Chapter 14

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!


[music; Star Star Star - SNSD

[eating; no appeitite.

[mood; Depressed. Emo…?

Hi…long time since I’ve updated, and yes. I do have a reason. My grandmother is in the hospital, and she recently coughed up blood. Turns out, she had internal bleeding, and the doctor said there is no way he can help. He also said she would last for only a few more hours until she…you know, passes away, but she miraculously survived through a whole night, though she can’t eat, nor OPEN HER OWN EYES…everything is a mess…so yea…:(



I ended up being the only one eating Onew’s popsicles alongside him.

But I also ended up with ice cold hands after devouring the popsicle.


“Taeyeon, Amber, my hands are freezing…” I whined while rubbing my numb hands together to create some friction.

“Amber? There’s no Am-“ the boys turned around but then they spotted Amber, eyes widening. They must’ve just noticed there was an extra person here.

“Oh! Are YOU Amber?” Jonghyun asked.

“Yea… And no, I’m not a boy.” Amber raised her eyebrows, taking a sip of her coke.

“No, I knew you were a girl!” Jonghyun grinned.

Amber choked and spluttered on her coke, Taeyeon had to slap her back.

I don’t think she hears that a lot.

“…I can smell a chick from miles away.” Jonghyun continued, grinning stupidly.

Amber’s eyes suddenly darkened, her slight smile fading.

“What is your name?” She asked.


Suddenly, Amber swiftly stuck out a fist out and punched Jonghyun’s stomach. Jonghyun doubled over, clutching his stomache in pain.

“Wh-what did you do that for?”

“Well, Jonghyun, I’m a girl, not a chick, I hate being called those names” Amber pursed her lips.

“...” Jonghyun’s face was mixed with surprise and confusion. I couldn’t help laughing out loud.

What? It was funny, though he did look pitiful.


“Amber, Where is your cabin? We can walk you there.” Jonghyun looked at Amber like she was some queen and he was the faithful servant. Ever since when Amber punched Jonghyun earlier in the day, He had started treating her like royalty, following her around, helping her do unnecessary things…looking…I don’t know, lovestruck?

I felt a pang of jealousy go through my whole body. I secretly wanted him to treat me like that too. I knew I was being horribly selfish when I felt happy that Amber kept pushing Jonghyun away ever so coolly, like he was a fly, a pest.

“I don’t really know my cabin number, though I know where it is. I’m a sharing a room with two other girls, I saw their stuff on the two beds in the cabin.” Amber answered.

“So there’s like, a third bed?” Key asked. Oh, he talks to everyone.

Yea, everyone but me.

“No, I have to sleep on the floor on this mattress.” She shrugged.

“You can sleep in my bed if you want…” Jonghyun suggested, hearts appearing in his eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had added ‘your majesty’ at the end of that.

He earned another punch from Amber.

“No thank you.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I realized we were heading in the direction of our cabins…and Amber wasn’t stopping us.

“Hey, Amber, you sure your cabin is this way?” I asked, making sure she was aware of walking in the direction…if we were that is.

“Yea, I’m positive” She nodded. We’re going through those thick trees…and the only cabins one the other side is…

“WAIT HERE.” I turned and stopped them from advancing with my hands and dashed to my cabin. I kicked open the door (FBI style) and looked around. Sure enough, there was a mattress laid between my and Taeyeon’s bed. It was more on Taeyeon’s side so that it wasn’t blocking the space to get to the bathroom at the back of the room.

This was too good to be true.

Just to make sure, I leaped over to the mattress, picking up a ‘fx creations’ brand* black shoulder bag. On it was a name tag : Amber Liu.


Oh right, she’s Chinese.

Happiness washed over me, I felt tingly.

Amber is living in our cabin! Which meant that all of my friends are on the other side of the thick trees! If that made any sense, that is.

We could have like, a gang name. The ‘Foresters’, ‘Close to Naturers’…not bad. Oh! We can also have a special walk that we could do when we go somewhere together, and then Amber can punch out any that comes our way!

I happily fantasized as I skipped back to the waiting group.

“Amber, guess who is you’re sleeping with…” I grinned, going up and down on my toes in excitement. I winked at Taeyeon, who quickly got the message and punched her fist in the air silently but joyously.

“…Jonghyun?” Amber’s face was filled with fear. On the other hand, Jonghyun’s eyes lit up. I felt my smile disappear  for a millisecond, but I pushed the slight feeling of jealousy away, making the corners of my mouth push up again.

I shouldn’t be jealous, Amber doesn’t even like him back, right?

But what if she did?


“No! Of course not!” I replied, glancing at Jonghyun, he pouted and kicked at the dirt, his posture returning to that bad boy looking slouch, complete with hands in the pocket.

Amber resumed grinning after hearing my reply.

“So who?” She asked.

“ME AND TAEYEON!” I squealed and Amber let out a loud ‘Yesss’.


alright, I decided to update, even though this chapter wasn’t much…

my grandmother’s condition is really unsteady, I’m really scared for her :( because she can leave any second.  So the amount of updates would be infrequent for a while too, but I’ll try to update once in every 3 days, so that I won’t lose subscribers and to keep you guys hooked on the story. :3

uhhh yea…


@Supriya heyy oh, don’t worry, Amber WILL be paired with someone…sadly, the person on my mind is not Minho XP I hope you still like her with ‘him’ though :) here’s an update, though it might not be good cuz of my hectic week :’)

@LuvZhuLing hehehe yes, nobody ever helps onew :( well, except for Sugar XD

@icemochi18 LOL ENERGY SUPPORT. Could be. yes, onew, why :P

@heChine02 here’s the update ^ ^ and I assume you are a new reader so welcome! :D and thank you! I hope I’ll keep it that way though this chapter was a bore to write and is to read > <

@ehcy0211 OKAY I WILL XD

@REBECCA<3 Hello! Welcome, new reader ^ ^ yes, I do hope I do too! Though this one doesn’t really prove my words right, but the future chapters would be nice to read (I hope) :) hehe, you’re the only one who can spot it (that I know of) right now. GLAD YOU CAN  XD and thank you for commenting!


so that’s all for tonight, ugh, sorry, you can see I’m not my normal hyper self right now…I hope I can be happy and cheerful again, it’s hard to be depressed > < (if you know what I mean)




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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)