☂ Baekhyun ☂

Aeru Oneshots ♥ - Closed

You looked at your front and your lip trembled with cold and fear. Why Baekhyun brought you here? Your eyes probed the big house that was in front of you. Its doors were ajar and your ears could hear the rumble of the wind creaking the windows without glass. A chill pierced your column and you embraced your arms involuntarily. You didn’t believe in ghosts but with all certainty, this house was creepy.

"Yah, why did you bring me here?" You asked through clenched teeth, looking at him, who was in your right side and a cold wind shook your hair making the bare skin of your neck bristle, and again, another shiver passed down through your spine, making your knees tremble. Baekhyun chuckled softly biting his lower lip as his eyes landed on your face, in a way to contemplate your fear.

"Oh, don’t be afraid jagiya." He grabbed your shoulder protectively with his left arm and rubbed your arm with his cold fingertips. "I just want to see if it's true what people say." He rattled off in a cheerful tone and the corners of his lips rose up forming a mocking smile, which you knew very well. Byun Baekhyun loved challenges and apparently this was one of them.

"Then why you didn’t come with the boys?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and you rushed your hands through your stomach. Unfortunately the fear had taken possession in your weakest point, which was the area of your chest up to your stomach. It was an explainable and nothing good feeling, nothing good at all. "Why did you have to drag me with you?" You asked, feeling a lump form in your throat. You still hadn’t entered into that creepy house and you were already willing to go home.

"Because you're always on my mind." He whispered the words fondly and you quickly turned your face to your right to see his face. A cute smile was on his lips and his eyes were watching your eyes. Yes, you loved your boyfriend, and yes, you would do anything for him, but go to a haunted house? Where he had his head to think of such a thing?

"I'm very flattered by that." You said huskily, and Baekhyun laced his fingers with yours transmitting the heat of his hand, pass to the tip of your cold fingers. "But I think I'll go home." You murmured against the wind and his smile faded from his lips when he heard these words go out of your mouth.

"Pooh... My little one is afraid of ghosts?" He teased and touched with his shoulder in yours, shaking your entire body. Your lips formed a tight line and your throat tucked a sigh. No, you weren’t afraid of ghosts but going to a house like this, abandoned, in the middle of the night is a bit frightening.

"I'm not afraid but I don’t like this house." You said shrinking your arms to protect yourself from the cold. Why do you aligned yourself with him? Why did you say you were coming with him when he said he wanted to go somewhere with you? Ahh stupid. Your mind snatched. "And why are you kidding me?" You asked looking at him with cold eyes and he tightened his grip in your shoulder.

"I'm just joking Nick." He rubbed your arms and stepped forward taking you with him. He took yet another step but you stopped your feet firmly. You didn’t want to go into that house, who knows what you will find there. “Jagiya…” He whined with puppy ​​eyes and you bite your lower lip eventually surrendering. "Ah, that's my girl." He said in a warm tone and you squeezed his fingers with some force. Deep down, you wanted that he caught a fright. You were sure that between you two, who would die over fear, would be you, but you also wanted that he caught a fright and never set foot in that house. At least, not with you.

You two walked slowly through the large backyard, until you two climbed up the small flight of wooden stairs. The wood creaked because of the weight, and you squeezed the arm of Baekhyun. He said nothing, but you had the certainty that later his arm was going to get bruised. A window slammed with such force against the wall and you gave a leap of fear and Baekhyun stifled a laugh with his hand.

"Yah, if you keep laughing because of my fear, I’ll leave." You shot him a glare and he ended with the laughter and opened the front door, bringing you with him. A smell of rotting and burning wood was impregnated in the air and your nostrils flared because of the unaccustomed smell. You two gave some steps, and the wood creaked again. You were afraid that the wood couldn’t bear with the weight of you two and a hole would open under your feet.

"Let's go upstairs." Baekhyun pointed with his index finger at the ceiling and you shook your head multiple times. You only had taken a few steps and you no longer were enjoying what you were seeing and he still wanted to go upstairs? He was crazy.

"Yah... What do you want to prove?" You asked, gagging a bit, while numerous tremors were bothering your body. Your mind cried every second for you to leave but your heart told you to stand beside Baekhyun, and of course, you did what your heart told you to do.

