Chapter 4

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

Around the campfire

YO WASSUP. LMAO, I decided to update more frequently now…well, if winglin is working properly or not, that is. ANYWAYS as you can see there is a poster ^^^^ there, because I ordered one at…I’m waiting patiently for it but I can’t stand seeing my story being so plain so I made one myself for the while that I’m waiting for the one I ordered. I apologize for the terrible editing. XD

M u s i c: Beautiful Hangover – Big Bang
E a t i n g: nothing. But I feel like eating meringues :D sadly Idk where to buy them in hk so whatever.

Here Goes!


I pushed open the door. I entered and looked around. The cabin wasn’t small and it wasn’t huge either, It smelt like wood,…okay, it was made entirely of wood…what did I expect? There was a bed on each side of the walls, opposite to each other, one of them already had some stuff on it, so I guessed my roommate was already here. There was a door in between the heads of the bed, it was closed.

I walked over and dropped my bag on the floor, rolling my suitcase and stopping it at the foot of the bed, then walked to the closed door and placed my hand on the knob. I was about to turn it when I heard the door to the cabin abruptly shut behind me. I whipped around to find all the boys clustered at my side of the room,.

“yah, yah, yah, why are you guys in here…aish, I almost forgot you guys were still here…” I tried unsuccessfully pushing Mubik and Gonglyong of my bed, who were wrestling there and messing up my bed sheets.

“Don’t you want us to be with you?” Mintae pouted cutely.

“Ani…” I couldn’t resist but go over and pinch his cute little cheeks which he evidently didn’t seem to like but still stared at me “…I mean, my roommate is a girl and you boys are suddenly in here…so…I don’t think that’s ideal…right, boys?” I glanced back at the wrestling pair. Mubik had pinned Gonglyong on the bottom and he moved a bit to sit on the squirming Gong, and threw his hands in the air victoriously.

“I win!” Mubik cried. THEN he noticed all of us “…Yes?”

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the three more ATTENTIVE boys…only to be proven wrong. Homin was randomly piggybacking Mintae and spinning in circles, Weno was just staring into space, mouth wide open.

“Come ON!” I dragged Onew out of the door, who woke from his daydream and called to the boys to quickly go out or something but then suddenly, the door at the other end of the cabin opened. I let go of the main door, causing it to slam shut by itself.

A girl came out, her hair was wet, probably just finished showering. Her skin milky white, and she had big eyes.

“Omo! Why the hell is there boys in my cabin!” She exclaimed and flared her nostrils. The boys froze.

“Do you recognize us?” Mubik immediately asked her. Why does he keep asking that?

“No way. I’m a proud country girl who don’t know nothing about boys, even if I know about any boy, is my baby cousin Yooguen who lives with me down at the farm, alright? Oh, and which one of you is my roommate? Because I swear I do not see five beds for all of you, and if you all are, I definitely don’t really want to share a bed with any of you boys, except for the girl, I don’t mind the girl, just not the boys” She said all that in one breath, smiling the whole way.

“Well, your lucky because I’m your roommate…but I’m not sharing a bed with you, because the boys don’t actually belong here.” I grinned at her. She looks nice…unlike those girls I’ve met earlier.

“Well that’s nice to know…I’m Taeyeon” She extended a hand for me to shake.


“Nice name!”


“No” I looked at her and she looked at me, then we burst out laughing.

“Hello, I’m still out here, you know” Weno’s voice came from behind the door. Oops, almost forgot about him.

“Hang in there hyung…I mean hang out there” Mintae giggled. Weno groaned loudly outside.

“And who are your friends?” Taeyeon gestured with her head to the boys.

“Actually we just met…” I bit my lip.

“And we’re already best friends!” Mubik slung an arm around my shoulder.

“Really?” I looked at the boys one by one. They nodded, smiling, and a warm, a fuzzy feeling washed over me.

“I’m going to be you guys’ best friend too, alright?” Taeyeon threw her hands in the air. I laughed loudly.

“Okay, we gotta go now…I hear we have dinner later at the barbeque pit?” Homin said.

“Yea, we do” Taeyeon replied.

“See you later then, we’ll come pick you two up, alright?” Gonglyong winked at me, then hopped off my bed and dragged Mubik with him to the door. Homin and Mintae closely followed, waving to us before closing the door behind them.

