Chapter 3

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

Heyyo, school started for me…summer is over..and I’m getting busier and busier, but I WILL update, don’t worry :)

NOTE: from now on, the comment replies would be after the chapter :D


m u s i c : I my me mine -4minute

e a t i n g: cereal. Yea, cereal in the afternoon :P mmm

Here goes…



The boy’s face was slim and feline-like, his eyes also looked like a cat’s, his lips were small and plump. He was wearing a hat, but it looked like his head was half shaven underneath or something. I’m not sure. But overall, He was really cute and good looking…this guy could be a celebrity if he wanted to!

I looked at him, considering the offer. Help is exactly what I need now, what I do not need is another bruise on my head.

“Uhh…sure.” I pushed the suitcase closer to the opening so that the boy could take hold of it and haul it out. I crawled out of the compartment, and onto the dirt floor. I knelt there and straightened my back. I looked at my hands, they were dirty. I blew off pieces of dirt and slowly got up.

A hand appeared next to my head. I took it and straightened up, looking at the boy, who had offered me his hand AND helped me get my luggage out, square in the face.

“Thanks…” I grinned. But noticed he had this weird expression on his face, “Is anything wrong?”

“do you know who I am?” He asked straightfowardly. Huh? What a weird question.

“Nope…Am I supposed too?” I cocked my head. Ah! I know! Maybe he’s a famous boy ulzzang! Nice.

He looked a bit disappointed. Was he an ulzzang THAT famous?

Suddenly, a group of 4 boys, all wearing hats, walked past us, but spotted the boy ulzzang next to me and one them, the tallest one, started shouting “Hyung~”

Ulzzang boy turned to look and waved at them.

“You know them?” I asked.

“Yea, they’re my friends…BYE!” He waved perkily and with that, ran off to the boys, who said something that made him conk all of their heads one at a time.

I started to push my suitcase towards the entrance, in which the boys had disappeared into, anticipating…Camp Firefly.



I waved goodbye to the girl and jogged to the boys.

“Oooh~ Who’s that chick…new GIRLFRIEND?” Jonghyun teased and the rest of the boys whistled. I conked each of their heads.

“Yah, umma, you can’t get a partner without telling your sons” Taemin joked.

“Naw…umma just felt like helping someone out”

“Wow, how rare, Key helping someone without insulting the person at the same time…oooooooh, how rare.” Jonghyun said. Making me smack his head again.


I smiled sweetly at him.

“She’s pretty, though” Jonghyun commented. I shook my head, not because I didn’t agree, I mean, she was quite pretty…but Jonghyun said every girl, or in his dictionary, “chicks”, in sight is pretty. And then they all flock to him like bees attracted to honey.

“She looks like…someone I recognize…I just can’t think of who…” Onew adjusted his cap on his head.

“Same!” Minho placed a finger on his chin.

“But you know what’s strange?” I asked them.

“What?” They all looked at me

“She doesn’t know who I was! And I bet she doesn’t know the rest of SHINee either!” They all widened their eyes, “Who doesn’t know me, doesn’t know SHINee!” I added, which made them roll their eyes.

“What? Seriously?” Jonghyun said after a while

“Yes, Who doesn’t know me, doesn’t know SHINee!” I repeated and fixed my bangs, which were getting oily under the hot sun. Yuck.

“NO! I meant that as in ‘seriously? She doesn’t know us?’” Jonghyun’s face went ‘= =’.

“Ohhh you meant that…I know, it’s ridiculous!” I swatted a mosquito away.

“Maybe she’s from the countryside, not everyone in Korea has to know us” Onew stated logically.

“B-b-but we’re SHINee!” I shook Onew’s shoulder.

He just looked at me.

“Please don’t tell me you said that to her when she didn’t recognize you” Minho looked at me, crossing his fingers as he did so. I snorted.

“Of course not, I still have some sense not to be so rude” I stuck my nose in the air proudly. Jonghyun spluttered loudly beside me and I rolled my eyes.

