Chapter 18

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!


[Music; It’s You – Super Junior (HAHAHAH I WROTE SUGAR JUNIOR WTF :P)

[Eating; drinking Yakult :3


so much homework to do these days OTL OTL but because it’s a Halloween chapter, I tried to update as fast as possible before all the Halloweeness of the season is gone :P



I broke out in cold sweat as the entrance of the haunted house loomed nearer and nearer. My grip on both Amber and Taeyeon’s arms tightened.

“Ow! Sugar! I know you’re scared, but if you keep doing that, my arms will have permanent nail marks.” Taeyeon yelped and I quickly let go as she started furiously rubbing her arm.

“Good thing my hoodie is thick…” Amber grinned.

The small group in front of us went in, I got a glimpse of what the scary looking factory held inside…basically nothing, it was all total blackness…which scared me even more.

, and we’re next.

I felt a nauseating feeling build in my stomach, and I felt a cramp coming on.

You know when your stomach hurts when you’re terribly nervous about something?

Yea, that.

A hand landed on my shoulder, I turned to see Onew nodding, as if he was silently giving me support.

I smiled slightly in reply.

“…Are you scared?” Key’s voice broke our silent conversation.

I swerved my head in the direction of his voice so that I could look at him.

“Of course she is, isn’t it obvious?” Onew answered for me. Key had nothing to say for that.

Thank you Onew,…again.

“Aw, don’t be scared.” Jonghyun overheard and patted my back. Minho and Taemin nodded with worried looks in their eyes.

“Chickens will be chickens.” Key snorted. Oh, how silly of me to think that he had suddenly became nice again, I’m also starting to get annoyed at his attitude.

“Don’t be mean, Key…and don’t talk about chicken, there is none around and it’s making me feel helpless.” Onew snapped. Key just chuckled and jostled Onew.

“I’m serious.” Onew said, looking, well…serious and crossing his arms.

“Me too, about Sugar being chicken, that is…and you’re just serious about chicken. Case closed.” Key retorted.

“Come on, boys, don’t fight.” Taeyeon patted both their shoulders like a mother would to her two bickering sons. I giggled as I saw the weird looks that Key and Onew both gave her.

“Next!” Mike called out and motioned for our group to go forward so that we were closer to the entrance of the haunted house. My grin disappeared and that nauseating feeling returned to the pit of my stomach. this.

“Damnitdamnitdamnit…” I muttered under my breath, seriously, I don’t think I could clutch Amber’s arms any tighter.

“Line up in the order you guys are going in.” Mike ordered. We shuffled around so that we formed a line of twos. In the lead was Key and Taeyeon, then Me and Amber, Onew and Jonghyun, and at the very back was Taemin and Minho. Once he saw that we were in order, he started listing out the rules.

No eating or drinking.

No touching the ghosts.

No destroying the props.

No biting the ghosts…wait what? Who would do that?

Mike must’ve seen my confused expression.

“Trust me, it had happened many times…anyways, everybody, just have fun, okay? See you later…only if you make it out alive to the other end!” He cackled evilly and as if on cue, the doors opened by themselves. We were greeted by the total darkness of the interior of the haunted house. It smelt faintly of plastic and…sewer?? Ew, I don’t know, it just stinks.

Taeyeon clapped happily, and skipped in, leaving Key a few steps behind her, we advanced into total blackness.

“Yah! Taeyeon, don’t go too fast, wait for me!” Key yelled. Was he…scared?

“I’M RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, BIMBO.” I heard her slapping his arm. Just then, the doors behind us slammed shut with a huge ‘bang’, causing all of us to yelp out in surprise. We froze and waited, not knowing where to go next.

“Guys, where are we supposed to go? I can’t see anything…” Minho whispered urgently. I whimpered and felt my whole body break out into cold sweat once again, as if there wasn't enough of that stuck in my pores already.

“Same here…I can’t see any- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Taeyeon let out a blood curling scream, we all screamed as well, even though we didn’t really know for what.

Suddenly, she started laughing, somebody switched on a flashlight, I covered my eyes as the sudden provision of light blinded me. There, standing right in front of Taeyeon was a ghost, but if you looked closer…you could see that it was…

“Becky!” We all shouted in unison.

“Shhh, I need to keep in character!...Follow me.” She shushed us and motioned for us to follow her. I giggled, this wasn’t so scary, she’s already out of character! Maybe haunted houses aren’t tha-HOLY MOTHER OF CRAP!

A coy hand had wrapped around my leg with me knowing, and now it was tugging on it. Since it was pitch black (excluding the light coming from Becky’s flashlight up ahead), I couldn’t see who it was.

“LET GO OFF MY LEG! YAH!” I shook furiously and let go off Amber’s arm that I was once tightly holding to try and slap the hand away, the light swung around as everyone turned to look at the sudden commotion. The hand eventually slithered back into the darkness where it had came from.

The light turned off. We panicked.

“Becky??” Jonghyun called out, voice shaking. But there was no answer.

“…MUAHAHAHAH, we have successfully led you into the darkness of Chungdo factory, here lies many worker’s spirits, who have died during an incident back in 1965…now they’re back on Halloween night, to take YOUR spirit…you’d better run! Or they’ll catch you!”

While the scary guy’s voice echoed out throughout the empty factory, I ran urgently to where the group was. Damn that arm, I was now separated from Amber.

I reached out and grabbed the nearest person’s arm, clutching onto it like my life depended on it. I don’t even care who it is, whoever I was holding onto, he/she wasn’t shaking me off, so I guess it’s okay.

A loud thump sounded from behind us. We jumped.

