Chapter 19

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

[Music; Two Worlds – Phil Colins. (hey, old Disney songs are the only English songs I listen to okay? Please understand, they give me good childhood memories XD TARZAAAANNN WHOOOOHOOO~ this song really gives me chills, listen to it! :D)
[Eating; N/A (FOR ONCE, LMAO XD)

wow, I really haven’t updated in a while…well, I had to attended my grannie’s traditional funeral last week, I had a Chinese test, and I recently had to go sailing…so I was pretty busy ^ ^;


“…I like you.”

As soon as his words settled in to my brain, my eyebrows shot up a few good inches.

“…pardon?” I asked, even though I clearly heard him say…

“I like you.”

Yup, that.

“You…you’re not joking right?” I asked incredulously, my eyes were as big as saucers, though they were kinda getting quite dry and itchy as I didn’t blink. Onew sighed deeply.

“I’m not joking…it was just something I had to let out.” Onew looked up at me with a hopeful glance.

It pained me that I didn’t return his feelings, It was like tears were about to spill out of his eyes if I rejected him. At this moment, I really wanted to like him, so that I wouldn’t hurt his feelings by saying that I didn’t.

“I’m sorry, but…” I was shushed once again by Onew, but this time he just placed a finger near my mouth instead of strangling me like while ago.

“It’s okay, I knew that you didn’t like me back, it wasn’t like I had a chance anyways, it’s obvious you like Jonghyun.” He sadly smiled.

“No Onew, you’re actually a really amazing guy, it’s just…I don’t see you that way. I’m so sorry…” I felt like hugging him, he looked so sad. But my guilt weighed me down, making my limbs unable to move.

“…It’s okay, as I said, I just didn’t want to keep that inside me anymore…we can still be friends, right?” He asked. I nodded furiously.

“Friends. Like before.” I smiled and held out my hands.

“Friends, like before.” He repeated and shook my hand.

“Pretend this never happened?” I cocked my head, still shaking his hand.

“Well, it WOULD take time to get over my feelings, but you know, I would try for sure.” Onew grinned.

“That’s good.”

“Yup.” He nodded and looked to the side, “WELL, I’m glad that went well, should we get back to the others?”

I nodded.

“C’mon,…my friend.” He placed his hands on his hips and I linked my arms through his.

But then I remembered that I had something else to ask, so I stayed on the spot when Onew started to skip away, thinking that I would skip along with him. When I didn’t, he looked back at me with a confused expression.

“Is there anything wrong?” He tugged on my arm and searched my face.

“Mmhm. I just want to ask…is it really obvious that I like Jonghyun?” I cocked my head to one side,”…not that I do, but just asking.” I quickly added.

“You don’t have to deny it…” He laughed,”…for me, it is pretty obvious, the way you respond to him merely interacting with you…I don’t know about the others. Maybe it’s only because I like you, so I notice more.” Onew placed a finger on his chin thoughtfully. I pursed my lips and looked at him until he realized his mistake.

“…I mean, ‘because I HAVE liked you.’”

“Better.” I grinned. He rolled his eyes.

“C’mon, don’t worry too much about it…it’s just a harmless crush, what’s so bad to know about it anyways?” He questioned.

“Well, it IS pretty obvious that he likes Amber, I mean, he looks like he wants to MARRY her…” Onew motioned for me to continue when I paused, “…and If people know that I like him, and Amber likes him back, then they would probably be together. WHICH results in me being sad AND people feeling sorry for ‘poor little Sugar’. I wouldn’t want that to happen.”

“You know what you are?”

“No, what?”

“Paranoid. Now, every person should have hope in love.” He stated.

“…But you don’t.” I pointed out.

He scratched the back of his head again, “Eh, that’s cuz I know for a fact that you don’t like me back…that’s different. How do you know he doesn’t like you back?”

“Ionno…but thanks for telling me anyways that I should have hope in love…” I smiled.

