Chapter 21

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!






My gosh, out of all people. Kim Kibum…Kim Kibum.


And to make things worse, he was the only person in my class that I kind of know. Which meant that I had to stick with him or make a new friend, but right now, I’m in no mood to get a new friend, so…


Ugh. Why.


I leaned over to the side to peak at Taeyeon’s list. She had Onew, Jonghyun, and Amber. That left Minho with Taemin.


I was seething on the inside, I don’t even want to know what kind of a expression was on my face at the moment.


Really, I’m not exactly on good terms with this guy (firstly, for some reason, he started hating on me or something when he was kind before, and I still don’t know the reason), and he seems to have mood swings all the time…in the end, I have to end up being stuck with him for all of my classes.


Great, just great.


I looked at Key, he was looking straight at me, expression amused. A smirk was forming on his face.




I have never felt this awkward before, and it wasn’t until we reached the classroom areas that I realized that I have been holding my breath the whole time ever since we’ve left the food hall and went trudging to the ‘campus’ in our class groups. Having no other choice, I had to walk next to Key.


Some of the girls were happily saying ‘hi’ to their Key ‘oppa’ and I just stood awkwardly to the side.


It’s hard standing-or even worse, walking- next to someone who hates you…okay, not that he’s ever said anything about hating me but I’m kind of convinced he does. I mean, he doesn’t talk to me, he only smirks or laughs when I fall (in a mean way), and he also makes rude remarks about things that I wear, all of that is only directed at me, only me.


Why? That’s the problem, I don’t know. And I don’t have enough courage to talk to him about it, because…well, now we’re back on the topic of major awkwardness.


Suddenly, he left my side and went running up ahead to tap a girl on her shoulder, she looked delighted to be tapped by the great Kim Kibum and started to laugh loudly at something he had said. Was he flirting? And he went up ahead, which meant leaving me alone on the dirt road, looking like some loner while everyone else had at least one person by their side to talk to.


Basically, I got ditched. There goes my plan of sticking with him.


I inwardly sighed and ran up to catch up with him.


“Yah! Wait for me please!” I called out, Key turned around, the girl too, looking back at me. He said something to her and she nodded, then ran back up to her friends.


“What did you say?” He asked as I caught up.


“I said, to wait for me, why did you just ditch me back there?” I panted. Man, I really should do more exercise.


“I didn’t ditch you, you just couldn’t catch up.” Was his very intelligible answer. Wow.


Then and there, I really felt like the bad side of me had taken over and my fingers twitched, itching to pinch him. I bit my lip, trying to keep my anger in. But I was sure he saw my expression before I could make it go away.


“Now you know how I feel, huh?” He muttered under his breath before turning and briskly continued to walk ahead.


“What?” I wasn’t sure if I heard right.




“How do you feel?” I asked, repeating what I had heard. Key paused in his step.


“I said, nothing.” His voice was calm, too calm, and it kind of scared me,”…come on, let’s get to class.”


Key turned his head to look at me, a small smile on his face, dimple and all. Once again, I was reminded of why I had once thought that he was an ulzzang…but that’s not the point.


It’s really weird that now he’s all smiley and friendly, mood swings?


Aish. This boy really confuses me, and I don’t think I will figure him out by the end of today.




“Welcome to class Number C!” Our old looking teacher forced a smile and wrote his name on the board. ‘Teacher Kim’.


Okay, first, since when did the letter C become a number? Surely this was not my math teacher.


“…In camp Firefly, all the homeroom teachers teach ALL subjects, art and phys. ed is the only exception.” Teacher Kim continued.


…Okay…Math isn’t my strongest subject anyways, so whatever.


“So you will be learning with me for the most! Isn’t that exciting?” He held out his hands, palms open, expectantly. There were a few scattered ‘yea’s and ‘uh huh’s resounding around the room.


Teacher Kim seemed to have given up and his face fell into the pokerface.


“Okay, now take out your notebooks and a pencil, we’re are going to write an introductory essay about ourselves, then we’re reading them out! Go!” He ordered in a monotone, we grudgingly did. I looked to the side where Key was sitting, he didn’t look happy at all.


“…hate my life…” I caught on to somethings he was saying under his breath, suddenly, he snapped his head to look at me, I was caught under his piercing gaze.




“Uh, nothing. Uh…phew, I hate this teacher, don’t you?” I laughed nervously. He slumped his shoulders and tilted his notebook so that I could see what he had doodled on it. It was a plump stick figure with a beard – just like Teacher Kim’s- and it was crossed out with a red marker, underneath it were the words ‘die’.