“Nothing.” You managed to see him shrug in the middle of the dark and you protested something incoherent while you were trying to take your phone out of the pocket. You pressed a few keys and then the flashlight with a small smile. The phone sometimes had excellent functions. "I just want to see what's up there." He kept pointing at the ceiling, and took two steps in some direction, making your hand let go his arm.

“Bae… Baekhyun…” Your voice came out, ripped from your throat and the fear tamed your mind, clouding your reasoning. You raised your phone with your trembling hand and you looked around you. There was no sign of him. Your heart began to pound in your chest as you marched through the house looking for him. How he disappeared of your side like that so quickly? You gave a few steps and your feet hit on something, you looked at the ground and your eyes sensed a frame. You curled down and you looked at the picture. The photograph was of a lady dressed all in white. A few tears drifted down from her eyes and she looked sadly at the photographer. Her eyes were entirely sorrowful, and was hanging by a thin line of silence.

"Nick... Where are you? Nick." You heard the voice of Baekhyun sounding muffled and you stood up suddenly, feeling your knees protest, by the abrupt action. You turned your neck, backwards and your eyes widened in fear when you saw something white and shiny leaning against a corner. Your eyes widened more, when you saw that what was shining was the woman, the woman who you saw in that picture.

"Oh... Oh God..." You stammered when the ghost walked up to you with outstretched arms and in a flash she was already in front of you. “OPPA!” You screamed loudly and you felt a hand pull yours, in a tug. Your legs started running and when you found yourself, you were already out of the house because the cold wind shook your clothes. You gulped and you looked at the front door of the house. Something shiny appeared at the door and then disappeared again as if nothing had happened.

“Nick…” Baekhyun whispered your name close to your ear and you turned yourself to him. His chest rose and fell with shortness of breath and his forehead had a few drops of sweat. "Are you okay?" He wondered checking your face and your body in a quick look and you embraced him tightly.

"Never... Never ever again bring me here." You asked feeling the fear leaving your body slowly. "And I hope that you too will never come here." You said resting your head on his chest and your ears hear his heart rates accelerated.

“I’m sorry.” He asked rubbing your back. "God, I was so scared when I didn’t see you at my side." He whimpered resting his chin on your shoulder and squeezing your body with his warm and protective arms. "Never leave my side like that Nick." He asked in a low tone, and you lifted your head and you looked into his perky eyes. “Please.” He asked in a gravelly voice.

"So promise me that you will never let go your hand from mine." You asked and he your cold cheek, nodding.

"I promise." He said lifting his pinky finger and you joined your pinky with his. Then you put yourself on your toes and you stole him a peck.

"Thanks for having protected me from the ghost." You said shyly and he crouched down a bit and put his lips upon yours as he hugged your body snugly. This was the way he had to say 'you're welcome.' When he broke the kiss, he entwined his fingers with yours, smiling a little and both went home, totally forgetting this haunted house for the rest of your lives.

an_elf, here's your ghost request, lol! I hope you liked it dear ♥


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Awwww cute I've read my biases chapters and it's greeeeatt
Chapter 29: OH MY GOSH..this chanyeol...ugh ugh ugh i cant stand it anymore...chanyeol's cuteness...
Chapter 29: Omg this was so cute x3 Channie is a big baby :D
Chapter 29: Hahhaaha chanyeol being a clockblocker between you and youngjae in the learning section! His jealousy was so cute and really fits himself! ♥ XD
Chapter 28: OMG!! Woohyun is so cuteeeeeee when he told the truth about the milk! Hahahaa XD
Chapter 27: Too much sweetness events!! Jungkook cooking my favorite dish then confess that he loves me and jealous when I'm talking to another guy or can't be with him is gonna be the best moment in my life!!! ♥
Chapter 26: Awwww!!!!! This story is cute!! I can imagine how does she feel when tao act like that!! XD
IloveInfinite7 #8
Chapter 28: This is so cute!!! Kyaa~ I love it a lot. Thank you for making it♥ The last part when Woohyun said the truth was so adorable. I smiled like an idiot throughout the whole one-shot c:
Chapter 27: Nsnsmsnssn OMG I LOVE THIS KIND OF STORIES *-*
toukyo #10
Chapter 27: Omg it's so sweet!!! ♡
Made my day tbh, THANK U!!!!