“No problem.” He tousled my hair and we skipped like joyful sailors back to the group…whom I don’t think even noticed that we were even gone.


“So, you’re Korean, grew up in China, but lived in America? What?” Jonghyun flared his nostrils. We were just as confused as him.

“NONONO, I’m CHINESE, I grew up in AMERICA, and I currently live in KOREA.” Amber said exasperatedly, “…How many times do I need to repeat it before you guys remember it??”

“Well, it’s not our fault that you have so much relation to so many nationalities.” Minho grumbled.

“Well it’s not my fault my dad chose to live EVERYWHERE. Blame HIM.” Amber popped a piece of my milk candy in . We were all sprawled out on the floor of our cabin, we have washed up and the boy decided to come over to hang out.

“”Who’s your dad anyways?” Onew asked.

“A guy.”

“No, really.”

“He’s the the uh, main director of this camp.”

“WOOAHHH YOU SERIOUS?” Key exclaimed in disbelief.

“niiice.” Onew nodded, impressed.

“So…does that mean that we can skip classes ANYTIME we want, hun?” Jonghyun’s eyes widened and nudged Amber’s leg with his toe.

“Get your stinky toe away from me, and no, I’m not about to take advantage of my dad for you, plus I’m not your freaking HUN.” She replied and crossed her arms. Jonghyun continued on to nudged her leg with his toe, in which she got angry and twisted his toe, which made him scream out in pain.

“So…can we at least get better food?” Minho suggested. Amber glared and he held up his hands,”…calm, I was just asking.”

“What with all these questions about me anyways? Let’s play something other than ‘Ask Amber 1000 questions till the day she dies’.” She rolled her eyes.

“Oh! Then let’s play…TRUTH OR DARE!” Taemin exclaimed.

“No! Bad game! Taemin, you’ve been drinking too much banana milk, have you.” Key scolded, seemingly to be very against the idea of playing Truth or Dare.

“Okay, let’s just have a vote.” Onew announced,”…All people in favor of playing Truth or Dare, raise your hands.”

We all raised our hands, Taemin tried to but Key held down his arms.

“ALL YOU TRAITORS.” Key shouted angrily.

“Gee, don’t be so emotional about Truth or Dare, it’s just a game.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.


“…Onew, go…kiss Sugar on the cheek!” Minho ordered. Onew recoiled, a shocked expression on his face. My eyes bulged out of their sockets.

“WHAT?” Both of us chorused.

“Onew, you chose dare.” Minho wagged a finger, “…you can’t back out.”

“B…b…but…” Onew stuttered and we shared a confused glance.

“I told you it was a dangerous game.” Key muttered by the bedpost he was sitting beside, looking as moody as ever for who knows the reason why. He had chose to sit out of this game.

“…Or you’ll have to tell us what you really do late at night outside.” Evil Minho pushed on.

“OH YEA! I’ve always wanted to know why you’re always out late at night.” Taemin chirped innocently.

“NONONONO I’LL DO IT. WHATEVER.” Onew waved his hands and stood up to come and crouch beside me.

“Is it okay?” He whispered softly in a worried tone of voice so that only I could hear him.

“Yea, just don’t be too happy you get to do this.” I joked, and he flicked my arm, “…ow!”

“I told you, I’m over you…” He grinned.

“WE’RE WAITINGGGG.” Jonghyun propped his head on his arms and smiled. I looked at my friends and realized they were staring at us with this intense gaze, as if they expected us to start making out or something. Key…he was not gazing, nor staring…but…glaring.

I shifted uncomfortably in my spot, and Onew chose that time to peck me lightly on the cheek. My friends cheered as Onew walked swiftly back to his spot.

I rolled my eyes at their immaturity.

“…I’m going to the toilet.” Key excused himself and went to the bathroom.

“What’s his problem?” Taeyeon spoke everyone’s thoughts aloud as the bathroom door slammed shut.

“Don’t know, even his moodswings back in Seoul aren’t this scary.” Jonghyun mused. The rest of SHINee agreed.

