants for first round, the winner will move onto the next one and so on, are you ready?” Mike handed Taeyeon and the other girl microphones as soon as they stepped onto the stage.

“GO TAEYEON!” The boys and I all screamed. She smiled a tight smile at us. The music started playing and everyone fell silent.

She started singing. My jaw dropped.

Her voice was like honey, flowing out of and entering each and everyone’s ears in the audience. I looked at the boys, their mouths were wide open too.

“Noona is amazing…” Mintae whispered. I could only nod, my mouth gone dry.

“WOOOOOOO!” Weno whooped and clapped his hands to the beat, soon, everyone joined it. The tight and nervous expression disappearing from Taeyeon’s face, and replaced it was a huge grin, eyes sparkling.



“And the winner of tonight’s karaoke contest is….Kim Taeyeon!”

Everyone screamed loudly and whooped.

The other contestant bowed and left the stage, leaving a flushing Taeyeon standing there by herself. Soon, Becky and Mike joined her on the stage.

“Alright! We have our winner standing here,…calm down, everyone, it is not over yet. We have a bonus in this contest for the winner. I know you, Taeyeon, is tired after singing so many rounds…but are you alright with singing one more song?” Mike asked.

“I’d be happy to…but on one condition.” Taeyeon had a evil glint in her eye.

“And what is that?” Becky inquired.

“I’d like my friend Sugar to join me onstage to sing with me”

Sugar froze. She started shaking her head furiously as the crowd cheered. She ended up on the stage, legs shaking.

Taeyeon laughed and took her friend hand.

“Sugar, this is my revenge for you” Taeyeon whispered to Sugar.

“I’m sorry! I beg for mercy, let me off the stage!” Sugar desperately pleaded.

Offstage and in crowd, the boys were finding Sugar’s desperate state particularly funny, they were laughing their heads off.

“Ah! Here’s Sugar! Say hello to the crowd!” Becky gestured to the crowd.

“Hi…” Sugar said weakly.

“You remind me of somebody…oh! You look like Kim Yoobin of the Wondergirls! Can you rap like her too?” Mike asked excitedly.

Sugar shook her head. Mike looked a bit disappointed like he’d expected Sugar to had nodded instead.

“So what exactly is the bonus?” Taeyeon asked.

“Well, you get to sing a song…with SHINee! We have singers in the camp and you can’t expect them not to sing on a KAREOKE night…” Mike beamed. Sugar and Taeyeon looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Finally, they would get to see the so-called ‘SHINee’ boys.

“SHINee! Come out, boys!” Becky called as the girls in the crowd unleashed their fangirl sides, all screaming and yelling for SHINee. The boys panicked, this was uncalled for!

People started pushing the boys to the stage, the boys struggled, but nobody noticed and kept pushing. Sugar spotted the boys being pushed to the stage, at first she thought it was because it was too crowded, so they were being pushed everywhere, but then she realized…the people WERE pushing them to the stage.

They stumbled onto the stage and everyone screamed loudly, they looked at Taeyeon and Sugar alarmingly.

“Here’s SHINee!” Becky exclaimed.

Sugar and Taeyeon’s eye’s widened as big as saucers as realization dawned on them.





@Sabrina HAHAH yea, genius at being entertaining XD here’s chapter 9! Saranghae too! XD

@ehyc0211 HAHAHAHH uuhhhh I don’t know, for comic relief? Pun? I have no idea what ran through my mind when I typed that :P OMG YES I HEARD IT. IT’S MY RINGTONE NOW XD I PLAYED IT AT SCHOOL OUT LOUD AND EVERYONE WAS LIKE ‘IS THAT THE MUSIC YOU LISTENTO??’ XD but wtv. :P


@icemochi18 you don’t need to wait no longer cuz guess wht is gonna happen????? *pause for emphasis* LOL guess ;) and yea I’mma reply your question again even tho I already did…I’m really that bored. Anyways, yes there is gonna be a lead, I mean what is a good story without some romance ;)

@Supriya HAHAH yes, I agree. Adorkable Dunew ftw XD here’s the uppie!

@LuvZhuLing I know, let’s GO BEAT UP THOSE GIRLS! Oops, Becky says no violence allowed. HAHAHAHAH. Hmmm Onew is just…I don’t know…THINKINGONEWCHICKENRELATEDTHOUGHTS XD


OMG WHY AM I SO HYPER TODAY SERIOUSLY. OMGOMGOMGIUHIAHSDIPAd iauhaudhaidhidhiyGSI. And I’m singing real loud rn :P

WHOO! IM SO COOL (not.) :D


Lol I thought that kinda matches my state right now. :)


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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)