“Well…” I dropped down onto my bed with a loud sigh.

“So…” Taeyeon said and hung up her towel on the end of the bed.

“What vegatables do you plant on your farm?” I asked. She threw her head back and laughed.

“Out of all the questions you can ask me when we first meet, why that?” She chuckled.

“Because I’ve never really met someone who lives on an actual farm…it’s cool, ya know? And Is that why you weren’t on the bus to here too? Do you live close to the island?”

“Yup. I live in a village near the ferryport, so I just, you know, rode my bike to the port and here I am…Oh, I plant…carrots…tomatoes…” Taeyeon ticked off the things she plant at her farm off her fingers.

“Is it fun?”

“depends…you kinda get bored of doing the same thing over and over again everyday, I like harvesting the crops the best, because its not frequent that we harvest, plus, I get to sneak some yummy strawberries in my pockets…if grandpa isn’t looking at the moment, that is.” Taeyeon looked like she was in deep thought, then snapped out of it, “…and you? You’re from Seoul right?”

“Yep” I nodded.

“My auntie lives in Seoul! Once in a few years she takes me to look around in Seoul…I’m not used to the big buildings and blinding lights though, you can take a girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country away in her” She noted, then held out a stick of gum at me, “You want?”

I gratefully took it. Hey, I never turn away free stuff!

“Do you know any singers?” I asked.

“Uhh…Finkl, Seo Taji…Sorry, I’m not very updated with music” She blushed. I had to giggle. All the groups she had listed were old…like OLD, old, I only know them because my mom sings their songs in the kitchen all the time.

“Do you know Big Bang?”

“Nope…Sorry…who are they?”

“It’s alright, they are a popular boy group consisting five members…I love them soooo much” I mused.

“Do you have a picture?”

“Yea…come here” I patted the space beside me on my bed while rummaging around my bag for my ipod. Taeyeon swiftly moved from her bed to mine.

“Aha~” I pulled out my ipod, tangled earphones dangling midair.

“What is that?” Taeyeon looked at it with wide eyes, “And why does it only have one button?” She reached over to press on it. My ipod wallpaper of Big Bang popped up with the ‘slide to unlock’ bar flashing.

She’s so naive! It’s cute XD

“It’s a mp3 player with touch screen, see?” I moved the slide button to show her.


“And this is Big Bang” I pointed to my wallpaper.

“Let me see” I handed Taeyeon the ipod, unplugging my annoyingly tangled earphones out. I fumbled with them while Taeyeon inspected Big Bang’s faces one by one.

“They’re good looking” She commented, after a moment of silence.

“You think so?” I grinned. She nodded earnestly.

“Is there any other groups that you like?”

“Nope. I only like Big Bang, I refuse to know or listen to any other group…my heart is devoted to Big Bang…and only Big Bang” I declared proudly.



“See? Becky was wrong…there ARE people who come here for experience and education.” Onew said as everyone piled out of the girls’ cabins and started heading next door, their cabin.

“Yea. Two people. But it’s nice to have fans…” Key grinned “…Of me” He added.

“Oh, please, just because you spotted ONE sign that says your name in hot pink bolded words does not mean everyone excluding those two chicks back there is here for you” Jonghyun scoffed.

“Pfft...yes they are, and stop calling every girl you see chicks” Key retorted. And the two started bickering about who has the most fans.

“Hyung, do you know what? I feel so refreshed that I know for a fact that there are girls in the world who don’t try to take a piece of my DNA whenever they see me” Taemin grinned innocently. “I like country girls”

“I agree with you, but YAH! It’s still not confirmed both of them are country girls…okay, maybe Taeyeon is, but not Sugar…” Onew crossed his arms and opened their cabin’s dorm. Inside were two bunk beds and a one person bed. “…LEADER GET’S HIS OWN BED!” Onew ran like a little kid to the single bed. The rest groaned but still fought over which bunks they would get.

“Then why would Sugar not know us if she’s not from the country?” Taemin started talking to Onew again once he sat down on his claimed bunk. One hand was pushing Minho’s head, who was trying to steal the bunk from Taemin.

“I dunno…”


Onew rolled his eyes. He planned to confirm if Sugar was a country girl once and for all.

“Onew. You’re dead” Key suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Weh? Why me?” The said ‘dead’ boy looked up at Key with big eyes.

