Love's Way

ONew’s phone vibrated causing his whole pillow to follow suit. He groaned in annoyance as he cracked an eye open. He pulled his phone out from under his pillow and winced as the light from it blinded him for a few seconds. He had received a message. “Gosh…It’s still sooo early~” ONew whined as he read the message.

“The schedule for the upcoming months have been sent to you. Please inform the rest of the details.


Onew fell back onto his pillow as he whined quietly in his head about being the leader and not getting enough sleep. He puffed out his cheeks as he pushed himself lazily to the foot of his bed only to estimate wrongly and ended up falling onto his on the cold hard floor. “ouch~” he whispered as he rubbed the tender spot on his bottom. He pushed himself to his feet as he glanced up, his eyes accidentally falling onto Key’s sleeping face. The moonlight had managed to slice between a gap through their curtain, highlighting Key’s perfect features. Heat crept up to his cheeks as he shook himself back to reality. With a heart that was still racing he sauntered out of the room and closed the door quietly behind him.

 He dragged his feet to the front door and his sleepy eyes landed onto a thick crumpled envelope that had obviously been forced through the tiny letter slot on the door. ONew sighed. He slumped himself onto the floor as he picked up the envelope before him. Onew straightened up the folded sheets of papers and stared at it. It took him a full five minutes to finally let the news sink in. His eyes gradually widened as he froze. He gulped as the papers slipped out of his grasp and scattered across the floor. The silence took over as he stared blankly up ahead.


“WHATTT????!!!!!!!” Jonghyun yelled as he strangled Onew. Onew gripped tightly onto Jonghyun’s arm, trying to pry them off of his neck.

“WE CAN’T DO THAT!! We…we’re…I…”Jonghyun’s mind pictured out the future only to make him panic even more and his grip on his hyung’s neck tighten. Key, obvious to the dangers, pulled Taemin closer to him and further away from the beast before them. “Yah!Yah Kim Jonghyun Hyung! You’re killing our leader there,” Key shouted, still keeping his safe distance. Taemin’s hair, Key tried again, “yah yah! Okay we get it. You’re angry but please, don’t take it out on hyung”. Jonghyun turned to him shocked and flabbergasted. Key gave him the “what”-look. ONew, seeking the moment yanked his dongsaeng’s hand off him and jumped far away behind the sofa. “How can you be okay about this?” Jonghyun said. Key shrugged. “I’m not okay, okay. I’m just not exaggerating my feelings unlike someone” he glared at him. Jonghyun jumped out of the sofa and began pacing around the living room. He walked right into Minho’s chest. “Hyung, I know you’re mad about all this but—“

“ouhh I’m not mad…I’M FURIOUS ABOUT THIS!!!! HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO US?! HOW LOW CAN THEY GET???!!!!” Jonghyun cut Minho off as he yelled out his frustration. His other members winced. “Jonghyun ah…I understand what you mean but we can’t just insult them like this…I mean, I bet they don’t even know that they had stolen our contract and leave us with this instead,” ONew stood out from his hiding spot and tried to reason out with . Taemin looked up to Key as Key scoffed at Onew’s words.

“yeah right. They had no idea about them stealing our contract. They happened to just sign a contract that has obviously been stated that is reserved for SHINEE,” Key hissed. Onew turned to him with an exasperated look. “you’re not helping,” he whispered making Key to roll his eyes.

“Hyung is right. I bet U-Kiss’ managers are the one who had persuaded the show to take them instead of us. It can’t really be their fault. Come on Hyung…It’s U-kiss we’re talking about here,” Minho sighed as he pulled Jonghyun to the sofa. Jonghyun stared blankly as U-kiss’ Kevin walks into his mind. That angelic face turned to smile brightly and sweetly at him only to turn into a devilish smirk. Jonghyun came back into his senses as he shuddered at the thought. Minho raised an eyebrow.

“But still~” Jonghyun whimpered as Onew cut him off.

“That’s it. Enough. I’ve called Manager-Nim and he said he’ll try to do something about it. So in the mean time, we SHINee is better than to mope around. We must do our part and be the best---“

“Student of International Seoul High-School?” Key raised his eyebrow. Taemin pouted, Minho sighed, Jonghyun teared up once again while Onew face palmed.




Kyaa~ First chapter is up!^.^

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pignie1 #1
i'm wait for next update!! and i hope it will be a long chapter. :)
new subscriber here! aha read up to the latest chapter in one go. love this story! ^^ looking forward to what happens next
GGsuju #3
minho minho minho T-T
musiclover251 #5
nononooo!!! <br />
cleo and Minho!!! please!!!!
ooohhh<br />
XD<br />
musiclover251 #7
this story could get verry interesting!!!! hope you stick with this story coz the beginning is really good!!<br />
all the best for your exams!!!
Yo! Wassup! Yup i finally read it! Nice one! A SHINee FF... Just wat i needed. I'm feeling optimistic bout tis one... gonna keep on reading.<br />
So don't get bored with writing this story aite! Keep on updating!<br />