Chapter 6

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!
I’m typing part of this in Chinese class…(we’re supposed to be writing essays > <) so it’s risky,…verrryyy risky…:P

M u s i c : Bonamana – Super junior
E a t i n g: hid a cookie in my pocket, but I’m not allowed to eat it X(


Turn the sausage, check. If not golden, turn it back and wait patiently until it is golden.

I repeated Becky’s instructions on how to cook a sausage in my head. To say the truth, I really do not want to wait this long just to eat a stupid sausage…yes, I’m real hungry, but seriously, it’s taking so long for this sausage to turn golden and perfect, I might as well eat it raw. If it’s not ‘golden and perfect’ this time…I’m going to commit suicide.

I impatiently ed my sausage into the fire, this would probably cook it faster rather than…HOVERING, or whatever Becky calls it.

“Taeyeon, help me cook, I can’t do it” I whined at Taeyeon, who was taking her third sausage off of her stick.

“Nonono, learn to be independent, dear Sugar…” She took a big bite of her weiner, “Mmmm, this is deelishcious!”

I rolled my eyes. I cannot be tempted, I cannot be tempted…

“SUGAR YOUR SAUSAGE IS ON FIRE!” Taeyeon suddenly stood up and yelled, pointed her stick at me. I jumped and looked at my sausage, sure enough, it was on fire.

“Wahh!” I screamed and yanked it out, panicking, while Taeyeon took a water bottle and poured the contents onto my burning sausage. The fire went out, and we both catched our breaths.

I looked around, nobody was looking, they were still chatting away as if I haven’t just been in a life or death situation…well, literally.

I looked at Taeyeon, she looked at me, we both looked at my soaked and black sausage.

Damn it.


What are the boys doing in a porta potty stall, seriously.

Do they have to go to the toilet together? I imagined, but I pushed it out of my head, the imagery of it in my head was turning in to gay or something. Not exactly pleasant.

I glanced back at the porta potty for the fifth time, just in time to see the door open and the four boys waved at me, before coming out and walking towards our barbeque pit…hold on, weren’t there five boys?

I quickly found out why when only four boys left the porta potty, because as the last person stepped out, there was Weno, with one leg stuck in the porta potty’s hole. What the? And why isn’t anyone helping him out?

Weno mouthed ‘help me’ at me and I stood up to get him out of that hole.

I gave him a hand and hoisted him up, his leg coming out of the hole, I don’t dare to look at what else came with his leg.

“Thanks” He smiled a warm smile at me.

“No problem” I replied “What were you doing in that hole anyways?”

“Eh…fell in myself” He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head “And my mean friends…” He glared past my shoulder, I turned to see what he was glaring at: his supposedly ‘mean’ friends were nodding as they listened intently to Taeyeon who was explaining how to cook fishballs, “…didn’t help me…”

I laughed at how angry he looked.

“You have potty feet, then” I giggled and pointed at his sopping wet feet.

“I guess I do…eck.” He smiled and shifted his weight onto another foot.

“So, you wanna go eat? I can teach you how to cook chicken wings…” I said.

“Chicken wings? OH YEAH BABY!” Weno’s eyes lit up and he pelvic ed, making me throw him a look that said ‘wtf’.

“uhh…i mean hooray…” Weno laughed awkwardly.

I burst out laughing.

“Weno, your really lame” I told him.

“Yea, I get that a lot” He chuckled “But seriously, I love chicken.”

“That’s really nice to know” I said half teasingly half sarcastically, “Come on” I grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the pitch.



Onew smiled as Sugar pulled him towards their barbeque pitch. She’s really cute, He thought cheerfully.

“Yah, you guys, be nicer to Weno” Sugar slapped Key’s shoulder, making all of them turn to look at her.

“Who’s We-” Jonghyun started, Minho slapped his arms and he realized his deadly mistake, “I mean, uhhh..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say to replace his mistake.

"He actually mean 'we are going to treat Weno' better" Minho helped the stuttering Jonghyun finish his sentence.

"Yea, that" Jonghyun nodded his head.

"That's good!" Sugar cheerfully replied, oblivious to the weird things the boys were saying.

"Ew, i smell something bad" Key scrunched up his face and pinched his nose. Everyone except for Taeyeon swerved their heads to look at Onew.

"What happened?" Taeyeon asked, while munching on a piece of barbequed pork.

"He fell into the pottyhole." Everybody replied in unison.