“There is an advantage to that you know, like not knowing us.” Taemin smiled.

We all turned our heads to look at him.

“If she doesn’t know us and eventually befriends us, then we can actually have a “normal” life here at camp! Because she wouldn’t be screaming around us right? What harm can a country girl do?”

“You’re so smart! Our maknae is actually learning something at school!” Onew pinched Taemin’s cheeks, “but hey, I never said I was sure she was a country girl!” Onew then wagged his finger.

 “there is a high possibility” Minho noted.

Suddenly, a rustle in the bushes. We all stopped in our tracks. Who’s there? A squirrel? A skunk? Or…a bear? I gulped. We’re in the wilderness, a bear hiding in a bush is probable.

Suddenly, a girl jumped out from the bushes at us. Our reflexes were to scream.

It’s  a crazy fangirl! I shook grabbed Jonghyun’s arm (who was closest to me) and ran. Minho, Taemin and Onew quickly followed after, the fangirl shouting for us to stop, which we didn’t. I squeezed my eyes and prayed that manager hyung would appear right now and save us...

“…I’m only the camp’s main counselor!”

Eh? I skidded to a stop, causing Minho, Taemin and Onew to come crashing at my back, and Jonghyun, who ran beside me, ran into a bush.

I turned back to see the her panting and leaning on a tree. We slowly walked over to her.

“You really are the main counselor?” Onew asked cautiously, rubbing his sore head.

“Of course” She yawned.

“Then why were you in a bush?” Minho asked suspiciously.

“I…I don’t really know either…” She shrugged, I looked at my members and they had the same 'huh?' expression as i did on their faces ,"...Anyways, i'm the main counselor of Camp Firefly, My name is Becky, and it's really nice to meet you guys, thank you for choosing us, Mike, the other main counselor, and I would be in charge of taking care of you five boys while you are here...also keeping you safe, if you know what i mean"



"You mean there ARE a lot of fangirls here?" Jonghyun mumbled, still picking leaves out of his hair.

"Of course...word has guys are SHINee...what can you expect? I’m betting all of them just came because you boys are here” Becky bit her bottom lip.

“Don’t you think you’re kinda exaggerating? I mean…I think there should be some people who came here for experience and education” Onew said, and Becky started walking. SHINee had no choice but follow after her.

She shook her head.

“Nope, I’m positive ALL of them are here for you guys…you should see the students, gathering with placards and cameras ready, chanting your chant, it’s kind of a mess…you’d think music core was happening right here in Camp Firefly” They went off the main dirt road and came onto a smaller hidden dirt road, approaching a back door of what looks like a barn.

“This is the barnhouse, where the main office is located, the students are gathering on the grass field in front of the barn. To avoid chaos from breaking out, you’ll need to wait inside the barn, i’ll make sure no student is going in to the office okay?”

SHINee nodded as they entered the barn/office. Inside, a bunch of noona staff were pointing and whispering. The boys smiled and nodded at them.

Finally, they came to a window looking out to the grassfield. Looking out, they could see exactly what Becky was talking about. It was filled with countless students, mostly girls, mind you, talking and holding their cameras ready. They were chanting the SHINee chant and repeated it when they finished.

Key spotted his own name on a placard and clapped happily. Suddenly, Onew dropped down on the floor. Everyone looked at him.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” Taemin questioned.

“Won’t the people outside see us through the glass? Quick! Duck with me!” Onew pulled at Minho’s pants.

“Yah, yah, yah, Don’t pull my pants down” Minho pushed Onew’s hand away.

“Don’t worry, Onew, this window has the type of glass that you can’t see from outside but you can see from inside.” Becky chuckled.

“Ohh” Onew stood up slowly and the boys laughed at his silliness.

“Alrighty then, I’ll be going out now, Mike is waiting for me” Becky looked pointedly outside, where poor Mike was trying to calm the crowd down…unsuccessfully.

“Watch the crowd.” She said and went out of the door.

