Chapter 8

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

Hi, like, yea, like, like, I don’t really know what to say here…like, I mean, yea. So like, shouldn’t we not waste time and like, start the chapter?


m u s i c : WOWOWOW – SHINee
e a t i n g : mini mooncakes FTWW! (mid-autumn fest is herreee…actually next Wednesday but I’m raiding all the mooncakes already :/)


Again, another question the boys haven’t thought of answering.

“erm, we’re featured on,...’the shining realm’.com” Taemin spoke up. Key gasped lightly. ‘the shining realm’ sounded too much like ‘the shining world’ which sounds like ‘the SHINee World’ which is their fanclub name! That gave away too much!

Key then stopped himself, mentally scolding himself for being too paranoid. It’s not good to be too paranoid…everything is going to be okay…right?

“OH! Speaking about the word ‘shine’, you heard that boy group SHINee is here at this camp, right?” Sugar exclaimed.

The boys immediately tensed up.

“Yea we heard, but who are they?” Onew said, taking the lead once again.

“Never heard of them” Jonghyun nodded.

“Oh! So do you guys live in the countryside too?” Taeyeon asked, happy she possibly wasn’t the only naïve countrygirl.

“I’m from Seoul and I don’t know them” Sugar shrugged.

“True…” Taeyeon pouted.

“Your not from the countryside?” Taemin, who believed strongly in his hyung’s rash theory that Sugar was a countrygirl up until now asked in disbelief.

“Nope” Sugar grinned.

“She said she doesn’t know any other music group other than Big Bang since she’s obsessed with them” Taeyeon explained when she saw the boys’ shocked faces.

“Wow, so hardcore” Minho raised his eyebrows.

“I guess I can be called that.” Sugar smiled and finally took a bite of her cold breakfast and grimaced as she found out how camp food wasn’t exactly the best thing around to eat.

“Anyways, I want to see your pictures! Sugar, you have your laptop here right?” Taeyeon suddenly said excitedly.

“OH YEAH! I DO HAVE MY LAPTOP! WE CAN DO THAT!” Sugar clapped her hands.

A pang of fear ran through the boys, because there is no thing such as the shining nor is the claim that they are ulzzangs…and there is nothing they can say to the girl to stop them from finding that out and knowing they are actually SHINee.



To say the truth, I’ve never been interested in anything ulzzang (boy or girl because I get jealous of their porcelain, milky skin) until now, I can’t wait to see their pictures!

“LISTEN UP EVERYBODY” Becky suddenly shouted into a microphone, which was on the stage at the end of the food hall. I don’t think she hasn’t quite worked out how to use it yet, because a huge blood curling feedback followed shortly after. Causing all of us to grimace and cover our ears.

“Uhh…hehehe, I don’t think I know how to use this yet…” Becky awkwardly laughed. “…Anyways, I have some things to go over, then I will tell you guys the schedule for today…girls at the front, please listen, no talking when I speak” She waited for a while and continued, “…so some rules you should know by reading the handbook, but since some students have been breaking a few of them yesterday, I think I need to remind you once again. Firstly, I have absolute NO tolerance towards…”

Becky started listing what she didn’t tolerate. I let myself zone out.

“WHAT?” Taeyeon suddenly jumped about half a feet in the air in her seat and shouted, startling me. The boys next to her didn’t have such a big reaction, in fact, they were looking kind of smug (hell knows why), but their jaws were wide open.

“WhatWhatWhatWhatWHAT, TAEYEON, WHAT?” I shook her.

“No…no…signal?!” She half informed me half asked herself.

“SERIOUSLY?” My turn to drop my jaws.We all whipped out our mobile phones, Taeyeon whipping out an old and chunky looking Samsung, and checked. Yup, no bars, not even half a bar, if that even existed.

NOOOO. This means I can’t call my mom or Cassie! Oh, and there goes our plan of going onto the boys’ website to see their pictures.

Hearing us panic, Mike spoke up.

“…before everyone starts panicking, I think you all should know that we do have a computer and phone room in the main office consisting of 3 running computers and 4 telephone stations, you can access the internet and call your parents there, but only once every two weeks. We WILL record your name down, so that it is fair that everyone gets only one time in there for every two weeks.” He said.

A student among the tables near the table raised her hand.

“Why weren’t we informed this?” She asked.

“It IS printed in the handbook…on page…16” He notified us. There was the sound of rustling paper as the students who had their handbooks, that includes me, took it out and flipped to the said page.

Ah…there it is…at the bottom of the page. In what, size 9 font?

“Ugh…What is this…” I groaned and propped my elbows onto the table, then rested my forehead on my hands. I felt a hand pat my back, I looked up to see a glum faced Taeyeon.

“You’re not alone on this one.” She pouted.

“I’m sure all of you wants to speak to your parents everyday, but the point of going to this boarding camp is learning how to be independent! Look on the bright side! Plus, you’ll have plenty of fun here! Speaking of fun, tonight is the Camp Firefly Kareoke contest!” Mike said, trying to cheer us up. A few people whistled and shouted ‘Yea!’ but most of us were still downcast, only mumbling sarcastic ‘yay’s.

“C’mon…don’t be so sad! Everything will be fine! Now let me hear y’all, ARE YOU READY FOR TONIGHT’S KAREOKE CONTEST?”

“NEH!” This time, more people shouted. I just did it for the sake of Mike’s voice and for his dignity.


“Sugar, cheer up, you’ll get to call your parents…” Taeyeon skipped beside me while we all trooped our way to the sign up sheets for this week’s activities. She had obviously gotten over the fact that we have no signal for our personal devices, I, on the other hand, was not.

I was downright bummed. Would Big Bang cheer me up? Dunno.