“Our names…no, specifically, MY name.” Key raised his eyebrows.

“Oh yea…our names…Lee Jinki, you’ve got some explaining to do” Minho gave up trying to get Taemin’s bed and came up behind Key.

“I don’t mind my name.” Everyone’s head swerved to look at Jonghyun, who spoke up “I mean, Dinosaur is quite cool as a name for myself”

“I like mine too, Mintae sounds like…~Minty~! (sidenote: when there is a word between ~s, it means the word(s) are/is spoken in English :D) Taemin chirped happily.

Onew beamed at the praises, but his smile disappeared as he saw the dark looks on Key and Minho’s faces.

“Hey, I tried my best…plus, my name isn’t that good either”



“So do you know a boy group SHINee is here at the camp too?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yea, but I’ve known of them today, also the news that they’re coming to this camp.” I told her “So other than the fact that their name is SHINee, I have no idea of how many people there are in the group, what they look like, their names...all that detail. Do you know anything about them?”

“Nope...i know nothing at all too”

sorry…I know that was a boring chapter. But 2 updates in a week! *throws confetti* LMAO.


@LuvZhuLing HAHAHAH thank you for commenting anyways :) ugh…right. Thanks for telling me, but I’m too lazy to change it in the previous chapters. HEEHEEHEEE. Anyways, yup, away from es and food, but closer to new found friends etc. :) SERIOUSLY?? I MADE YOU LAUGH TILL YOU TEARED UP?? That’s so…COOL! XD I HOPE YOU LIKED THE UPDATE BTW :)

@kaaaat:) HAHHAHHAHAHAHAH YEA, I WAS LAUGHING MYSELF WHILE TYPING THEM cuz they do sound quite kooky…O.O hope u enjoyed this chapter too!

@EyesofDeath HAHAHAHAH I DID??? *BOWS* HAHAHAH YES DAMN THAT MIYOUNG CUZ SUGAR HAS THE MEAT RIGHT NEXT TO HER. Yes, I just called SHINee ‘meat’. TAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA. OOOOOOOOOH, taeminnie is so cute :) OMO YOU DO>????? HAHAHAH NICE, YES. I’LL KEEP YOUR SECRET…cuzihavenooneelsetotellitto…NAWW JK, even if I did I wouldn’t tell anyone ;) HAHAHAHA 2MIN AND…ONKEN IAL, I see that OTP once in a while and I can’t help but laugh, it’s so cute…Onew and his chicken love. Omg, watching stars on the dock? THAT’S EXCITING. I WENT AND ATE FROYO TODAY = not exciting = my life. HAHAHA. YES, JAY PARK COMIGN TO HONGKONG AND I CAN’T GO CUZ OF HSM THING. DIEDIEDIE. Yes. Mail some excitingness here for me, I need some of that > <” ooooooooh, before trumpet, I played the piano but I quit :P then it was trumpet now its GUITARRR :D what grade are you in piano? OMG, WHAT?? YOU DIDN’T????????? :’( HAHAHAHAH I’m glad your joking, almost fooled me for a second. XD OMG, SORRY I CAN’T UPDATE BEFORE FRIDAY X( but you should see this when you come back tmrw (Monday) right? SO HII! <3

P.S yup, key sure can be an ulzzang ;)
PPS. HAHAH THEY WERE SO WEIRD, I keep writing their normal names but then remembered :P

@Cuppiecakes22 HAHAHAH YEA, weird names...hope you enjoyed the uppie! :D

@Supriya LOL REALLY? that's nice to know :) OH YEA, haiii im such an idiot...babo...*hits myself on the head* i changed it...thanks for telling me! Yup...Sugar is being attracted to DINOBOY :P but wha? isn't it Key (or Mubik) who's the main? hmmm it's just one of the twists in my plan *rubs hands gleefully* hope you enjoy the uppie!

@crystalizelove HAHAH RLLY? thank you :) hope you enjoyed the uppie! <3 oh, and WELCOME TO MY uh story,....yea. :D


ALRIGHTY, I’ll update for sure by next Wednesday at the latest…(im trying to update more frequently now) in the meantime…comment please~ ^ ^

OH, welcome to new readers who are silent!
Thank you subscribers!
And also big hug to commenters :D


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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)