They boy’s eyes were fixed on Becky and Mike’s backs as they heard them announce a welcome to the students. The crowd was screaming even louder right now. SHINee looked at each other, all thinking the same thing.

Well this is going to be one long one and a half year.



“Welcome to Camp Firefly!” The main counselors, Becky and Mike shouted together. I found it strange that they had English names. Just saying. Students around me cheered, and there were some screams of SHINee in midst of the cheers. I rolled my eyes, it was getting annoying.

“As you all know, famous boy group SHINee is…” Becky couldn’t even finish her sentence because more deafening screams fill the air again.

She just smiled and motioned for us to calm down.

“Alright, but the main thing is to treat them kindly and also as equals don’t bother them too much either, by that, I mean taking photos of them, screaming in their ears everyday…other than that, let’s all have a great time here at Camp Firefly!” We clapped and whistled.

“Today is the first day, and you all must be pretty tired, we’ll let you settle in your cabins, in which we have posted the list of all the cabins and the names of the people init here at the big bear rock…” He gestured to a rock next to him, I’m guessing that was the “bear rock”,”…you can take a tour around camp Firefly before going to your dorms, using the map you all should have printed out before coming to lead yourself around. Just don’t get yourself into trouble!” He winked at us.

“Oh! And at 5:30, please go straight to the barbecue pit, where we would have our dinner, is that clear?” Becky added and cupped a hand to her ear, we screamed in response. Then, she waved her hands to dismiss us, retreating with Mike into a barnyard with tinted windows. I read in the guide that it was the main office.

I stood up and sprinted to the bear rock before everyone could crowd around it. I looked up and down the list and spotted the slip of paper with my name.

Cabin 109.


Cabin 109…I stopped in front of a cabin not far from the food hall. Was I that lucky? A cabin right next to the food hall! I rechecked my map. Yup, I’m sure this was cabin 109.

I opened the door and stepped in. There were two beds, and both of them had a student on it. One girl was hanging up a poster of five boys on the wall, and the other was sitting on the bed, tying up her hair while conversing with her cabinmate.

“…I can’t believe we couldn’t see SHINee yet, ugh…I must…Uhhh…Miyoung? There’s this girl standing at the door of our cabin.” She spotted me. The girl called Miyoung who was hanging up the poster turned to stare at me.

So I’m ‘this girl’, huh?

“Why are you here?” She snapped. Geez, someone is in a bad mood.

“Cuz I thought I was in cabin 109…” I stuttered.

“Well, as you can see, 109 is full, so you’ve got the wrong cabin” She went over and pushed me out of the door roughly, then slammed the door in my face. What the hell? I heard laughter behind the closed door. I wanted to set this cabin ablaze right now. But I let that thought go and looked around. My surroundings were empty, everyone was settled in their cabins, I bet.

I slouched. If 109 wasn’t my cabin, then what is? I started tromping back in the direction of the bear rock to recheck my cabin number, because APPARENTLY, I got the wrong one. I looked down at my feet, kicking pebbles while I walked.

Suddenly, I froze, hearing male voices, but continued walking with my head down, not bothering to look up until…

“OH!” A famaliar voice rang out and I looked up, to see the ulzzang who had helped me with my suitcase, pointing at me. He was with his four friends who had called him away

“Oh! Hi!” I smiled and waved at him, then waved at his friends, who waved back.

“Why are you out here?” One of his friends asked me as they approached me. He had a deep deep voice, making boy ulzzang’s voice sound like a girl’s.

“For some reason, I went to the wrong cabin,…but I don’t get it…look!” I shoved it in his face. The tallest one took it from my hands and studied it, the boys peeking over his shoulder. There was one who was standing on tippy toes, it made me giggle, he was too short.

“Ah~ Did you try this?” The tall guy flipped my paper upside down and gave it back to me. Woah, this guy’s voice was even deeper, and man, was he tall! I looked at the slip of paper again. Now it read 601.


“So that’s what it is…thanks” I smiled at them. They all smiled back except for ulzzang boy, who stood at the back, fixing his hair in a small tiny portable mirror. I’m certain he’s a ulzzang now.