“C’mon!” Gonglyong’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the bear rock not so far from us, it was where the sign up sheets were stuck. The boys waving madly at us “We signed up for kayaking! Quick! Only two more spots left!”

Unfortunately, two girls suddenly roughly pushed past us and dashed up to the list to sign up. The boys’ faces fell. I could tell which slots they took to fill in.

I widened my eyes as I saw how many people signed up for kayaking. ALL the slots were taken…’Lee Kirin, Ham Sanbi, Choi Eunmi…’ My heart fell as I read that, a girl with Eunmi’s name…and I promised to text her. How impossible. The next name was really unique.

‘Ki’…doesn’t that sound like ‘Key’ in English?

“So what are you going to do?” Mintae asked, a pout on his face.

“Dunno…probably swimming in the lake or something, don’t worry, we’ll be fine, right?” I turned up the corners of my mouth, to show Mintae we were alright. I don’t want him to be worrying over us.

“Yea, we’ll be fine. Swimming is fun” Taeyeon nodded.

Mintae nodded innocently and he skipped off to walk beside a departing Homin.

“Don’t lie to a little kid” Mubik teased.

“Yeah, we know you want to be with us” Gonglyong grinned. As he pulled Mubik away to their activity.

“Yeayea, good luck with all the girls there” I giggled, smiling for real.

“Thanks for cheering her up” Taeyeon called out.

We sighed and turned to see Weno still standing there, staring into space.

“Weno…weno!” Taeyeon snapped her fingers in his face, he jumped.

“Yes? What? What?” He looked around, bewildered.

“They went to kayaking already, I think you should catch up with them” I laughed and told him.

“Oh! Right! Thanks!” He waved and ran off in the direction of the rock climbing wall.

“He’s gonna come back in three, two…” I mumbled under my breath. Sure enough, Weno appeared again, running in the opposite direction.

“Wrong way!” He shouted. Taeyeon and I burst out laughing.


Haii…I was STARTING to be consistent with the updates and then BAM I decided to be lazy. Sigh.

SHINee and the girls: YOU LAZY AUTHOR!
Me: Sorry, gee...
Onew: Chicken!
*everyone looks at him*

LOL I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT. Like, author and character interaction.
:) okay, I have no homework today, so there might be possibility I might…YOU KNOW, I’LL JUST SEE, IF I HAVE TIME, I WILL IF NOT I WILL NOT. :P but ugh, omg, it’s raining the whole day here, it’s like NONSTOP.


@LuvZhuLing yes I do ☺ just incase Winglin crashes, at least I have backup and can still post :) LOL but I don’t mind you commenting on either place! ^_^ and yes, Jonghyun is a flirterrr~

@kaaaat:) HAI THAR. HAHAH SAME. I keep typing their real names e_e;

@Amuro the Fairy HAHAH don’t worry, it’s the same for me too…I keep writing their new names! X( and yes, Jonghyun…haii I don’t know what to do with that boy XP

@ehyc0211 HAHAH yess exactly that. Hmmm I can’t tell you exactly what it is but OMG REALLY CLOSE (or are you actually 100 % CORRECT? Hmm, that will remain a mystery…:3

@Sabrina HAHAHAHAH IT’S ALRIGHT, but here! ANOTHER UPDATE! :D glad to know you’re enjoying them…SARANGHAE too! X)

@EyesofDeath I think I would choose…YG…I like SM only cuz they have all the good groups and stuff but I heard they have A LOT of controversies and they also overwork you :S, JYP is only average for me, even though some fun groups come out of there (2PM, 2AM…) but…idk HAHAHA I just prefer YG over JYP…I heard they rarely have auditions though…:( HAHAHAH one year apart…sigh. :P OMG YOU FELL? ARE YOU OKAY?? I rarely have injuries though…my friend never falls but she magically has these bruises all over her leg XD HAHAHAHAH IAL ‘my headphones fell out!’ I KNOW! NO CANADA! :( *joins you in the corner*
P.P.P.S HAHAHAHAH IDK WHO, BUT I THINK MAYBE CUZ IM UPDATING TOO SLOW (rmb b4 I used to update every two days for ‘Gimme Five’? I look back and think MAN, I did have a lot of time before!...or I just got lazier…hmmm :P)
P.P.P.P.S I know people only talk about the weather when it’s awkward but I DO IT ALL THE TIME WHETHER ITS AWKWARD OR NOT :P SO, it’s really windy and rainy here these days, nonstop rain (we had to do P.E in the rain T_T) and last night there was typhoon…it’s the biggest natural ‘disaster’ we can get here cuz hk is so tiny XD and so the weather makes me kinda moody and weird…how is the weather there in Canada? :)
P.P.P.P.P.S MAN, I was ninja kicking all over my house just now and I kicked too high…now my thighs hurt…XS SO STUPID AHAHAHHAHAHA

@chaoticpanda hahahah yea…is it even possible? :P

@Cuppiecakes22 ROFL REALLY?? I feel like my chapters are getting worse and worse, don’t worry, I’ll try to make them better :P *facepalm* HAHAHAHA YEA, YOU ARE FALLING FOR DINO BOY XD OMG AHAHAH OH YEA, they’ll sing like Taylor Swift or sth. XP HAHAHAH here is the update GURRRLLL…don’t worry, I’m really weird too :D

@Lisa1134 here’s another one! :D


@icemochi18 HAHAh yes, jong isn’t stupid <3 :P MHMM I HAD TO, IT’S A MUST IN EVERY SHINEE FIC: AN ONEW AND CHICKEN MOMENT. And yosh, they’re getting found out :O they’d better be cautious…or else…

@Supriya REALLY? THANK YOU! :D YES the boys are not in safe zone…they can’t get away with a lie so easily! ;)



COMMENTSARE…ugh, I can’t think of any comment line phrase but you know what I mean :P…any ideas? >_<

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)