“Keep walking kids…” A slithery voice hissed from behind.

“We can’t see!” Taemin wailed, we waited for an answer.

Candles suddenly flickered on like magic, they were lined up against the wall, creating a faint glow in the dark space.

At least it wasn’t as blinding as Becky’s flashlight had been.

I looked up to see who I was holding onto. Even in the dim light, I could make out his sharp features and obvious cheekbones…Key?

He looked down at me and raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t shake me off nor say anything as the whole group moved along the dark hall, following the voice’s instructions.

“WAH!” A shout came from up front, I stretched my neck to see Amber jumping into Jonghyun’s (waiting) arms as a plastic dead body dropped down from the ceiling. An uneasy curl rolled in my stomach, I was sure it wasn’t because of the fear that I was feeling, this was different.

“WOOHOOOOO AMBER JUST HUGGED ME!” Amongst the tense atmosphere, Jonghyun chose this moment to yell out.


“I told myself~”


We all ran straight for the exit as soon as we saw it, I was laughing my head off and screaming for the fun of it. It wasn’t that bad, actually, I might not even be scared anymore.

My costume was all ripped, cuz there was this part where we walked through the little garden behind the factory, and there were just plants everywhere, nobody seemed to have bothered to tidy that place up, and so those stupid arms of the dead trees ripped my costume. Oh well.

The funniest part was how Taeyeon was so fearless, everytime she encountered something scary, instead of screaming and running straight ahead to get away as quickly as possible, she would just stick up her middle finger and roared at the ghosts…until one old looking ghost came up to her and told her to stop.

Amber was actually not as tough as I had expected her to be, but then again, she DID punch two…no, three ghosts in total.

As soon as my face hit the cold night air, I bent over to take a deep breath. But something stopped me from doing so. Turning my head, I realized that my arms were still looped through Key’s. I blushed in embarrassment and quickly took my arms out of his.

“Sorry.” I muttered. He had a slight smile on his face.

“Well, that was FUN…right Sugar? Right? Right? Right?” Taeyeon grinned.

“Yes, that was.” I smiled, everyone broke out into a conversation about their favorite part in the haunted house,…all that. Only Onew and I didn’t have anything to talk about. Then I remembered.

“Onew!” I called out over my friends’ chatter and motioned for him to come over to me.


“Didn’t you want to say something to me earlier? I didn’t forget.”

“Uhm…yea, about that…” Onew scratched the back of his head and looked around nervously, “…come.” He pulled my wrist and the next thing I knew, we were standing behind one of the short trees by the pathway.

“Why can’t you just tell me out there? Why? Why? Why? Why??” I panicked. Maybe Onew was actually a delusional killer who-

My train of thoughts were stopped midway as he placed a hand over my mouth.

“MMMFFFFHHH!” I mumbled into his hand.

“Shh! Sugar! Just listen to me before you say anything else.” He ordered.


I made wild hand movements and tried to take his hand off. Finally, he got what I was trying to say and let go.

HUUUUUURRRRR. I breathed in some nice, sweet, beautiful air and turned to look at him.

“Yes? I won’t say anything, just let your thoughts out.” I told him.

“Okay…uh…Sugar, I just wanted to tell you…” He shuffled his feet around before mumbling the last part, “…I like you.”


EHHHHHH? WHAT IS THIS??? >:) some of you guessed right on what he wanted to say…good job :D was it too obvious though?? XD


@Supriya OMFG ME TOOO :( my heart shattered into millions of pieces T_T He’s my bias too :)

@xadrimusicx hahahah bingo ^ ^ oh, he’s a KFC delivery person :P

@LuvZhuLing ;) did you like what happened? XD (lol not much, but :P)

@amberluvs BINGOO :) hahahah witch XD yes, taemin beats EVERYONE when it comes to the dance floor ;)

@Choi_Minju-Nikka aww thanks :D and sorry icouldn’t update in time before Halloween ended :( hope you still like this update though XD and yess I love eating *_* LOL NO, THAT DIDN’T REALLY MAKE SENSE I JUST EAT WHEN I’M BORED (which is most of the time) :P

@POISONWORDS hehehehe yesss you guessed right >:)

@icemochi18 YES HE DOES > < Sugar likes Jonghyun, Onew likes Sugar…what is happening to my story??? WHAT ABOUT KEY??? XD but don’t worry, I havent’ forgotten him.

@chaoticpanda wow, that IS a bad way to start November :/ RIP, chaoticpanda’s granny :(

@transparent_ninya hehehe thank you, hope you liked this one…now you know what onew will say :D

@graceannn HAHAHAHAHHAHA KINDA RIGHT XD I WILL SAY YESS TOOOO! Even though he’s not my bias, but DUBU IS TOO CUTE TO RESIST > < anyways, hope you liked the update! J


thank you all so much for the comments, they really fuel me :D 

so…Onew likes sugar…Sugar likes Jonghyun…WHERE ABOUTS DOES KEY FIT? DON’T WORRY, it’s all part of the plan >:)


ah yes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABI!~ 

Remember my first story 'Gimme Five'? :) okay, maybe not, but it was my first fanfic and it was about Big Bang. Big Bang brought me into K-pop, and SHINee made me stay in the KPop realm. TOP was my first ever bias, so Big Bang and TOP means a lot to me personally :P Even though i'm not as avid of a fan of them as before, i still love them sooo much, they're special :D

and guess what? I'M PUMPED FOR THEIR COMEBACK, OH YEAHHH~ XD any VIPs here? :)


P.S i didn't put this on winglin yet cuz it's being slow T_T but i want to update today, :)



xx. :)

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)