I rummaged around in my bag, and took out the map of the place.

“Omo! The cabin is all the way on the other side of where we’re standing! FML” I cried in frustration. And it’s not one bit close to the food hall.

“Hey! I just remembered our cabin is 600! Probably right next to yours!” The boy with long hair running down from his cap to his shoulders exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. He’s so cute!

“CHINCHA?” I practically lit up, at least I wouldn’t be alone!

“Let’s see…” The short guy with guns dug out his version of the map and nodded as he confirmed the location of their cabin ,”We can walk there together!” He smiled at me.

I blushed, yea, blushed. He was just so cute with his puppy eyes…awww…

“Yay!” I punched the air. Boy ulzzang pushed to the front of the group to give me I high five.


We walked past the barnyard slowly, it was 3:22, and we took our lovely time strolling, chatting, getting to know each other.

“So…can you introduce yourselves?” I asked.

“Not until you introduce yourself first” They gestured at me.

“Fine…uhh…I’m Kim Seoltang, also known as Sugar in English…” I started. The boys sounded out my English name unevenly, which made me laugh ,”I got sent here by my mother because she said I needed a change with my life, apparently…” I rolled my eyes at that “Uhh…yea, that’s pretty much it…your turn!”

They leaned in to whisper amongst themselves. Eh?



The boys leaned in to whisper.

“What can we say? I don’t want her to know we’re SHINee…not yet…I want to make a real friend that doesn’t like me because I’m a celebrity” Taemin pouted.

“I’ll take the lead, alright?” Onew announced. The boys nodded and they pulled out of the small huddle, facing their new found friend with huge grins.



They faced me with huge grins on their faces. I looked at them expectantly.

“Hi! I’m Weno, and I love chicken!” The boy with the semi low voice said cheerfully, “This is Mubik…” He pointed to the boy ulzzang who suddenly looked pissed when Weno said his name, “…This is Gonglyong” He pointed to the short (cute) dude, I giggled, a guy named Dinosaur...nice ,”…this is Homin” He pointed to the tall guy, “And last but not least, Mintae.” Weno pointed at the boy who kind of looked like a girl.

“You all have really funny names” I giggled.  The only normal sounding one was Homin’s name.

“Err….yea, we do” Mubik laughed and then glared at Weno. I shook my head while smiling…Boys.

“Ah~ We’re here! Cabin 601!” We stopped in front of a cabin.

“I’m guessing that one is yours” I pointed to the one next to mine. Our cabins were at the end of the big row of cabins, after you pass through some bushes, that is…it was almost…hidden…

Behind the cabins was a forest, thank goodness it was still day, or the backdrop would’ve scared the poop outta me at night. How did I go from being next to the food hall to being next to…a forest? = =


OMG FINALLY I FINISH. Gosh, that was a long chapter :P I got pissed that winglin was down AGAIN XD

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH OMG IM SO LAME, i couldn't think of any 'fake' names for the boys so i just muddled their names up. 

Backwards: Onew= Weno, Mubik: Kibum

Switched: minho= homin, taemin=mintae

Completely different: Jonghyun= Gonglyong (which means dinosaur in korean since jong looks like a DINO :P                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Oh yea, I moved the comment replies to the bottom, so that when you read, there wouldn’t be this whole BRICK of words completely unnecessary to you (who would want to read other people’s comment replies?) so…yea, I moved it to the bottoomm :P

@Supriya Hahaha thank you, its random humor…though I thought this chapter was kinda humor-less :S but I hope you enjoyed it none the less! <3

@icemochi18 OMG WHO CAN IT BE? Ugh…I shouldn’t have made it sound like the voice was too male-ish cuz we all know divas can’t have deep voices (that would be kinda wrong XD) well, it’s KEYKEY!!~


my eyes are burning...winglin is down...and i'm pissed. HAHAHHAHA BUT WHATEVER, GOTTA SLEEP NOW :D BYE!

Prease comment :)

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)