“Maybe it’s the country air.” Onew suggested.

“…ANYWAYS, SUGAR! YOUR TURN! TRUTH OR DARE!” Jonghyun grinned at me.

“Truth.” I replied quickly.

“Okay…so. Who do you LIKE.” He wiggled her eyebrows up and down. I felt all the blood in my body rush up to my face. WHAT DO I SAY?

‘I like you, but I’m currently trying to get over you’?? NO ING WAY.

“UH…NOBODY…” I bit my lip and sent Onew an S.O.S glance.

“HOW ABOUT JUST LET SUGAR DO A DARE.” He shouted. Jonghyun considered it for a moment and nodded, shrugging. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“…then,…kiss…JONGHYUN!” Taeyeon clapped her hands.


WHAT? WH-WHERE DID TAEYEON GET THAT IDEA FROM, WHAT IS THIS? IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN TELLING WHO I LIKE. I shot daggers at her, she cocked her head as if saying, ‘what?’. Oh right, nobody, except for Onew confirmed that they knew that I like Jonghyun,…better to leave it that way.

I composed myself, I don’t like him, I don’t like him.

“DON’T MAKE SUGAR DO IT, SHE CLEARLY DOESN’T WANT TO!” Amber shouted. I thanked her mentally.

“Woah, calm down, it’s just on the cheek like Onew’s to Sugar. Plus, it’s not like any of them likes one another.” Taeyeon patted Amber’s back. I bit my lip as she said the last part of her sentence. I don’t even know anymore, but then again, Onew’s words about having hope in love.

“Are you too chicken to kiss a guy on the cheek?” Taeyeon pushed.

“Ugh, I’ll just do it, whatever.” I went over to Jonghyun. I’ll show her I’m no chicken.


Jonghyun at first looked offended, “I SO DO NOT STINK…but whatever you say, honey.” He looked at Amber dreamily.

Somehow, I had a feeling that…Amber herself didn’t want me to kiss him.

I placed a finger to my lip and then thwacked it on Jonghyun’s cheek. He held it in pain.

“There, a kiss.” I glanced at the corner of my eye while the others groaned at how it was not an actual kiss. Amber seemed to be looking quite relieved. Wait, if she didn’t want me to kiss Jonghyun…then does that mean she likes him too?

I’m seriously confused, but I felt that I did the right thing for the time being.

gah, feelings feelings everywheree~



@POISONWORDS don’t worry about them, it’s all part of the plot :) there will be a love triangle between most (if not all) of the characters….it’s gonna get interesting J

@Cuppiecakes22 HAHAH YES HE DID :3 and I think I know what you mean by that ^ ^ here’s an update! Sorry for the delay, though :(

@amberluvs hehehe here’s the next one! :)

@LuvZhuLing agree :)

@silvrwngz HAHAH :D


@icemochi18 HAHAH I DO?? :O let’s all clap for Onew’s bravery /claps.

@Supriya aw, let’s hope Onew stays true to his word and lets go of Sugar ^ ^ HAHAHAHA CHOCOLATE IAL. Ohh the love mess gets even messier, but they will all be happy, don’t worry :3 HAHAH I CAN SEE, here’s an update, don’t be too worried,…,may I call you unnie? :) OMG ME TOO! I got angry for quite a while (but not ANTI angry, cuz I would slap myself if I turned anti against jong) XD I LOVE KEY SO MUCH TOO <33

@graceann HAHAHAHAHA HEREEE sorry it’s late and not actually that exciting ;_______;

@Choi_Minju_Nikka yes he did! Jyupp…I wonder why? ;)


sorry again, for the delay, :S

oh! Btw, I DO write other things other than this fic, some of you might know (or not) that I’m a hardcore jongkey shipper, I write oneshots on them, check them out if you’d like, drop by and say hi if you have a lj journal acc.! :)

old journal:
current active journal:

see you next time!
Xx :)

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)