Wow. He’s even worse than me.


“Oh.” I slowly turned back to face the front. But he continued to talk.


“Monotone, fake smiles, weird gestures, and oh my god, his reindeer sweater is killing me. Like some people would say, it’s hate at first sight.” He suddenly smiled sweetly, “…D’you understand what I’m saying?”


“Yea...” I nodded slowly like I knew what he was saying, “…I understand.”




As soon as we got out of the classroom we both rushed to find our friends in the grassy expanse located right in front of the grey school building. Everybody was there, mingling around before actually walking back to their cabins.


“Well, there’s no way we can find them in 2 minutes.” I stated as a big burly guy literally knocked me off my feet. Key didn’t help me up, of course, so I just stood up my self and threw some grass at the guy’s back. Key threw me an amused glance, then continued to push through the crowd.


“No , Sherlocks.” He muttered.


“Sugar!” Suddenly, I heard a loud voice calling my name. No doubt it was Taeyeon…except…I just couldn’t see her.


“Am I too small?” I heard her yell/ask.


“Yes!” I shouted while I grabbed the back of Key’s designer coat, he obviously didn’t hear Taeyeon and tried to walk on. At the same time, I swiveled my head around, trying to spot Taeyeon.


“I’ll tell Minho to jump!” She replied. I told Key what was going on after he snapped at me and bluntly informed me that his coat costed a lot. We both looked for Minho jumping.


“There!” Key pulled the sleeve of my favorite long sleeved shirt and pointed. Sure Enough, there was Minho’s small face bobbing up and down in the crowd. I waved.


“Let’s go!” Key started to push his way forward again while I trailed behind, mimicking his voice, stating that my shirt was also designer. He shot me a dirty look and then made some snarky comment about how my shirt couldn’t even be any worth to a beggar.


I felt a bit hurt, not that I care about his opinion, just that this was my ultimate favorite long sleeve shirt and he had to insult it.


“Kibum ah! Here!” A hand reached out and grabbed Key. Another pair of hands reached out and roughly pulled me sideways. After I cleared my eyes (and took a deep breath of clear air), I was relieved to find all of my friends around me again. To the side, I could see that Key was lecturing a cowering Jonghyun (behind Amber, who else) about yanking on his designer coat. Amber was just being Amber and didn’t look like she’d give two s about what Key was saying, nor the dinosaur who was hiding behind her.


“That. Was. Horrifying!” I exclaimed as Taeyeon patted my hair back to it’s normal state.


“The crowd or classtime?” Minho asked.


“Bo-,” I was about to answer, but then Key came over to listen in so I changed my reply, “…The crowd, of course!”


“The teacher is also horrible!” And of course, Key had to bring up the teacher, “…he talks in monotone, fake smiles, weird gestures, and oh my god, his reindeer sweater is killing me.”


When nobody reacted, Key added on, “AND he has a beard.”


NOW everybody cringed.


"Ew!" Taemin scrunched up his face and waved his forearms in circles.


I was suddenly pulled to the side by Onew, and we had a small two person huddle.


“You were lying, right?” He asked, grinning.


“Of course I wa- about what?”


“The horrible thing, you were about to say ‘both’ but then Key came along and you changed your answer.”


“How did you know?” I looked at him in complete amazement.


“Hm, a friend should know.” Was his reply. , then Taeyeon and Amber should know too! They’re quite close to me too…Look, I might not like Key but it’s not like I want the whole world to know.


“…The girls won’t know, don’t worry. Jonghyun was trying to backhug Amber, so she probably didn’t notice your words, and Taeyeon…actually, I’m not so sure about Taeyeon.”


I looked at him in horror, half representing how I reacted to his amazing ability to read my mind, half to his words.


“So she might know?” I pulled a face. He sighed.


“Well, she’s a smart and pretty girl…” I nudged him at his sudden compliment towards Taeyeon, but he shot me a look so I stopped, “…but I don’t think she does know, see if she talks to you about it, you know how she loves talking and such, she should probably blurt out her thoughts sooner or later.”


I nodded, I hope so, but Taeyeon is reasonable…I think.



Yayy and that marks another end to another chapter *sigh*

I’ve been sick XD I hope you’re not too disappointed with this chapter.


And Merry Christmas, Dear Readers! Take care and spend lots of time with your family and friends during this lonely happy season :) <33



[Music; Super Girl – Super Junior M

[Food; Christmas stuff and medicine *shudder*

[Mood; blahh

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)