"ALRIGHT! EVERYBODY! ENJOYING YOUR DINNER SO FAR?" Mike hollered loudly. We turned our attention towards him.

"NEH~" We screamed.

"Now it's time for the last snack before ending the barbeque...S'MORES!" Becky announced, then placed her hand to her ear. Everyone screamed in response. What are s'mores?

"Does everyone know how to cook s'mores?" Mike asked.


"Aniyo~" Me and Taeyeon said together, we both looked at each other and shrugged.

I looked beside me, even the boys knew how to cook s'mores, as they were grinning like maniacs. Were s'mores that good?

"Alright, i'll pass out the marshmallows, graham cracker, and chocolate along with Mike, we'll leave the rest up to you" Becky ended her speech and everyone started talking again.

"Oh my gosh, i'm so excited! I haven't eaten s'mores in such a long time!" Mubik gushed.

"Oh my gosh, what are s'mores?" I said in the same tone as Mubik's.

They looked at me.

"You don't know??"

I shook my head, Taeyeon raised her hand as if to say 'me too'.


We both nodded in reply.

"Aish, hopeless" Mubik facepalmed.

"I can help you chicks how to cook some scruptious s'mores" Dinosaur boy winked at us and switched spots with Weno so that he was sitting next to me. I felt frozen, did he just wink at us? I was hyperventilating on the inside.

"O...O...Kay" I stuttered.

"Sure" Taeyeon replied coolly beside me, completely unaffected by the charms of the boy beside me. Was i the only one? Do i like him already?

HAAIIII GUYS, SORRY I UPDATED A DAY EARLIER, iposted yesterday but winglin cut my chapter short so I had to do it today :P

Okay, I know, WHY ISN’T SUGAR WITH THE MAIN, WHY DOES SHE LIKE JONG?’ well, it’s just somethings in my plot…if the plot is too straightforward it would be boring, so please hang on with me ;)


@Lilackiss Thank you! Did you enjoy the uppie? ;)

@Look! A Butterfly! LOL I DO TOO, ONEW POTTY FEET :P

@EyesOfDeath HAHAHAHAH I’D LIKE TO SEE A CHICKEN IN A WEDIDNG DRESS…that would be…interesting :P OMO THEIR MINISTER CAN ALSO BE MC YOO (Jaesuk) :D OMG, IF YOU DO BECOME A STAR, LET ME JOIN YOU…RMB EYESOFPOTATO?? XD IF you had to choose, SM, YG, or JYP, which one? ;) that’s nice to know that you actually enjoy school (its not nerdy, don’t worry) alright, I’m 13…a 1997-er so I guess the grading systems are the same X) WHY DO I FEEL SO YOUNG ALL OF A SUDDEN. LOL COCKY LINES, I don’t use them, but my friends that are boys do…it gets annoying and all my friends are like “THEN GO AWAY YOUR CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING” lolzz. I’m ALL ONEW cuz I like to tell lame jokes and I’m clumsy as hell. OMONAOMONA I HAVE BBAD NEWS, my dad told me I can’t go to Canada. Poops. :(

P.P.S HAHAHAH my old one...*no comment*
P.P.P.S i hope you lovelovelove this one too cuz if not,...i will COME TO CANADA AND KIIIILL YOUUUU. NAWW JUST KIDDING I WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO DIE X'( BUT this one is short and boring :P so idk, it's okay if you didn't like it. :) I WILL IMPROVE *determined*
P.P.P.P.S man, so many 'p's but HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA i have a cold rn :( i have this chinese presentation tmrw (oral, i at oral) and my nose is blocked so my voice is all yucky...i doubt anyone would get what i'll be saying...HEEHEEHAHAHOHO. XP

@kaycee HAHAH YES, POOR ONEW, and i know right? 2ne1 is sooo cool *_*

@LuvZhuLing LOL STILL SOUNDS GOOD THO :D hope you like the uppie!

@Cuppiecakes22 AHAHAHAH YEA, POOR ONEW, POTTY FEET T_T i agree with you, i love my poster XD hope you liked the short uppie!

@Lisa1134 I loved clap your hands too! HAHAH winglin is really simple but can be REALLY slow at times. :P did you like the uppie? :)


@Supriya HAHAHA YESSSS HMMM YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE :) i won't let it drag too long tho, they'll need to know sooner or later :D HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE QUICK QUICK QUICK UPDATE!


but i still love y'all readers!

I'll make my next chappie longer and less XD

Thank you for checking back if you did! :D

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)