Chapter 16

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

[music; A - Rainbow
[food; Nu’un at the moment
[mood; In disbelief but also relieved in a way. My granny passed away yesterday, I couldn’t believe it because on that day, I’d just visited her, and then at night, my auntie came knocking at the door saying that my grandma had just died. But I’m also relieved because I can’t stand watching her suffer on the hospital bed – including the incapability to move or talk or communicate with us – and so now that I know she would be in a happier place, I feel more relieved than sad. So…yea :*



“That would be 14,530 won, sir.” The ahjumma at the counter said.

Onew shook his head and mimicked a fly flying out of his wallet.

“Guys, this is too much stuff, I don’t have that much money to last me for a year and a half if you make me buy all of this.” He furrowed his eyebrows. We looked around, neither one of us wanting to give up our choice of food.

“Hey…what’s this…” Key pushed to the front and reached under the pile of stuff, he pulled out four stacks of banana milk. Onew gaped, we turned our heads slowly to look at Taemin.

“Uhh…hehe, it’s good!” He smiled and held up two thumbs.

We didn’t say anything and continued staring.

“Oh fine, I’ll take out one…” Taemin slid one stack out. Key folded his arms, in full-blown umma mode.

“…FINE. I’ll take three.” Taemin huffed and marched away, snatching three bars of banana milk with him to put back on the shelf.

“Aish, that kid.” Key ran a hand through his hair, who’s almost shaven half have already started growing back.

“I’m NOT a kid, I’m just younger, you all are jealous of my youth.” Taemin came trotting back. All of his hyungs just shook their head.


We entered the stuffy material shop that smelt like wood. It was dimly lit and if you went to a corner, ANY corner of this shop, you would be in complete darkness…I’m sure you would find some dust bunnies there too.

We browsed through the varieties of fabrics.

I couldn’t think of anything I can be for Halloween. Dah.

“Onew, please help me. I don’t know what to be for Halloween.” I rubbed my eyes as a piece of dust randomly flew into my eyes. Ow?!

“Hmm…” He turned his gaze the colorful pieces of silk to me, placing a finger on his chin thoughtfully.

“You wouldn’t want something TOO scary. You might only be scaring yourself instead.” Onew laughed loudly and slapped his thigh. I pressed my tongue to my cheek, pretending to look pissed.

“Very funny, Onew. So very funny.”

“I know, right?” He replied cheerfully, clearly not getting my sarcasm.

“HAHAHA!” A loud laugh sounded from behind. I turned to see Taeyeon and Amber standing there, they both had a huge pile of fabric in their arms, though Taeyeon was the only one with an oversized grin on her face.

“Oh, great! Come, help Sugar pick her costume!” Onew waved for them to come closer. They did, even though there wasn’t any need for them to be, now they were practically breathing down my neck.

“So, what can I be?” I leaned onto a rack of cardboard.

“AHA! I KNOW-” Amber started but then Jonghyun decided to choose that moment to creep up behind her.

“JAGIYA!” He threw his arms around her, making Amber scream in surprise.

“SHUT UP! WHAT DO YOU WANT?” She roared.

“Let’s be Romeo and Juliette! I’ll be Romeo, you’ll be-”

“Heck no, no way. Now go away, go be a dinosaur, for all I care, you freaking look like one anyways.”

She had a point there.

“Oh…Okay.” Jonghyun suddenly looked hurt, he lowered his head and shuffled away.

“Do you think you’ve gone too far?” Taeyeon nudged Amber once dino boy was out of sight.

“Mmm,…of course not! He’s so annoying.” Amber sounded doubtful of her own words, though, her eyes had a guilty look in them, “…so Sugar, I know just the thing you can be…”

She leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“…A Sugar fairy! Wah!” She pulled back and made sprinkling motions with her hand.

“I HEARD THAT! AND I LIKE IT!” Taeyeon clapped. Onew was nowhere to be seen.

I thought about it. There wasn’t anything else I could be anyways…but wait, this wouldn’t be my childhood being repeated, right?

I nodded my head slightly. Amber and Taeyeon cheered.

“Let’s find some materials!” Amber reached behind me, the cardboard shelf, but I caught her arms before it was too late.

“Oh no you don’t, I’m not using a cardboard to make a cube for my Sugar Fairy costume.”

“How did you know?” Amber widened her eyes as I, most likely, listed out everything she had planned for my costume to look like.

“I’m psychic.” I tapped my head and nodded with a serious expression on my face.


“Does everyone have their materials ready?” An old counselor, which I’d never seen before shouted into a megaphone.

“Nehh.” We chorused. We are all seated in the cafeteria again, the camp staff prepared sewing machines and tools at each table so we could make our costumes.

“Now, get started! I will be here if you need any help, just come to me.” He placed his megaphone on a table and sat on the edge of the stage, drinking a cup of coffee.


I peeked at my friends’ costumes. They all looked really nice.

Taeyeon was busily snipping away at the black fabric in front of her. She was being ‘Under Woman’, the opposite of Wonder Woman who served evil instead of serving justice. Amber was trying to push a silver zipper into her hoodie, she was being a dead gangster. Taemin was sitting there, sipping at his banana milk while his finished Minnie Mouse costume was being inspected by Key, who’s colorful costume was also done, he was being himself. Minho was ripping shreds of red silk for his soccer player costume, and Jonghyun was working intently on his green dinosaur costume, he stuck his tongue out in concentration, which I found incredibly cute…

Shut up, Sugar.

He likes Amber, not you.


Last but not least, Onew was cutting out a blue ‘KFC’ sign to stick on his uniform. Yup, you guessed it, he was being a KFC delivery man. I’ve been coming to realize that he really was serious, his claims of loving chicken, I mean.

I turned back to my costume and picked up my needle to resume sewing.

Halloween, you’d better treat me well.

I’m saving the next part for the next chapter ;)



@ShineeRocksForever Hello! Welcome new reader :D and I really love your username ;)

@POISONWORDS hehehe yea it is, but It has to be that way so that the plot that I’ve planned could work >:3 aaand mmhm, poor sugar XD

@chaoticpanda OMFGG YOU SO LUCKY T_T /brb crying

@amberluvs hehehe yesss master of skinship indeed :P hahah yes, something would happen…during the Halloween period (which starts next chapter) so please do look forward to it!

@LuvZhuLing hahah yes hwaiting to her! I hope she is resting happily up above now :’) anyways, idk about banana milk XD I just heard Taemin likes them. I’d like to try if I could, though :P

@icemochi18 yea D:

@graceann hahaha I guess so :P and thank you!

@Cuppiecakes22 aww thanks! But she’s gone now…now I have to pray that God would take good care of her :3 and you’re right about that ;) Sugar IS in for a nightmare during Halloween…I planned something >:D hope you liked this update!


But anyways, R.I.P Granny, I love you :’)

Till next time,

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)